Page 17 - AAA MRT 3 2016
P. 17


UP FRONTThursday 3 March 2016

UN approves tough sanctions on North Korean regime                                                                                                               US questioning
                                                                                                                                                                IS leader seized
EDITH M. LEDERER                 dangerous programs and          spokesman for the coun-         China, Russia and others                                        in Iraq: Officials
Associated Press                 choose a better path for its    try’s U.N. mission did not      expressed hope Wednes-
UNITED NATIONS (AP) —            people,” President Barack       immediately respond to a        day that the sanctions will                                    LOLITA C. BALDOR
The U.N. Security Council        Obama said in a state-          request for comment.            lead to the immediate re-                                      ROBERT BURNS
on Wednesday unanimous-          ment.                           On Monday, the official         sumption of six-party talks                                    Associated Press
ly approved the toughest         North Korea started off         KCNA news agency pub-           aimed at the denucleariza-                                     WASHINGTON (AP) — A
sanctions on North Korea                                                                                                                                        new U.S. special opera-
in two decades, reflecting       South Korean ambassador to the United Nations Oh Joon, right, United States ambassador to the                                  tions team has been ques-
growing anger at Pyong-          U.N. Samantha Power, left, and Japanese ambassador to the U.N. Motohide Yoshikawa speak to                                     tioning a key Islamic State
yang’s latest nuclear test       members of the media after a Security Council meeting at United Nations headquarters, Wednes-                                  leader in Iraq since seizing
and rocket launch in defi-       day, March 2, 2016. The U.N. Security Council voted Wednesday on a resolution that would im-                                   him in a raid last month,
ance of a ban on all nucle-      pose the toughest sanctions on North Korea in two decades.                                                                     U.S. officials said Wednes-
ar-related activity.                                                                                                                                            day. It is believed to be the
The United States and  Chi-                                                                                                         (AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews)  first case of a top IS mili-
na, North Korea’s tradition-                                                                                                                                    tant captured alive in that
al ally, spent seven weeks       the new year with what it       lished a commentary say-        tion of the Korean penin-                                      country.
negotiating the new sanc-        claims was its first hydro-     ing “it is nothing but a pipe   sula. North Korea withdrew                                     The officials would not iden-
tions, which include man-        gen bomb test on Jan. 6         dream for the U.S. to ex-       from the talks in 2008.                                        tify the militant by name or
datory inspections of cargo      and launched a satellite        pect the DPRK to collapse       Russia’s U.N. Ambassador                                       provide other details, but
leaving and entering North       on a rocket on Feb. 7. The      due to ‘sanctions.’ This is as  Vitaly Churkin said that “by                                   the raid appears to be the
Korea by land, sea or air;       launch was condemned            foolish as waiting the mis-     shutting down, as much                                         first major success by the
a ban on all sales or trans-     by much of the world as a       sions of the sun and stars to   as possible, the financing                                     Pentagon’s new expedi-
fers of small arms and light     test of banned missile tech-    come to an end.” DPRK are       of DPRK’s nuclear-ballistic                                    tionary targeting force that
weapons to Pyongyang;            nology.                         the initials of the country’s   programs, the idea is to en-                                   recently began operating
and expulsion of diplomats       North Korea ignored the         official name, the Demo-        sure the return to the table                                   in Iraq.
from the North who en-           chance to address the           cratic People’s Republic of     of negotiations all the inter-                                 The militant has been held
gage in “illicit activities.”    Security Council and a          Korea.                          ested parties.”                                                in Iraq for two to three
The U.S., its Western al-                                                                                                                                       weeks, the officials said,
lies and Japan pressed for                                                                                                                                      calling the development
new sanctions that went                                                                                                                                         important because of his
beyond the North’s nucle-                                                                                                                                       leadership position in the
ar and missile programs                                                                                                                                         extremist group and the
but  China  was reluctant                                                                                                                                       information they could
to impose measures that                                                                                                                                         glean from him.
could threaten the stability                                                                                                                                    The officials weren’t au-
of the neighboring country                                                                                                                                      thorized to speak publicly
and cause its economy to                                                                                                                                        about the raid and de-
collapse. Nonetheless, Bei-                                                                                                                                     manded anonymity. The
jing did agree to several                                                                                                                                       New York Times, also cit-
measures aimed at shutting                                                                                                                                      ing anonymous officials,
down financing for nuclear                                                                                                                                      was first to report the cap-
and missile programs.                                                                                                                                           ture and said the militant
“The international com-                                                                                                                                         was being interrogated
munity, speaking with one                                                                                                                                       by American officials at a
voice, has sent Pyongyang                                                                                                                                       temporary detention facil-
a simple message: North                                                                                                                                         ity in Irbil in northern Iraq.
Korea must abandon these                                                                                                                                        Pentagon press secretary
                                                                                                                                                                Peter Cook wouldn’t con-
US official:                                                                                                                                                    firm the capture, but said
                                                                                                                                                                the goals of the new expe-
Debris found is from same type of plane as MH370                                                                                                                ditionary targeting force
                                                                                                                                                                include capturing Islamic
JOAN LOWY                        with 239 people aboard, is      high possibility debris found   es of the southern Indian                                      State leaders. “Any deten-
Associated Press                 the only known missing 777.     in Mozambique belongs to        Ocean and the South Chi-                                       tion would be short-term
WASHINGTON (AP) — De-            People who have handled         a B777,” Liow said in a series  na  Sea, the only trace of                                     and coordinated with Iraqi
bris that washed up in Mo-       the part, called a horizontal   of tweets.                      the plane until now has                                        authorities,” he said.
zambique has been tenta-         stabilizer, say it appears to   “It is yet to be confirmed      been a wing part known                                         Defense Secretary Ash
tively identified as a part      be made of fiberglass com-      & verified. @dca_malay-         as flaperon that washed                                        Carter has spoken about
from the same type of air-       posite on the outside, with     sia working w Australian        ashore last July on the                                        the team several times
craft as the missing Malay-      aluminum honeycombing           counterparts to retrieve        French island of Reunion                                       over the past few months
sia Airlines Flight 370, a U.S.  on the inside, the official     the debris.” He also urged      off the east coast of Africa                                   but has emphasized his
official said Wednesday.         said. The part is being trans-  “everyone to avoid undue        — about 2,300 miles (3,700                                     intention to keep a lid on
Photos of the debris that        ported to Malaysia.             speculation as we are not       kilometers) from the current                                   details of its actual opera-
washed up over the week-         Mozambique’s National           able to conclude that the       search area in the Indian                                      tions in Iraq and  Syria. He
end appear to show the           Director of Civil Aviation      debris belongs to #mh370        Ocean east of Australia.                                       told Congress in early De-
fixed leading edge of the        Joao Abreu dismissed the        at this time.”                  Radar tracking of the plane                                    cember about the team’s
right-hand tail section of a     report, saying authorities      MH-370 disappeared on           show it turned around as it                                    planned deployment, say-
Boeing 777, said the official,   have found no part of the       March 8, 2014 while flying      approached Vietnamese                                          ing they would be there
who spoke on condition           missing plane. But Malay-       from Kuala Lumpur to Bei-       airspace, flew back toward                                     to conduct raids, free hos-
of anonymity because he          sian transport minister Liow    jing with 12 crew members       Malaysia and then on over                                      tages, gather intelligence
wasn’t authorized to speak       Tiong Lai tweeted to con-       and 227 passengers on           the Indian Ocean, where                                        and capture Islamic State
publicly. MH-370, which dis-     firm the discovery.             board.                          radar contact was lost.                                        leaders.
appeared two years ago           “Based on early reports,        Despite exhaustive search-
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