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It’s A Wrap: Ask Pilar

                                                                                       November 4, 2019
                                                                                        T: 582-7800 | F: 582-7044

                                                                                                                  Page 16
                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
            1 person, 1 vote?

            Maybe not. NYC mulls

            ranked choice voting

            By K. MATTHEWS               prefer  to  win  if  their  top
            Associated Press             candidate  doesn't  make
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  New  the  cut.  The  system,  also
            York  City  voters  used  to  known as instant-runoff vot-
            picking one candidate per  ing, is already used in plac-
            race may soon be marking  es including San Francisco
            their ballots for up to five.  ,  Minneapolis  and  Cam-
            A  ballot  measure  in  Tues-  bridge,  Massachusetts,  as
            day's election would make  well as in Maine . But, if ap-
            the city the most populous  proved,  it  would  be  on  its
            place  yet  in  the  U.S.  to  biggest stage by far in New
            adopt  ranked-choice  vot-   York City, where 2.1 million
            ing, an  elections  system  in  voters  cast  ballots  in  last
            which  voters  mark  down  year's midterm elections.      In this Nov. 6, 2018 file photo, voters read their ballot papers as they wait in line to cast their vote
            not only their first choice in                            at P.S. 161 in Brooklyn borough of New York.
            a race, but also who they'd        Continued from Page 2                                                                        Associated Press
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