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CLASSIFIED Monday 4 noveMber 2019
APNewsBreak: State investigating HEALTH
MIT lab radiation complaint DOCTOR ON DUTY
By PHILIP MARCELO plete radiation safety train- Hospital 7:00 pm / 10:00pm
Associated Press ing, and warnings about Tel. 527 4000
BOSTON (AP) — Massachu- the radioactive materials San Nicolas
setts public health officials are posted throughout the
are looking into allegations site. State officials visited IMSAN 24 Hours
Tel.524 8833
that workers at a Massa- the site last Tuesday in re-
chusetts Institute of Tech- sponse to the allegations Women in Difficulties
nology laboratory may and the university is coop- PHARMACY ON DUTY
have been exposed to ra- erating with the investiga- In this April 3, 2017 file photo, students walk past the "Great Oranjestad:
dioactive materials. tion, Sharon added. Dome" atop Building 10 on the Massachusetts Institute of Tech- Eagle Tel. 587 9011
The state Department of The university currently nology campus in Cambridge, Mass. San Nicolas:
Aloe Tel. 584 4606
Public Health said in a let- holds a state radioactive Associated Press Women in Difficulties
ter earlier this month that it materials license, and the free-release criteria," the "The university has lots of OTHER
has opened an investiga- three prior state inspections university's Environment, money. They can easily Dental Clinic 587 9850
tion into "radiation safety at the lab resulted in no vi- Health and Safety office get rid of this. It's like leav- Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
and compliance" at Mas- olations, said public health said in the annual report to ing trash bags around the Urgent Care 586 0448
sachusetts Institute of Tech- department spokeswoman MIT's president. But Sharon house."q Walk-In Doctor’s Clinic
nology's Bates Research Ann Scales, who declined said MIT never intended to +297 588 0539
Women in Difficulties
and Engineering Center in to comment further, citing decommission the facility EMERGENCY
Middleton. the ongoing investigation. and that it remains opera-
John Priest, director of the Located on 80 acres about tional for nuclear research Police 100
527 3140
department's Radiation 20 miles north of the univer- and development projects. Noord 527 3200
Control Program, said in sity's Cambridge campus, He said the language Sta. Cruz 527 2900
the Oct. 17 letter that the the Bates lab was built in found in prior university re- San Nicolas 584 5000
agency considers the con- the late 1960s with support ports was "imprecise" and Police Tipline 11141
cerns "very serious" and from the U.S. Department that the university only in- Ambulancia 911
plans to review records, of Energy. tended to "reconfigure" the Fire Dept. 115
conduct interviews and It houses a linear accelera- facility for other uses. Red Cross 582 2219
complete on-site inspec- tor , which is used to gen- "The linear accelerator re- TAXI SERVICES
tions. The letter was provid- erate beams of electrons mains on site and could Taxi Tas 587 5900
ed to The Associated Press for scientific experiments, potentially be made func- Prof. Taxi 588 0035
by former MIT researcher particularly in the areas of tional in the future should Taxi D.T.S. 587 2300
Babak Babakinejad, a nuclear and particle phys- appropriate funding be- Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
critic of the university's ics. MIT took full ownership come available," Sharon A1 Taxi Serv. 280 2828
Open Agricultural Initiative, of the site in 2005 and be- said. Women in Difficulties
which is run out of Bates gan the process of decon- Babakinejad responded TRAVEL INFO
lab but was halted earlier taminating and decom- Tuesday that he's con- Aruba Airport 524 2424
this month amid investiga- missioning the accelerator, cerned the accelerator American Airlines 582 2700
tions by MIT and the state according to a university isn't sufficiently secure. He Avianca 588 0059
for possible academic and report at the time. said visitors, such as those Jet Blue 588 2244
environmental violations. "As part of this effort, the who visited the OpenAg Surinam 582 7896
"I am particularly con- EHS Office developed and site, did not receive radia-
cerned about possible implemented a screen- tion safety training or made Women in Difficulties
exposure of employees ing procedure to separate adequately aware of the CRUISES
to the radioactive con- those materials requiring risks. "There's no need to
taminated equipment that disposal as radioactive keep this stuff," he said of
are still stored at the Bates waste from those meeting the radioactive materials.
Lab, many years after the
shutdown of the accelera-
tor," Babakinejad wrote in November 4
Crown Princess
his correspondence to the Serenade of the Seas
It's not immediately clear Women in Difficulties
what levels of radiation AID FOUNDATIONS
the accelerator produced
or what health risks, if any, FAVI- Visually Impaired
Tel. 582 5051
they pose.
State health officials say Alcoholics Anonymous
Tel. 736 2952
the radiation risk of an ac- Narcotics Anonymous
celerator is dependent on Tel. 583 8989
its type, size and capacity. Women in Difficulties
Tony Sharon, MIT's dep- Tel. 583 5400
uty executive vice presi- Centre for Diabetes
dent, said staff not directly Tel. 524 8888
working with radioactive Child Abuse Prevention
materials would only be Tel. 582 4433
exposed to "natural back- Quota Club Tel. 525 2672
Women in Difficulties
ground levels of radiation." General Info
He also said anyone work-
ing at the facility must com- Phone Directory Tel. 118