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                    Tuesday 4 augusT 2020
            Blake Bailey's 880-page Philip Roth bio to arrive in April

                                                                      "Our association was some-   to  Roth's  private  papers,  cording to Bailey, Roth was
                                                                      times  complicated,  but  including  a  295-page  re-     part  conformist,  part  rebel
                                                                      rarely  unhappy  and  never  buttal  to  an  unflattering  and part "monk devoted to
                                                                      dull," Bailey told the AP.   memoir  written  by  ex-wife  his art."
                                                                      Roth's   novels    include  Claire  Bloom,  that  will  oth-  "Chekhov said that he had
                                                                      "American  Pastoral,"  "Port-  erwise  be  destroyed  or  to  squeeze  the  serf  out  of
                                                                      noy's Complaint" and many  sealed  until  2050.  He  said  himself  drop  by  drop,  and
                                                                      other works of classic, con-  that  his  agreement  with  for his part Philip said he had
                                                                      tentious  fiction,  and  his  Roth was similar to those he  to squeeze the nice Jewish
                                                                      dystopian "The Plot Against  had with the literary estates  boy out of himself drop by
                                                                      America,"  about  a  fascist  of  his  previous  subjects,  all  drop,"  Bailey  said.  "But  he
                                                                      U.S. presidency in the 1940s,  of  whom  had  died  before  never quite succeeded; he
                                                                      was adapted into an HBO  he  began  biographies  of  remained both a nice Jew-
                                                                      series  that  aired  this  year.  them.  Bailey  would  have  ish boy and something very
                                                                      He  had  been  thinking  of  full  creative  control  but  unlike a nice Jewish boy to
                                                                      a book about his life since  would allow his manuscript  the end."
                                                                      the  1990s,  originally  asking  to be vetted for accuracy.   Roth had heart troubles for
                                                                      University  of  Connecticut  "They can't tell me what to  decades and would speak
                                                                      professor  Ross  Miller  to  be  think  or  how  to  interpret,"  fatalistically  of  not  being
                                                                      his  biographer,  for  a  pub-  said  Bailey,  who  added  alive for the book's release.
                                                                      lication  scheduled  for  re-  that he hopes readers find  His  emails  to  Bailey  reflect
                                                                      lease  by  Harcourt  Hough-  his book "page turning" and  his dedication to the biog-
                                                                      ton  Mifflin.  But  Roth  and  that whatever perceptions  raphy,  to  the  point  of  ob-
                                                                      Miller, the nephew of Roth's  they  have  of  Roth  would  session,  and  his  awareness
                                                                      friend Arthur Miller, had dif-  become  "far  more  nu-   of  time  and  mortality.  In  a
                                                                      ferent  ideas  for  the  book  anced."                    message sent in November
                                                                      and parted ways in 2009.     Among     the   most   ac-   2012,  not  long  after  Hur-
                                                                      At the suggestion of fellow  claimed and talked about  ricane  Sandy,  Roth  notes
                                                                      literary  biographer  James  authors  of  his  time,  Roth  that  he  has  come  upon
                                                                      Atlas,  Bailey  got  in  touch  was  protective  of  his  life  some   correspondence
            This mage released by W.W. Norton shows "Philip Roth: The Biog-  with Roth.            and  work,  even  openly  from  his  great  contempo-
            raphy" by Blake Bailey, expected next April.              "Why should a gentile from  confronting       Wikipedia  rary, John Updike, who had
                                                     Associated Press
                                                                      Oklahoma  write  the  biog-  about  errors  on  its  page  died a few years earlier. "I'll
            By HILLEL ITALIE             April  6,  2021,  W.W.  Norton   raphy of Philip Roth?" Bailey  for  his  novel  "The  Human  get them to you in the next
