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a8 local
Friday 31 March 2023
No new permits for nor the transfer of UTV and ATV permits
The Minister of Transport, ing the traffic flow.
Mr. Ursell Arends, decided
to stop granting new per- To mitigate the negative
mits for UTVs and ATVs for impact of UTVs and ATVs
public transport nor trans- on the community, nature,
ferring existing UTVs and traffic safety, and traffic
ATVs permits. flow, the Minister decided
not to grant new permits
During the past years, there nor transfer existing vehicle
was a noticeable increase permits for these vehicles.
in Utility Task Vehicles (UTV)
and All-terrain vehicles Minister Arends based his
(ATVs) in Aruba, in particu- decision on the task force's
lar by tour operators. advice. The task force con-
sists of DOW, DTP, DNM, DIP,
This increase affects nega- also causing harm to our DTI, KPA, DWJZ, DEZHI, and
tively. UTVs and ATVs drasti- nature (flora, fauna, and ATA representatives. The
cally increased the number geomorphologic proper- government formalized this published in the National aimed at better regulation
of accidents with injuries ties), causing a nuisance of decision in the Ministerial Gazette edition #7. This de- of UTV/ATV and its negative
and material damage. It is dust and sound and hinder- Order on March 16, 2023, cision is part of the policy impact.q
15 candidates graduated as customs officer Import Duties and Excises
ORANJESTAD - On March recovering, there is more
24, 2023, the Minister of Fi- investment and import of
nance, Mrs. Xiomara Mad- goods. The customs de-
uro, attended the gradua- partment must be better
tion ceremony of 15 newly prepared to cope with the
graduated customs officers daily demands.
Import Duties and Excises.
On behalf of the Govern-
The updated course start- ment of Aruba, Minister
ed in 2021 and was no Maduro wished the follow-
walk in the park. During 16 ing customs officers the
months, the Customs offi- best in their careers:
cers in training had to study Jean Britus;
and work under the guid- Joskermin Comas Andujar;
ance of experienced cus- Boutros Frangie;
toms officers. Billiardo Galvis Lozano;
Le-Andro Kock;
"Officers, you should be Eileen Koolman;
very proud of the cer- Roland Lacle;
tificate that you received Kay-Shaun van der Linde;
since it does not only show Anthony Rasmijn;
that you completed the Lishenco Scholtz;
course but also shows your Ariathne Tromp;
discipline, perseverance, Cathline Wernet.
sacrifice, and efforts," the
Minister stated. A special shout-out goes to
the best graduates:
Customs Aruba now has July Saenz Marin;
15 new Custom officers. As Victor Fingal;
the economy of Aruba is Jeanny (Shani) Binda.q
Special donation to the youth library
Each package consists of nature, and Aruba scen- These games can also be
a domino game, a mem- eries. The game ArubABC used by older children and
ory game, and a quartet shows birds, fruits, trees, in classrooms.
game. The images are the musical instruments, sites,
same ones published in and known monuments in Besides publishing "Mi buki
the book Mi buki di Aruba. Aruba. The material is very di Aruba," Steffen's goal is
This book offers the Aruban colorful and attractive. to develop additional ma-
children recognizable pic- Children recognize the im- terial to complement the
tures in their own cultural ages and learn to read let- book, like group games, project was thanks to ports this project.
context and environment. ters, words, or names. exercise books, and digital the subsidy received by
applications. as part of the the Prins Bernard Cultuur- For more information about
The games offer images Steffen Maas created education method. fonds Caribisch Gebied this project, please visit
of various subjects like the these games specially for (PBCCG). The World Liter- https://www.abcbooks.
food and habits of Aruba, children learning to read. The realization of the ABC acy Foundation also sup- org/news. q