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A26    U.S. NEWS
                    Tuesday 4 augusT 2020
            Trump fires TVA chair, cites hiring of foreign workers

            By ZEKE MILLER                                                                                                      TVA from outsourcing much
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi-                                                                                            of  its  information  technol-
            dent  Donald  Trump  said                                                                                           ogy division.
            Monday  that  he  had  fired                                                                                        Trump   made     the   an-
            the chair of the Tennessee                                                                                          nouncement  as  he  signed
            Valley  Authority,  criticizing                                                                                     an  executive  order  to  re-
            the  federal-owned  cor-                                                                                            quire  all  federal  agencies
            poration  for  hiring  foreign                                                                                      to complete an internal au-
            workers.                                                                                                            dit to prove they are not re-
            Trump told reporters at the                                                                                         placing qualified American
            White  House  that  he  was                                                                                         workers  with  people  from
            formally  removing  chair                                                                                           other  countries.  The  White
            Skip Thompson and anoth-                                                                                            House  said  the  order  will
            er  member  of  the  board,                                                                                         help prevent federal agen-
            and  he  threatened  to  re-                                                                                        cies from unfairly replacing
            move  other  board  mem-                                                                                            American workers with low-
            bers  if  they  continued  to                                                                                       er cost foreign labor.
            hire foreign labor.                                                                                                 The  order  followed  the
            The  TVA  is  a  federally                                                                                          TVA's  announcement  that
            owned  corporation  creat-                                                                                          it  would  outsource  20%
            ed in 1933 to provide flood                                                                                         of  its  technology  jobs  to
            control,  electricity  genera-                                                                                      companies  based  in  for-
            tion,  fertilizer  manufactur-                                                                                      eign countries. TVA's action
            ing  and  economic  devel-   President Donald Trump speaks during a meeting with U.S. tech workers, before signing an Execu-  could  cause  more  than
            opment  to  the  Tennessee   tive Order on hiring American workers, in the Cabinet Room of the White House, Monday, Aug. 3,   200 highly skilled American
            Valley,  a  region  that  was   2020, in Washington.                                                                tech  workers  in  Tennessee
            hard  hit  by  the  Great  De-                                                                     Associated Press  to lose their jobs to foreign
            pression.  The  region  cov-                                                                                        workers hired on temporary
            ers most of Tennessee and  year," Trump said. "We want  As Trump was meeting with  issue  after  seeing  a  televi-  work  visas,  according  to
            parts  of  Alabama,  Missis-  the  TVA  to  take  action  on  workers  who  would  shortly  sion  ad  produced  by  U.S.  the White House.
            sippi and Kentucky as well  this immediately. ... Let this  be laid off by the authority,  Tech  Workers,  a  nonprofit  But  Republican  Sen.  La-
            as  small  sections  of  Geor-  serve  as  a  warning  to  any  Trump  was  passed  a  note  that wants to limit visas giv-  mar  Alexander  of  Tennes-
            gia, North Carolina and Vir-  federally appointed board:  from  chief  of  staff  Mark  en  to  foreign  technology  see  said  the  TVA  doesn't
            ginia.                       If  you  betray  American  Meadows  that  said  Lyash  workers, that aired in prime  get  any  taxpayer  money.
            He also said the TVA board  workers,  you  will  hear  two  had called the White House  time on Fox News.           Commenting  on  the  issue
            must  immediately  hire  a  words: 'You're fired.'"       and  was  promising  to  ad-  The  group,  led  by  Kevin  in April, Alexander said the
            new  chief  executive  offi-  Trump  said  the  authority  dress  the  labor  concerns.  Lynn, criticized the TVA for  White  House  was  spread-
            cer  who  "puts  the  interests  was  replacing  many  of  its  Some  of  the  attendees,  furloughing its own workers  ing misinformation. He said
            of Americans first." Accord-  in-house  technology  work-  who are set to see their last  and  replacing  them  with  that  TVA  chief  executive
            ing to Trump, the CEO, Jeff  ers  with  contractors  who  paycheck at the end of the  contractors  using  foreign  officers'  pay  is  lower  than
            Lyash,  earns  $8  million  a  rely  heavily  on  foreign  month, teared up as Trump  workers with H-1B visas. The  other  large  utilities  and
            year.                        workers under the H1-B visa  read the message.            ad, Lynn said, had an "au-   that  TVA  energy  rates  are
            "The new CEO must be paid  program  for  highly  skilled  Trump acknowledged that  dience  of  one,"  aiming  to  among  the  lowest  in  the
            no  more  than  $500,000  a  workers.                     he was made aware of the  persuade Trump to stop the  nation.q
            1st big Southern California wildfire of 2020 keeps on raging

            BANNING,  Calif.  (AP)  —  A                                                           ing.  And  that's  hard  when  of downtown Los Angeles.
            huge  wildfire  in  mountains                                                          you're  standing  six  feet  Flames raced along brushy
            east  of  Los  Angeles  that  is                                                       away. So that's the biggest  ridge tops and came close
            Southern  California's  big-                                                           challenge,"  Medina  told  to  houses  while  firefighters
            gest  blaze  so  far  this  year                                                       KESQ-TV.                     attacked  from  the  ground
            was  still  raging  Monday,                                                            Bill Boehm helped his moth-  and air.
            with  thousands  of  people                                                            er  evacuate  her  home  One  home  and  two  out-
            forced  to  evacuate  their                                                            with  her  three  horses  and  buildings  were  destroyed,
            homes.                                                                                 said  the  pandemic  hasn't  California fire officials said.
            The   blaze   in   Riverside                                                           stopped people from com-     No injuries were reported.
            County,  among  several                                                                ing together to assist each  In   Northern   California,
            wildfires  across  California,                                                         other.                       evacuations were ordered
            had consumed more than                                                                 "Everyone  seemed  to  be  after a wildfire that sparked
            41 square miles (about 106   Firefighters watch the Apple Fire in Banning, Calif., Sunday, Aug.   wearing  masks  and  such,  Sunday  afternoon  spread
            square  kilometers)  of  dry   2, 2020.                                                so that type of precaution  quickly  and  burned  near
            brush  and  timber  since  it                                         Associated Press   was  still  going  on,"  Boehm  homes  near  the  East  Park
            broke  out  Friday  evening,                                                           told the news station.       Reservoir in Colusa County.
            according to the California  added stress at an evacu-    approach during a time of  Investigators  are  trying  to  Complicating   firefighters'
            Department of Forestry and  ation  center,  said  John  social  distancing,  Medina  determine the cause of the  efforts  were  temperatures
            Fire Protection.             Medina  an  American  Red  said.                          blaze  that  began  as  two  in the area north of Sacra-
            As  of  Monday  morning,  it  Cross spokesman.             "I mean, that's part of the  adjacent fires in Cherry Val-  mento  were  expected  to
            was just 5% contained and  Volunteers  used  to  "close  recovery  of  a  disaster,  is  ley,  a  rural  area  near  the  hit  the  upper  90s  (around
            the fire along with corona-  contact"  with  evacuees  that  you  have  to  show  city of Beaumont, about 85  36  Celsius)  by  Monday  af-
            virus precautions made for  have  had  to  adjust  their  warmth and love and car-     miles  (137  kilometers)  east  ternoon. q
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