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BUSINESS                 Wednesday 19 July 2017

               Wall Street’s Goldman Sachs moves quietly into Main Street

            By KEN SWEET                 officer  and  CEO  of  GS    man’s      second-quarter    the  new  consumer  bank-    The  consumer  products
            AP Business Writer           Bank.                        results  posted  Tuesday.    ing  division  as  a  way  for   Goldman  is  offering  are
            NEW YORK (AP) — More ho-     Goldman’s  retail  banking   It  earned  $1.63  billion,  or   the  firm  to  expand  into   pretty  conventional.  An
            meowner, less hedge fund     business  is  less  than  two   $3.95 a share, basically un-  businesses  it  traditionally   online  savings  account
            titan. Goldman Sachs, long   years  old  and  tiny  com-  changed from a year ear-     wasn’t involved in. But how   with its GS Bank requires no
            known for its super-rich cli-                                                                                       minimum  opening  deposit
            ents  and  well-connected                                                                                           and  pays  an  interest  rate
            executives,  is  starting  to                                                                                       of 1.20 percent.
            act a lot more like a neigh-                                                                                        Looking  for  longer-term
            borhood bank.                                                                                                       savings?  Goldman  offers
            The most Wall Street of Wall                                                                                        CDs  with  terms  from  six
            Street  firms  really  wants                                                                                        months to six years, paying
            people  to  start  thinking                                                                                         as  much  as  2.30  percent.
            about it the next time they                                                                                         And fixed-rate, no-fee per-
            need to open a bank ac-                                                                                             sonal  loans  are  available
            count  or  borrow  money.                                                                                           through  Marcus  by  Gold-
            It’s paying above-average                                                                                           man Sachs.
            rates on online savings ac-                                                                                         Firm executives aren’t say-
            counts  and  offering  that                                                                                         ing  what  future  products
            stodgiest  of  investments,                                                                                         they  may  offer.  Analysts
            good  old-fashioned  CDs.                                                                                           say it’s not unreasonable to
            Personal  loans  are  avail-                                                                                        think  Goldman  may  con-
            able  through  its  Marcus                                                                                          sider  checking  accounts
            brand,  a  friendlier  refer-                                                                                       and  student  loans.  Just
            ence  to  co-founder  Mar-                                                                                          don’t  expect  Goldman  to
            cus Goldman.                                                                                                        be opening branches any-
            For  a  firm  that  never  had   A screen at a trading post on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange is juxtaposed with the   time soon, or ever.
            a  reason  to  advertise,    Goldman Sachs booth. Goldman Sachs, the most Wall Street of Wall Street firms, is pushing quietly   “Whatever size it’s going to
            Goldman  now  runs  Mar-     into the realm of consumer banking.                                                    be, it’s going to be entirely
            cus  commercials  with  the                                                                 (AP Photo/Richard Drew)  a virtual business,” said Mi-
            casual tagline: “Debt hap-   pared  to  the  overall  size   lier.  The  division  that  con-  well Goldman’s brand and   chael Wong, an analyst at
            pens.”                       of  the  firm.  The  company   tains  its  trading  desks  had   image might appeal in the   Morningstar.
            During  most  of  its  nearly   hasn’t  yet  even  broken  it   revenue  of  $3.05  billion,   consumer business remains   Goldman’s  path  to  Main
            148-year  history,  the  main   out as a business line in its   down 17 percent. Fixed in-  to be seen.             Street has its origins in the fi-
            way  to  do  business  with   quarterly  financial  state-  come, currency and com-    “I had a few readers tell me   nancial meltdown of 2008.
            Goldman  was  to  be  in-    ments  because  of  its  size.   modity  trading  revenue   that they had no intention   At  the  height  of  the  crisis,
            credibly wealthy or a CEO    And  Goldman  isn’t  back-   fell  40  percent,  and  Chief   to  do  business  with  Gold-  Goldman and its rival Mor-
            at  a  major  company.       ing away from its tradition-  Financial  Officer  Martin   man, but those comments     gan Stanley — both trying
            That’s changing.             al  strengths:  trading  and   Chavez  said  its  commodi-  were  pretty  limited,”  said   to  avoid  the  bankruptcy
            “We want to grow a robust    advising.                    ties  division  had  its  worst   Ken Tumin with DepositAc-  fate  of  Lehman  Brothers
            consumer  banking  busi-     Trading is inherently a vola-  quarter since the firm went,  a  review  site   —  converted  from  invest-
            ness,” said Stephen Scherr,   tile  business,  and  a  quiet   public in 1999.         for  savings  accounts  and   ment banks to commercial
            Goldman’s  chief  strategy   market  weighed  on  Gold-   Goldman  executives  see     other bank products.         banks.q

                UnitedHealth 2Q profit surges as ACA  participation shrinks

            By TOM MURPHY                market.  The  insurer  had   states  this  year.    United  from  the  Optum  segment,   share,  and  total  revenue
            AP Health Writer             expanded     quickly   into   took a $1.8 billion revenue  which  provides  pharmacy   rose  nearly  8  percent  to
            UnitedHealth       Group’s  the  law’s  state-based  in-  hit  in  the  second  quarter  benefits management and    $50.05 billion.q
            second-quarter    earnings  surance  exchanges  and       because  of  that  pullback  technology  services  and
            soared as the nation’s larg-  was selling coverage in 34   and a pause in a health in-  also  operates  clinics  and
            est  insurer  dove  deeper  states last year.             surance tax.                 doctor’s offices.
            into   government-funded  But UnitedHealth and other      But that was more than off-  Overall,    UnitedHealth’s
            health coverage like Medi-   insurers  struggled  with  a   set by top line gains of $2.5  earnings  jumped  30  per-
            care  and  Medicaid  and  sicker-than-expected  pa-       billion  from  the  insurer’s  cent  to  $2.28  billion  in  the
            continued to distance itself  tient population and other   Medicare  and  retirement  second  quarter.  Adjusted
            from  the  turbulent  Afford-  problems on the exchang-   business  and  $2  billion  earnings  totaled  $2.46  per
            able  Care  Act  insurance  es, which provided a small
            exchanges.                   slice  of  their  business.  Last
            The  insurer  also  said  Tues-  summer,  UnitedHealth  re-
            day that it drew $1.52 billion  ported  that  losses  from
            in operating earnings from  that business had come in
            its  rapidly  growing  Optum  about  $200  million  higher
            business, which doesn’t sell  than  expected,  and  CEO
            health insurance.            Stephen Hemsley promised
            The latest Republican push  analysts  that  his  company
            to  dismantle  and  replace  would have no meaningful
            the  Affordable  Care  Act  exposure to the exchanges
            collapsed  Monday  in  the  this year.
            Senate,  more  than  a  year  He  kept  his  word.  The  in-
            after  UnitedHealth  said  it  surer is selling coverage on
            had  had  enough  of  that  exchanges  in  only  three
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