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P. 4
Thursday 16 March 2023
Northeast digs out from winter storm, faces power outages
By RODRIQUE NGOWI and 50’s, but back to winter.”
KATHY McCORMACK About 185,000 customers
Associated Press in the region were with-
PITTSFIELD, Mass. (AP) — out power by mid-morning
Parts of New England and Wednesday, according to
New York were digging out the track-
of a nor’easter Wednesday ing site.
that caused tens of thou- “We are still expecting this
sands of power outages, to be a multiday restoration
numerous school cancel- effort,” Unitil spokesperson
lations and whiteout condi- Alec O’Meara said. Crews
tions on the roads. from New York and Penn-
The storm began Monday sylvania arrived to help
night and lasted through- bring back power in parts
out Tuesday, dumping as of Massachusetts and help
much as 3 feet (91 centi- assess damage from trees
meters) of snow and gusty and downed lines.
winds. Others got just a few There were concerns about
inches or a wintry mix. More roofs weighed down by
high winds and below-nor- the snow. An inflatable
mal temperatures were in Plows, at right, try to pass nearly stopped traffic, due to weather conditions, on Route 93 South, sports arena dome col-
Wednesday’s forecast be- Tuesday, March 14, 2023, in Londonderry, N.H. Associated Press lapsed in Goffstown, New
fore a warm-up later in the Hampshire, which received
week. Peterborough, New Hamp- visor at a manufacturer which got at least 18 inch about 15 inches (38 centi-
“The storm is still centered shire, and in Ashby, Mas- who lives in Peterborough. (45 centimeters) of snow, meters) of snow.
off the New England coast sachusetts, about 15 miles “My wife and I were help- Michael Garvey was using It wasn’t immediately
and there’s still some snow away (24 kilometers), the ing some of the neighbors his snow blower to clear his known whether anyone
showers wrapping around National Weather Service dig out. Literally, we had to sidewalk and help a neigh- was inside at the time or if
the backside of the system said. At least 2 feet (60 shovel five and six different bor dig out his driveway. there were any injuries.
that is impacting portions centimeters) of snow fell in times just to keep it from “I’ve lived here my whole Several cows were killed
of New England,” National parts of northern New York being basically up to our life and I’ve seen some when a barn collapsed at
Weather Service meteo- and the Catskill Mountains, chest.” Settles, who grew snowstorms in April, so it a dairy farm in Dracut, Mas-
rologist Frank Pereira said. with Indian Lake in New up in Leominster, Massa- doesn’t surprise me at all,” sachusetts. The owners of
He added the system is ex- York’s Adirondack Moun- chusetts, remembered bliz- the 71-year-old retired Berk- Shaw Farm said in a state-
pected to “gradually work tains recording 31 inches zards there in the late 1970s. shire County Sheriff’s Office ment Tuesday that they
its way off to the East.” (79 centimeters). “I would say this is the most worker said. “experienced one of life’s
Some of the highest snow “It just snowed, and snow I’ve seen all my life,” “We got teased a couple unexpected challenges,”
totals reported were 35 snowed, and snowed,” he said Wednesday. of weeks ago when the adding that no staff mem-
inches (89 centimeters) in said Geoff Settles, a super- In Pittsfield, Massachusetts, temperature was in the bers were hurt. q
N.Y. diocese facing flood of lawsuits files for bankruptcy
By MICHAEL HILL tions against clergy mem- will determine available as- aside its usual time limit on than 9,000 lawsuits were
Associated Press bers, teachers, Boy Scout sets, Scharfenberger said. civil lawsuits for victims of filed against churches,
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — The leaders and others. Dioceses across the nation childhood sexual abuse hospitals, schools, camps,
embattled Roman Catho- “The decision to file was not have filed for bankruptcy for a two-year period end- scout groups and other
lic Diocese of Albany be- arrived at easily and I know protection in recent years. ing in August 2021. More institutions.q
came the latest diocese in it may cause pain and suf- In New York, Albany is the
New York to seek bankrupt- fering, but we, as a Church, fifth of eight dioceses to
cy protection Wednesday can get through this and take the action, a list that
as it faces hundreds of law- grow stronger together,” includes those based in
suits alleging sexual abuse. Scharfenberger said in a Buffalo, Rochester and
Bishop Edward Scharfen- release. Rockville Centre on Long
berger announced the The bishop said that as Island.
Chapter 11 filing after cases brought under the Some attorneys represent-
months of negotiations state’s Child Victims Act ing plaintiffs against the Al-
between the upstate New were settled, “our limited bany diocese accused it of
York diocese and lawyers self-insurance funds which using bankruptcy as a legal
representing plaintiffs over have been paying those tactic.
a potential settlement. settlements, have been de- “We urge everyone to see
The Albany diocese, like pleted.” He said the bank- the Diocese’s strategy for
others in the state, is deal- ruptcy filing was the best what it is: chicanery de-
ing with a deluge of law- way to ensure that all survi- signed to perpetuate a
suits dating to when New vors with pending litigation $600 million corporation’s
York temporarily suspend- receive some compensa- pattern of decadence, de- Newly ordained Bishop Edward B. Scharfenberger, left, is helped
ed the statute of limitations tion. The action halts legal ception, and denial,” said with his Crosier by Cardinal Timothy Dolan, April 10, 2014, during
to give victims of childhood actions against the diocese attorney Jeff Anderson in a the installation of the tenth Bishop of the Albany Diocese at the
abuse the ability to pursue and will allow it to develop statement. Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Albany, NY.
even decades-old allega- a reorganization plan that New York temporarily set Associated Press