Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20200721
P. 28

                      Tuesday 21 July 2020

            COVID adds to challenges for Brazil's quilombos

            By  MARCELO  DE  SOUSA                                                                                              we hadn't preserved the lit-
            and LUCAS DUMPRHEYS                                                                                                 tle bit of herbs we had, we
            Associated Press                                                                                                    would have died."
            CABO FRIO, Brazil (AP) — In                                                                                         To  facilitate  government
            a small room filled with do-                                                                                        aid,  Brazil's  national  sta-
            nated  bananas,  lettuce,                                                                                           tistics  agency  in  April  re-
            toilet paper and more, Re-                                                                                          leased  its  estimate  of  how
            jane  Oliveira  quickly  pre-                                                                                       many  quilombos  exist  na-
            pares boxes for more than                                                                                           tionwide — almost 6,000 —
            100 families in her commu-                                                                                          as well as their locations.
            nity  in  coastal  Rio  de  Ja-                                                                                     The number of people living
            neiro  state  who  are  trying                                                                                      within them remains uncer-
            to  endure  the  coronavirus                                                                                        tain.  The  agency  planned
            outbreak.                                                                                                           to  count  them  for  the  first
            Her    community,    Maria                                                                                          time in the 2020 census, but
            Joaquina,  is  one  of  Brazil's                                                                                    the  pandemic  forced  its
            quilombos,  settlements  of                                                                                         delay until next year.
            poor  Blacks  with  a  history                                                                                      While  quilombos'  popula-
            of  resistance  to  the  gov-                                                                                       tions  remain  untallied,  the
            ernment  —  a  category                                                                                             quilombo   association   is
            that  originally  applied  to                                                                                       tracking  the  pandemic's
            escaped  slaves.  Often  dis-                                                                                       impact  on  them  in  con-
            connected     from   urban                                                                                          junction  with  the  Socio-
            life  even  within  city  limits,   Rosane Da Franca, left, sews protective face masks at her home at the Maria Joaquina "Quilom-  environmental  Institute,  an
            quilombos  have  relatively   bo" in Cabo Frio, on the outskirts of Rio de Janiero, Brazil, Sunday, July 12, 2020.  environmental  and  indig-
            high poverty rates and can                                                                         Associated Press  enous  advocacy  group.
            be  confused  by  outsiders                                                                                         Their data show 3,465 infec-
            with  other  poor  neighbor-  the quilombo all the same.  The communities of former  their quilombo.                tions and 136 deaths.
            hoods.                       More  than  30  were  infect-  slaves persisted, though not  But  the  pandemic  has  At the nearby Rasa quilom-
            Oliveira's hurry on July 11 to  ed,  Oliveira  among  them,  until  a  century  later  did  a  forced  people  to  wear  bo,  community  members
            distribute food and person-  and  she  emerged  from  new constitution for the first  masks  and  quarantine  in  have received not only pri-
            al hygiene products — do-    isolation a couple days be-  time recognize their right to  their  own  homes,  Oliveira  vate donations of food kits
            nated by a nonprofit and a  fore  speaking  with  The  As-  the  lands  they  occupied.  said  in  the  yard  of  a  rela-  and hand sanitizer, but also
            company — was because  sociated Press.                    The  term  quilombo  gradu-  tive's home. A dance show  help from the government.
            times  are  even  tougher  "We've  been  abandoned,  ally  expanded  to  include  and  soccer  tournament  "A health team came, test-
            than  usual  for  her  neigh-  forgotten,  with  no  health  other  settlements  or  poor,  planned  for  this  month  ed  everyone;  we  had  as-
            bors. Craftspeople lost their  assistance,"  said  Oliveira,  landless  Afro-Brazilians  as  were also canceled.    sistance,"  said  Reginalda
            livelihoods  when  fairs  shut  45, who is Rio's representa-  well.                    Oliveira  said  they  drink  a  Oliveira,  who  is  Rejane's
            down. Those who worked in  tive  on  the  National  Co-   The  descendants  try  to  variety  of  traditional  teas  cousin. Reginalda, 41, said
            hotels were laid off. Others  ordination  of  Quilombola  keep their forebears' tradi-  made  from  the  leaves  of  she  has  no  complaints  in
            had  occasionally  cleaned  Black Rural Communities.      tions alive and, in July, Ma-  various  fruit  trees,  garlic  or  terms of response, but feels
            houses; no longer.           Brazil  was  the  last  country  ria Joaquina's residents tra-  an herb called boldo.  adrift since her mother died
            Most avoided going to the  in the Western Hemisphere  ditionally      commemorate  "Everyone  uses  the  herbs,  of COVID-19. "A part of me
            city,  but  the  virus  reached  to  abolish  slavery,  in  1888.  government certification of  even the kids," she said. "If  went with her," she said.q

            German governors urge Congress to stop troop withdrawal plan

            BERLIN  (AP)  —  The  gover-                                                           velop  these  unique  and  trans-Atlantic partnership.
            nors  of  the  four  German                                                            highly  capable  structures,"  The letter was sent to more
            states  that  are  home  to                                                            the governors wrote. "They  than a dozen senators and
            critical U.S. military facilities                                                      provide   the    necessary  representatives  Friday,  in-
            are urging members of U.S.                                                             foundation  for  a  partner-  cluding  members  of  se-
            Congress  to  try  and  force                                                          ship-based  contribution  to  curity  and  foreign  policy
            President  Donald  Trump                                                               peace  in  Europe  and  the  committees,  and  lawmak-
            to  back  down  from  plans                                                            world, to which we all share  ers  who  have  spoken  out
            to  withdraw  more  than  a                                                            a common commitment."        against the move, accord-
            quarter of American troops                                                             The U.S. currently has about  ing  to  Munich's  Suedde-
            from the country.                                                                      34,500  troops  in  Germany,  utsche Zeitung.
            In the letter, obtained Mon-                                                           which  Trump  said  in  June  They  included  Republican
            day  by  The  Associated                                                               he  had  ordered  reduced  Sen. Mitt Romney, who has
            Press, the governors of Ba-                                                            to 25,000.                   called  Trump's  plan  a  "gift
            varia, Hesse, Baden-Wuert-   In this Friday, May 13, 2011 file photo, Soldiers of 1AD attend a   Many  members  of  Con-  to  Russia,"  and  Democrat-
            temberg  and  Rhineland-     color casing ceremony of the First Armored Division at the U.S.   gress  have  spoken  out  ic  Sen.  Chris  Coons  who
            Palatinate  said  American   Army Airfield in Wiesbaden, Germany.                      against  the  plan,  and  the  said  "withdrawing  nearly
            facilities  like  the  Grafen-                                        Associated Press  German  governors  in  their  10,000  troops  from  Ger-
            woehr  training  area,  the                                                            letter emphasized that the  many,  without  consulting
            Ramstein  and  Spangda-      headquarters  of  U.S.  Euro-  ability to act."           American    troops   "serve  German  leadership  or  our
            hlem  air  bases,  the  Land-  pean Command "form the    "For  decades,  Americans  the  strategic  interests  of  other European allies does
            stuhl   Regional   Medical  backbone of the U.S. pres-    and Germans have worked  the United States" as much  not  make  America  any
            Center  hospital  and  the  ence in Europe and NATO's  together  to  build  and  de-   as  NATO  interests  and  the  safer."q
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