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U.S. NEWS Tuesday 4 augusT 2020
Continued from Front County, both of Ada-
"They haven't been to res- mus' children wore masks,
taurants. We only go to though that is not manda-
parks if no one else is there. tory for the 30,000 students
We don't take them to the in the county, about 25
grocery store. And now miles northwest of Atlan-
they're going to be in the ta. Adamus said her son
classroom with however and daughter understand
many kids for an entire day what's happening at a ba-
with a teacher." sic level — that there are
The Adamus children are germs and they need to
among tens of thousands of stay home.
students across the nation "My daughter's been say-
who were set to resume in- ing a lot lately, `I can't wait
person school Monday for for the germs to go away,'"
the first time since March. she said.
Parents in Louisiana, Mis- Adamus lives near North
sissippi and Tennessee will Paulding High School,
also be among those navi- where the principal sent a
gating the new academic letter over the weekend an-
year this week. nouncing a football player
Many schools that are re- tested positive for the virus
suming in-person instruction after attending practice.
are also giving parents a The Georgia High School Students arrive to Dallas Elementary School for the first day of school amid the coronavirus out-
stay-at-home virtual op- Association, in a memo last break on Monday, Aug. 3, 2020, in Dallas, Ga.
tion; Adamus, like many week, said it has received Associated Press
other parents, decided reports of 655 positive tests
against that. Other schools since workouts for football are going to learn more at younger sons have cystic she thinks her children will
are planning a hybrid ap- and other sports started on school. They just need to fibrosis and she can't risk learn more from teachers
proach, with youngsters June 8. be in that setting." their being exposed. Wil- than they did from her in
alternating between in- In Mississippi, where the vi- In Indiana, where schools liams said she thinks her the spring.
person classes and online rus is spreading fast, Em- reopened last week, a stu- daughter will be OK aca- "They're going to actu-
learning. ily Thompson's son started dent at Greenfield-Central demically with online class- ally listen to their teacher,
But an uptick in COVID-19 the sixth grade at Newton Junior High tested positive es, which up to 30% of the as opposed to me. When
cases in many states has County Middle/High School on the first day back to district's students have en- it's time to do sight words,
prompted districts to scrap in Decatur. Thompson, a class and was isolated in rolled in. But she is worried it was a fight every day,"
in-person classes at least for pharmacist, said she felt re- the school clinic. about Aliyah's inability to Thames said. "I absolutely
the start of the school year, lief watching him get in line "This really does not change see her friends. trust our administration and
including Los Angeles, Phil- to have his temperature our plans," School Superin- "She's a social butterfly. our teachers to do what it
adelphia and Washington. taken before entering the tendent Harold Olin said. That's a big part of her per- takes to keep them safe
President Donald Trump building. "We knew that we would sonality," Williams said. and keep themselves safe."
and Education Secretary She and her husband, who have a positive case at Aliyah has been participat- Many teachers are uneasy,
Betsy DeVos have urged also works in health care, some point in the fall. We ing in color guard with the dismayed that the Pauld-
schools to reopen. Howev- found it was a "nightmare" simply did not think it would school band, but Williams ing district refused to man-
er, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the trying to keep the boy and happen on Day One." said she is now "conflicted" date masks or push back
nation's top infectious-dis- their two other elementary Elsewhere in Indiana, El- about that too, considering the start date for in-person
ease expert, warned Mon- school-age children on wood Junior Senior High the football player's posi- classes, as other Atlanta-
day: "There may be some track with their studies. She suspended in-person class- tive test. area districts have done.
areas where the level of said she is not overly wor- es two days into the school Other Paulding County par- But with Georgia's weak
virus is so high that it would ried about her children get- year after at least one staff- ents were eager for in-per- unions, there has been little
not be prudent to bring the ting sick at school. er tested positive. son classes. Jenna Thames organized opposition.
children back to school." "It would be more detrimen- One student who wasn't drove 8-year-old Brantley "I desperately want to re-
"So you can't make one tal not to send them, in my starting at North Paulding to his first day of third grade turn to face-to-face teach-
statement about bringing opinion, than for them to on Monday was Aliyah Wil- and 6-year-old Rhett to his ing, but not until it is safe,"
children back to school in hang out and do the virtual liams. Her mother, Erica Wil- first day of first grade. Steven Hanft, a North
this country. It depends on learning," she said. "I think liams, said she is keeping Thames said that no one at Paulding High teacher, told
where you are," he said. they're going to get more the 14-year-old freshman her house is high-risk and the county school board
In Georgia's Paulding interaction at school. They home because two of her that as a former teacher, last month. q
Navy investigates video of dogs attacking Kaepernick fill-in
Associated Press Kaepernick is a former San the NFL's commissioner has ing rifles, saying, "On your Warfare and the U.S. Navy,"
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. Francisco 49ers quarter- apologized for not listening belly." the statement said.
(AP) — The U.S. Navy is in- back who began kneel- earlier to players' concerns The man replies, "Oh, man, The Navy said the "initial
vestigating an incident in ing during the playing of about social injustice. I will stand," as he rolls over, indications" are that no
which dogs attacked a "The Star Spangled Banner" The videos show four dogs followed by laughing from active duty personnel or
"Colin Kaepernick stand-in" before games to protest attacking a man, who is the crowd. equipment were used in
during a K-9 demonstration social injustice and police wearing a red Kaepernick The videos were apparent- the demonstration at the
during a 2019 fundraiser at brutality. He played his fi- football jersey over heav- ly posted on Instagram last "independent organiza-
the Navy SEAL Museum in nal NFL game in January ily padded gear as people year and resurfaced over tion's event."
Florida. 2017. He offered support stand nearby watching. In the weekend. The Navy SEAL Museum is
The Navy said in a state- to those protesting the a second video, the man is "The inherent message of located in Fort Pierce, Flor-
ment posted on Twitter that death of George Floyd at laying on the ground when this video is completely in- ida, which is north of West
officials became aware of the hands of Minneapolis he's approached by men consistent with the values Palm Beach on the state's
the video on Sunday. police officers in May, and wearing fatigues and hold- and ethos of Naval Special Atlantic Coast. q