            AP National Writer           &  Company  announced        remembered  Roth  asking  Stain." Bailey says that Roth  post-storm-clean-up     UPS
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  In  the  Thursday. Its 880 pages are   him.                        "certainly did try" to shape  package," Roth writes. "This
            Fall  2012,  as  the  willing  the finished result of an un-  "I'm not an a bisexual alco-  the  book's  narrative,  but  is a hard job, man. I may go
            subject of one of the most  dertaking  that  pre-dates    holic  with  an  ancient  Puri-  "always  responded  well"  back to writing."
            anticipated  literary  biog-  not  just  Roth's  death  in   tan lineage, but I still man-  when  Bailey  pushed  back  In another email, Roth ad-
            raphies  in  recent  memory,  2018, at age 85, but Roth's   aged to write a biography  with "civility and profession-  vises Bailey to get in touch
            Philip  Roth  joked  that  he  retirement from public writ-  of  John  Cheever,"  Bailey  alism."  Biographers  have  a  with  an  87-year-old  friend
            had  surrendered  power  ing  after  2010  and  the  in-  responded.                   long  history  of  disenchant-  from  his  alma  mater  Buck-
            over  his  own  life  to  author  volvement  of  Bailey.  The   Biographies  of  living  sub-  ment  with  their  subjects,  nell  University  who  had
            Blake Bailey.                book  is  also  the  outcome   jects  come  in  different  but  Bailey  says  he  came  "sounded  slightly  disorient-
            "I trust you have been get-  of  an  intricate  relation-  categories:  authorized,  in  away  with  great  affection  ed"  when  they  last  spoke.
            ting all the windy emails I've  ship  between  Roth,  the   which  the  subject  partici-  for  Roth,  and  that  for  his  He provides a phone num-
            been  sending  you,"  Roth  relentless son of Jews from   pates  and  often  has  final  book's epigraph he uses a  ber and informs Bailey that
            wrote  to  his  biographer  in  Newark,  New  Jersey,  and   approval;   unauthorized,  suggestion  made  by  the  his  friend  is  expecting  his
            correspondence shared by  Bailey,  a  Catholic  school    written  without  the  sub-  author:  "Don't  try  to  reha-  call.  Roth  also  lists  recom-
            Bailey  with  The  Associated  graduate  from  Oklahoma   ject's  cooperation,  and  bilitate  me;  just  make  me  mended  subjects,  every-
            Press. "My whole writing life  City  previously  known  for   those like Bailey's that land  interesting."          thing from his former land-
            now  revolves  around  you.  his acclaimed books on fic-  in between.                  Roth's life and literary sensi-  lady,  to  the  "mores  and
            Anything  to  make  Blake  tion  writers  Richard  Yates,   Bailey  began  working  on  bility differed in many ways  ethos"  of  Bucknell  to  the
            happy. This is madness."     Charles Jackson and John     the biography in 2012 and  from  Cheever's,  but  Bailey  McCarthy era of the 1950s.
            Bailey's  "Philip  Roth:  The  Cheever, whom Roth knew    received  broad  access  says  both  compartmen-          "After all that," Roth tells him,
            Biography"  is  coming  out  and admired.                 to  Roth,  to  his  friends  and  talized  their  behavior.  Ac-  "you are on your own."q

            Burns outlines 8 projects; PBS launches documentary service

                                                                      By DAVID BAUDER              in  the  works,  half  of  them  ready in 2025.
                                                                      AP Media Writer              in-depth  looks  at  the  four  He's  also  doing  documen-
                                                                      NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  What  personalities.                  taries on the United States'
                                                                      do    Ernest   Hemingway,  The da Vinci project is the  actions  during  the  Holo-
                                                                      Muhammad  Ali,  Benjamin  first one Burns has done on  caust,  the  comeback  of
                                                                      Franklin  and  Leonardo  da  a  non-American  subject,  the buffalo and the history
                                                                      Vinci have in common?        he said.                     of  President  Lyndon  John-
                                                                      All  are  getting  the  Ken  The next great conflict that  son's Great Society.
                                                                      Burns treatment in the next  the maker of "The Civil War"  PBS  announced  an  online
                                                                      few  years.  The  PBS  docu-  is  turning  to  is  the  Ameri-  home  for  Burns'  work  and
                                                                      mentarian  said  Tuesday  can  Revolutionary  War,  a  many  of  its  documentary
                                                                      that  he  has  eight  projects  project  he  hopes  to  have  projects. q
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