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                                                                                                       SPORTS Wednesday 19 July 2017

            Matthews wins Stage 16 in Tour, Froome keeps yellow jersey

            By SAMUEL PETREQUIN and  off the pace.                                                                              final  14.1-kilometer  ascent
            JOHN LEICESTER               At some point, it looked like                                                          to the top of the mountain,
            ROMANS-SUR-ISERE, France  Bardet was going to be left                                                               at an altitude of 2,360 me-
            (AP) — Ahead of two gru-     behind but he was helped                                                               ters.
            eling Alpine stages likely to  back in the leading group                                                            “I’m looking forward to the
            decide the outcome of the  by  Oliver  Naesen.  Austra-                                                             Alps,” Froome said.
            104th Tour de France, Chris  lian Michael Matthews won                                                              Three  days  after  his  vic-
            Froome and his teammates  the stage in a sprint to the                                                              tory in Rodez, Matthews re-
            have sent a clear message  line.                                                                                    duced the gap with green
            to  their  rivals  with  another  With the race now in mon-                                                         jersey  holder  Marcel  Kit-
            impressive  display  of  col-  ey  time,  with  stages  set  to                                                     tel  to  29  points  in  the  best
            lective strength.            decide  the  final  podium,                                                            sprinter’s  classification  with
            Amid  heavy  crosswinds  Froome went straight to the                                                                his second stage win.
            that  played  havoc  in  the  point  with  his  aggressive                                                          He  made  the  most  of  a
            finale of Tuesday’s 165-kilo-  racing.                                                                              slightly  uphill  section  500
            meter (102.5-mile) Stage 16  He appears in great shape    ``Australia’s Michael Matthews, left, crosses the finish line to win   meters  from  the  line  and
            between  Le  Puy-en-Velay  and has the best team sur-     the sixteenth stage of the Tour de France cycling race over 165   accelerated  after  Greg
            to  Romans-en-Isere,  Team  rounding  him  in  his  bid  to   kilometers (102.5 miles) with start in Le Puy-en-Velay and finish   Van  Avermaet  launched
            Sky  riders  tried  to  unsettle  win a fourth Tour title.  in Romans-sur-Isere, France,, Tuesday, July 18, 2017. Norway’s   the  sprint.  Matthews  then
            their  opponents  by  setting  “Everyone knew it was go-  Edvald Boasson Hagen, right, finished second.             resisted Edvald Boasson Ha-
            a  frenetic  tempo  that  split  ing to split at some point,”                                      Associated Press  gen’s  late  surge  to  prevail
            the pack like a jigsaw puz-  said Froome.                 quartet, 29 seconds off the  way I’m feeling now.”        by  a  wheel’s  length.  John
            zle.                         “For  us  it  was  more  about  pace.                     The battle for the yellow jer-  Degenkolb completed the
            After  relentless  work  from  just being on the right side  Landa,  who  has  been  im-  sey will resume on Wednes-  podium.
            Vasil  Kiryienka  and  Michal  of it. Knowing it was going  pressive  since  the  start  of  day  during  the  first  of  two  Tempers  frayed  after  the
            Kwiatkowski,  only  22  rid-  to kick off on that open sec-  the Tour despite dedicating  Alpine  stages  in  high  alti-  stage.  Matthews  claimed
            ers  including  Froome  and  tion in the last 20 kilometers  himself  to  Froome,  moved  tude.  It  will  lead  riders  to  Degenkolb  grabbed  him
            teammate  Mikel  Landa  to go, the guys committed  back to fifth overall, 1 min-       the ski station of Serre Che-  by  the  neck  out  of  frustra-
            managed to stay in the re-   to  that  and  we  saw  the  ute, 17 seconds back.        valier  through  a  grueling  tion  and  accused  him  of
            duced bunch at the front.    gaps  opening  out  straight  “Myself  and  Mikel  Landa  183-kilometer  trek  featur-  going  into  his  line  during
            Also  among  them  were  away.”                           are  feeling  great,”  said  ing four climbs, including a  the sprint.
            Fabio  Aru,  Romain  Bardet  Froome,    the   defending  Froome. “The next two days  nearly  12-kilometer  ascent  “I  did  a  clean  sprint,  I  did
            and  Rigoberto  Uran,  who  champion,  has  an  18-sec-   are  the  biggest  consecu-  to the Col du Galibier, one  not change my line,” Mat-
            avoided the trap. But Dan  ond  overall  lead  over  Aru,  tive days in this year’s Tour  of the Tour’s most fearsome  thews  said.  “After  the  fin-
            Martin lost 51 seconds after  with Romain Bardet 23 sec-  de France. And the goal of  and famed climbs.             ish,  I  was  waiting  for  the
            getting caught in a split in  onds  back  in  third  place.  my preparation for the Tour  Next  will  be  the  daunt-  results,  he  came  past  and
            the  finale.  He  dropped  to  Colombian Rigoberto Uran  de France was to head into  ing  Stage  18  to  the  Col  grabbed  my  neck.  It  was
            seventh place overall, 2:03  completes    the   leading  the  third  week  feeling  the  d’Izoard , which features a  not very sportsmanlike.”q

             U.S. Open singles champs

             to earn record $3.7 million

            WHITE  PLAINS,  N.Y.  (AP)  —  ka  and  Angelique  Kerber
            Total player compensation  — earned $3.5 million.
            at  the  U.S.  Open  will  top  Runners-up  will  get  $1.825
            $50 million for the first time  million,  up  from  $1.75  mil-
            this year, with a record $3.7  lion.
            million going to each of the  Both  the  men’s  and  wom-
            singles champions.           en’s  doubles  champions
            The  U.S.  Tennis  Associa-  will earn $675,000, the high-
            tion  announced  Tuesday  est  in  U.S.  Open  history.  A
            that the total purse for the  player who loses in the first
            tournament  will  be  $50.4  round of singles at Queens’
            million,  a  nearly  9  percent  Flushing   Meadows   will
            increase from last year. The  make $50,000, an increase
            previous winners of the final  of $6,700.
            Grand Slam tournament of  The  U.S.  Open  starts  on     At left, in a Sept. 10, 2016, file photo, Angelique Kerber, of Germany. At right, in a Sept. 11, 2016,
            the season — Stan Wawrin-    Aug. 28.q                    file photo, Stan Wawrinka, of Switzerland, in New York.
                                                                                                                                            Associated Press
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