Page 7 - aruba-today-20230316
P. 7
local Thursday 16 March 2023
Mrs. Jocelyn Croes recognized as new
director of the Department of Foreign
(Oranjestad)—Since March ment work, she worked for The department also de-
15th, the Department of organizations within the ploys a key role in regards
Foreign Relations of Aruba United Nations in New York, to cooperation within the
has known a new director Africa and Asia. Croes Dutch kingdom, relation-
in Mrs. Jocelyn M.M. Croes. studied Politics and Inter- ships between different
She is the first woman to national Relations in the countries and international
occupy this position and is US, France and The Nether- organizations. Therefore,
the successor to Mr. Edwin lands. it is important to have a
Abath, who retired a year new director with ample
ago. As it is already know, Aruba experience and relevant
is a country with interna- knowledge of the priorities
Mrs. Croes has an ample tional orientations. Covid of the international budget
and long trajectory within has shown the ways our and developments of the
the government, the inter- world is interconnected as island. It is also important
national branch and glob- also how Aruba can opti- for the person in charge to
al diplomacy, with a focus mize solutions and be resil- have a good network on
on cooperation between ient through international a local and international ment, gender equality, proactive and “get things
countries and international connections during chal- level and knowledge of education, energy, eco- done.”
organizations. lenging times like this. the latest developments nomic and financial de- Considering Mrs. Croes’
around the world, so that velopment, and social and extensive experience and
Since 2002, Croes has To achieve this, the depart- Aruba can keep being ac- sustainable development. knowledge, the prime
worked in various positions ment plays an important tive and amplify its role on She has made sure to cre- minister is confident that
within the government of role; one that will keep an international scale. ate opportunities for Aruba. Croes will be a great ad-
Aruba, and has served as augmenting its importance She represented the Aru- dition to the department.
Minister Plenipotentiary for in the next coming years, During her trajectory as a ban government interna- Prime Minister Evelyn Wev-
Aruba in the US between considering the develop- professional, Mrs. Croes has tionally, negotiated inter- er-Croes wishes Mrs. Croes
January 2008 and August ments on a global level. worked on various topics national agreements and all the success in her new
2014. Before her govern- such as security, disarma- treaties and is known to be position.q
Task Force to review pricing dilemma within tour companies
(Oranjestad)—It is no secret Department of Public Works Authority, Mark Figaroa, “We understand that there of tourists because of pric-
that a few tour company (DOW)—will soon go under stated during a press con- are various challenges ing can leave an ugly view
workers quarrel amongst renovations, a question has ference Monday morning concerning this topic, and of the island. In the soon-to-
each other at the shipping emerged on whether there that the organization will be we are currently working be newly-renovated build-
dock when it comes time will be more regulations reviewing the complaints on various plans in collabo- ing, there will be an Infor-
to gather tourists for tours implemented to control the filed in connection to tour ration with an established mation Center, where tour-
around the island. Consid- situations taking place on company controls around task force (Cruise Tourism ists can find information on
ering the fact that the build- the dock. the times when new cruise Task Force). Thought this Aruba’s culture, top visiting
ing in front of the dock— ships dock. had not been properly or- sites and more.
previously occupied by the The director of Aruba Ports ganized during the pan-
demic, the operation is Figaroa also mentioned
now back on track and the that they are currently dis-
team is working to pick up cussing with other stake-
on their operation and to holders concerning the
improve it. The task force fights surrounding pricing.
consists of various stake- They know that this issue is
holders, including the po- prevalent, “but we have
lice corps and ATA. They all certain projects in the pipe-
are a part of our efforts in line that will be dealt with
searching for the best solu- and where we can look for
tions for this dilemma,” Fi- a solution to minimize and
garoa assured. even avoid these types
The confrontation between of confrontations,” he
company operators in front stated.q