Page 32 - bon-dia-aruba-20210423
P. 32

A32    LOCAL
                    Diabierna 23 aPriL 2021

                        German clubs set to quarantine to finish pandemic-hit season

                                                                      camps"  so  the  season  can  League,  which  oversees  the  2020.
                                                                      be finished on time after a  top two men's divisions, said
                                                                      spate of coronavirus cases  on Thursday it will mandate  Hertha had to postpone three
                                                                      sidelined  teams  and  put  "quasi quarantine" from May  games and cancel team train-
                                                                      pressure on the schedule.    3,  with  players  and  staff  al-  ing  for  two  weeks  after  the
                                                                                                   lowed  to  spend  time  only  virus  spread  through  the
                                                                      Bundesliga club Hertha Ber-  at home or at club facilities.  squad, with coach Pal Dardai
                                                                      lin and three second-division  From  May  12,  they'll  move  among those infected.
                                                                      clubs  have  all  had  to  post-  into  a  "quarantine  training
                                                                      pone  games  this  month  af-  camp" shut off from the out-  That means a busy schedule
                                                                      ter  virus  outbreaks  in  their  side  world  for  the  last  two  for  a  team  which  is  facing
                                                                      squads.  More  cases  could  rounds of games.             possible  relegation.  Hertha
                                                                      mean  there's  no  time  to  re-                          will return to action on May
                                                                      schedule  before  the  leagues  The Bundesliga is due to end  3 against Mainz and will play
                                                                      have  to  close  for  the  Euro-  on May 22 but more time is  four  games  in  the  space  of
                                                                      pean Championship in June.   needed  to  hold  promotion-  10  days  to  May  12  after  the
            FRANKFURT,  Germany  teams  will  be  confined                                         relegation  playoffs  before  games  were  rescheduled  by
            (AP)  —  German  soccer  to  "quarantine  training  The           German     Football  clubs release players for Euro  the league on Thursday.
                     IOC approves Tchaikovsky music as Russian anthem at Olympics

            LAUSANNE,         Switzer-   pics in Beijing.             Olympic  Games  and  testing
            land (AP) — Russian gold                                  laboratories  in  Moscow  and
            medalists  at  the  Tokyo  It  was  proposed  by  Russian  Sochi.
            Olympics  are  set  to  hear  Olympic officials  after their
            music  by  Tchaikovsky  as  first choice, the patriotic folk  The team will be known by
            the replacement for their  song "Katyusha," was blocked  the  acronym  "ROC,"  for
            national  anthem,  which  by  the  Court  of  Arbitration  Russian  Olympic  Commit-
            has  been  banned  as  pun-  for  Sport.  It  was  previously  tee, in Tokyo and Beijing.
            ishment  for  state-backed  used at skating world cham-
            doping.                      pionships this year.         It  will  use  the  flag  of  the
                                                                      country's  Olympic  commit-
            The  International  Olympic  A  CAS  ruling  last  year  tee  rather  than  the  national
            Committee  said  Thursday  banned Russia's flag, anthem  tricolor, though official team
            it  approved  Piano  Concerto  and team name from the next  uniforms unveiled last week
            No.  1  by  Russian  composer  two  Olympics  in  the  latest  are in the white, blue and red
            Pyotr Tchaikovsky for use at  punishment for an extensive  colors associated with the na-
            the  Tokyo  Games  this  year  doping  program  and  cover-  tional flag.
            and the 2022 Winter Olym-    ups,  including  at  previous

                         Tokyo Olympics torch relay has first positive COVID-19 case

            TOKYO (AP) — Tokyo Olympics  western  Kagawa  prefecture.  They  slow the latest resurgence fueled by a  fect the subsequent legs of the torch
            organizers  said  Thursday  that  said the officer developed symptoms  new, more contagious variant of the  events.
            a  policeman  tested  positive  for  and tested positive the next day. Local  virus detected earlier in Britain.
            COVID-19 a day after his assign-    health authorities are investigating.                                   The torch relay involves 10,000 run-
            ment  last  week  at  the  Olympic                                      Japan  had  541,496  cases  and  9,710  ners  crisscrossing  Japan  for  four
            torch relay.                        Officials say the policeman was wear-  deaths  as  of  Tuesday.  These  results  month,  ending  at  the  arrival  at  the
                                                ing a mask and taking social-distanc-  are good by global standard but poor  National Stadium on July 23 to kick
            It is the first positive test connected  ing precautions and other measures.  in  Asia.  Without  compulsory  lock-  off the scheduled opening ceremony.
            to the relay since it began March 25                                    downs, people in Japan have become
            from  northeastern  Fukushima  pre-  The report comes as Japan is prepar-  less cooperative with preventive mea-  For precautions, legs last week were
            fecture.                            ing to declare a third state of emer-  sures.                           run in a city park in Osaka and tak-
                                                gency in western metropolitan areas                                     en off the public streets. Something
            Organizers  say  the  policeman,  who  around Osaka, and in Tokyo. It is ex-  The  organizers  said  all  participants  similar is expected for some legs on
            is in his 30s, was assigned to control  pected on Friday and is being re-in-  and officials are taking the best pre-  May  1-2  on  the  southern  island  of
            traffic on the April 17 leg in south-  stated after current measures failed to  cautions and that the case will not af-  Okinawa.
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