Page 32 - bon-dia-aruba-20200721
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Tuesday 21 July 2020
A dedication to the volunteers of Aruba Birdlife Conservation
and to get them added as land for the better, and yes,
nature reserves to Aruba’s you too can help make a
National Park. difference.
After many, many, trials, Recently, we were in court
and tribulations, we have once again, to side with
overcome, we have prov- our National Park, and
en that with dedication it soon more court cases will
is possible, and today, we be launched to stop further
leave Aruba a better place destruction of our island’s
behind than when we start- nature, among them in Sa-
ed. vaneta.
Our first success was Span- But this past weekend we
ish Lagoon, and now since stood still a moment to cel-
July 16, 2020, all of the oth- ebrate a victory for Aruba’s
er areas have also been nature.
protected and placed un- We show just one chart
der National Park Aruba. today, in which we can
This we have done for the proudly add the words
children. “National Park”.
Our “Wounded Knee” was Aruba Birdlife Conservation
ORANJESTAD — On May vation. conservation project has Bubali Wetlands where we would like to dedicate the
11th, 2010, the Aruba Bird- The foundation publishes come to fruition, primarily took a stand to stop cor- “Bubali Wetlands National
life Conservation (ABC) the most beautiful pictures and with gratitude to our ruption and to stop the Park” to all the volunteers
was founded with the aim of local birds on their so- volunteers (and one very further destruction of one of Aruba Birdlife Conserva-
of protecting the biodiver- cial media that show us good and dedicated law- of Aruba’s most Impor- tion, with immense grati-
sity in general and birds in the beauty of Aruba’s birds yer with his heart in the right tant Bird Areas. A historical tude for believing that
and around Aruba in par- and nature in general. The place and who is also a amount of court cases was we could get this done,
ticular. Among other things, founder of ABC, Greg Pe- volunteer). The journey of- fought for the conservation against all odds.
the foundation will focus terson, wrote a letter ex- ficially started on Septem- of this area, and we won, Volunteers of Aruba Birdlife
on increasing the survival pressing his gratitude to the ber 13, 2012, with ABC’s with one success after the Conservation: great grati-
chances of species of wild work and volunteers of the first letter to parliament to other. tude to you and very, very
birds by promoting their foundation. engage parliament to pro- We must learn to believe proud of you! You have
preservation and conser- “ABC’s 16 areas national tect these 16 nature areas that we can change our is- made a difference.”q