Page 8 - HOH
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                                                                                                           LOCAL Saturday 28 OctOber 2023

            Enjoy one of the best views on Aruba at the top of the Hooiberg Hill

            (Oranjestad)—If  you  are  a  regu-
            lar  hiker,  or  maybe  want  to  spice
            up your morning work out session,
            then  you  might  enjoy  one  of  the
            most popular climbing sites on the
            island:  The  Hooiberg  Hill.  Accom-
            panied  with  a  600-step  staircase,
            this  hill  overlooks  a  great  part  of
            the island, the Caribbean sea, and
            sometimes  even  the  Santa  Anna
            mountain  located  in  the  coastal
            state of  Falcon in Venezuela, pro-
            viding  one  of  the  best  views  you
            can get on Aruba.

            located at the center district of the
            island,  Santa  Cruz,  the  Hooiberg
            Hill is the second highest point on
            the island at 165 meters above sea
            level (or about 540 feet above sea
            level). The highest point is Jamano-
            ta Hill at 189 meters (620 feet), lo-  ment  decided  to  renovate  these  resting stop is also a sight to see.
            cated in the Arikok National Park.   stairs in 1991. This new project de-
            The staircase that run on the side of  livered  the  newer  staircase  with  The best time to climb the hill would
            the hill was first built in 1951, when  only 587 steps. However, don’t be  be early in the morning or right be-
            Mr. Eduardo Tromp constructed it.  fooled—it may still be a work out to  fore sunset, as it may not be as hot.
            At that time, the staircase consist-  get on top. In addition, there is now  However, the hill is of course open
            ed of 900 steps. Over time, as the  a gazebo placed halfway up the  all day, every day.q
            steps  faced  erosion,  the  govern-  stair for a little rest. The view at this

                                                                                    Blackstone Beach

                                                                                    So, if you feel up for something dif-  curi  Beach.  There,  you  can  park
                                                                                    ferent—or if it’s opposite day, visit  your car and take a 1km hike to-
                                                                                    the Blackstone Beach.               wards Blackstone Beach.

                                                                                    Blackstone Beach shows the more  This beach forms part of the Arikok
                                                                                    natural  side  of  Aruba:  the  stones  National  Park  and  is  therefore  a
                                                                                    that  cover  the  beaches  and  the  site that is preserved. This is why it is
                                                                                    shape  of  it  has  been  crafted  for  also relatively untouched by com-
                                                                                    thousand years via volcanic erup-   mercial  influences.  Despite  being
                                                                                    tions,  coral  reef  movements  and  called a beach, do note that it is
                                                                                    wave activity of the rural northern  not advised to swim in the water,
                                                                                    part of the island.                 as  the  current  is  very  strong  and
                                                                                                                        can  easily  stray  you  further  in  the
                                                                                    Located  further  east  to  the  Natu-  wild ocean. However, you can still
            (Oranjestad)—Named       after   its  has black sand and is covered in  ral Bridge and Andicuri Beach, the  enjoy  a  spectacular  view  of  the
            most  recognizable  feature,  the  black  smooth  stones.  Secondly,  it  Blackstone Beach is relatively easy  stones  and  the  northern  ocean
            Blackstone  Beach  almost  rep-     lies on the northern side of the is-  to  access.  Once  you  get  passed  that  stretches  out  in  front  of  the
            resents  the  opposite  of  the  typi-  land,  away  from  the  white  sandy  the Ayo Rock Formation, take the  beach  and  take  a  picture  with
            cal  Aruban  beaches.  For  one,  it  beaches of in the southern region.  Andicuri road leading up to Andi-  your friends or family!q
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