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Wednesday 19 July 2017 BUSINESS

                 Johnson & Johnson ups expectations for the year

            By LINDA A. JOHNSON          ever,  expects  continued  care law collapsed.            ers  understand  concerns  ed  for  only  10  percent  of
            AP Medical Writer            pressure to hold down pric-  Saying  she  could  not  vote  about drug prices and the  U.S.  health  care  spending.
            With  a  number  of  acquisi-  es and a weaker market for  to   repeal   Obamacare,  need  to  ensure  patients  Steady price increases and
            tions and new product ap-    consumer health products.    West  Virginia  Sen.  Shelley  can  get  needed  medi-    many new drugs with price
            provals,  Johnson  &  John-  With  the  failure  this  week  Moore Capito said that she  cines,  but  that  is  only  part  tags  exceeding  $100,000
            son looked beyond a dip in  to  win  consensus  for  the  “did not come to Washing-    of the solution, Gorsky said.  per year have pushed that
            second-quarter  profit  and  Republican  health  care  ton to hurt people.”            “Medicines  represent  only  percentage higher.
            raised  its  outlook  for  the  plan, CEO Alex Gorsky said  Wall Street hates uncertain-  about 15 percent of health  J&J reported higher spend-
            year. The health care prod-  Congress  needs  to  create  ty and on Tuesday, health-   care spending” in the U.S.,  ing  on  marketing,  produc-
            ucts  giant  expects  sales  a more stable environment  care  stocks  were  among  Gorsky said.                     tion  and  research  Tues-
            and  profit  growth  to  ac-  for the industry. But several  the biggest losers.       Until  this  year,  however,  day,  which  pushed  down
            celerate this year, with mo-  hours  later,  GOP  efforts  to  Gorsky  is  in  Washington  those  in  the  pharmaceuti-  second-quarter  profit  4.3
            mentum carrying over into  repeal  much  of  President  for  meetings  with  U.S.  and  cal  industry  stressed  that  percent. That spending will
            2018.  The  company,  how-   Barack  Obama’s  health  global  leaders.  Drugmak-       prescription drugs account-  pay off, J&J said. q
                Insurers slump as health care bill fails; tech stocks rise

                                                                                                   several  financial  firms,  in-  Jones.  The  S&P  500  rose
                                                                                                   cluding  Goldman  Sachs,  1.47 points, or 0.1 percent,
                                                                                                   reported   underwhelming  to 2,460.61, just above the
                                                                                                   second-quarter  results.  En-  record  it  set  Friday.  The
                                                                                                   ergy and industrial compa-   Dow  Jones  industrial  av-
                                                                                                   nies also slipped.           erage  fell  54.99  points,  or
                                                                                                   While  stocks  flirted  with  0.3  percent,  to  21,574.73.
                                                                                                   larger  losses  and  most  of  Goldman  Sachs  was  re-
                                                                                                   the  companies  listed  on  sponsible  for  almost  all  of
                                                                                                   the  New  York  Stock  Ex-   that loss. The Nasdaq com-
                                                                                                   change  fell,  the  gains  for  posite climbed 29.87 points,
                                                                                                   tech and consumer stocks  or  0.5  percent,  to  6,344.31
                                                                                                   were  enough  to  send  the  as  tech  companies  like
                                                                                                   Standard  &  Poor’s  500  in-  Facebook  and  Alphabet,
                                                                                                   dex and Nasdaq compos-       the parent of Google, rose.
                                                                                                   ite to new highs.            After a plunge in June, the
                                                                                                   Wall Street did not have a  Nasdaq  has  surged  over
                                                                                                   big reaction to the Repub-   the last two weeks.
                                                                                                   lican  health  care  defeat,  The  Russell  2000  index  of
                                                                                                   as it did when a related bill  smaller-company   stocks
                                                                                                   failed  in  March.  After  four  sank 3.99 points, or 0.3 per-
                                                                                                   months  of  struggles  over  cent,  to  1,427.61.  That  in-
                                                                                                   health care, investors don’t  dex  closed  at  an  all-time
            Trader Luke Scanlon, center, moves through a crowd on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange.   expect as much from Con-  high  Monday.Several  ma-
            U.S. stocks were divided Tuesday as health insurers declined after the failure of the latest Repub-  gressional Republicans and  jor  banks  reported  strong
            lican health care bill while a big jump in subscribers for Netflix sent technology and consumer-
            focused companies higher.                                                              President Donald Trump on  second-quarter results, but
                                                                           (AP Photo/Richard Drew)  other issues.               that wasn’t enough to get
                                                                                                   “Tax  changes  aren’t  likely  investors  excited.  Bank  of
            By MARLEY JAY                clined  after  the  failure  consumer-focused     com-    to  take  place  any  time  America  and  Goldman
            AP Markets Writer            of  the  latest  Republican  panies higher.               soon  and  are  likely  to  be  Sachs both said their trad-
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  U.S.  health care bill while a big  Stocks  spent  most  of  the   smaller  than  they  hoped,”  ing businesses struggled, as
            stocks  were  divided  Tues-  jump in subscribers for Net-  day lower after the health   said Kate Warne, an invest-  the market has been calm
            day  as  health  insurers  de-  flix  sent  technology  and  care  push  stalled  and   ment  strategist  for  Edward  for months.q

                                                                       Rising interest rates boost BofA’s profits

                                                                      AP Business Writer           lysts’ forecasts of 43 cents a  into  interest  rates  than  its
                                                                      NEW YORK (AP) — Consum-      share.  Like  its  competitors,  rivals  JPMorgan  Chase,
                                                                      er  banking  giant  Bank  of  Bank of America benefited  Citigroup  and  Goldman
                                                                      America reported a 10 per-   from  rising  interest  rates.  Sachs,  who  have  much
                                                                      cent rise in second-quarter  The  Federal  Reserve  has  larger trading divisions and
                                                                      profits on Tuesday as gains  raised  interest  rates  three  are  less  exposed  to  short-
                                                                      from  higher  interest  rates  times   since   December,  term interest rates. Bank of
                                                                      were more than enough to  which  has  allowed  banks  America’s  net  interest  in-
                                                                      offset a drop in trading rev-  like  BofA  to  charge  higher  come increased 9 percent
                                                                      enue. The Charlotte, North  interest  rates  to  borrowers  in the quarter compared to
                                                                      Carolina-based  bank  said  when they take out loans.     a year ago to $10.99 billion.
                                                                      it  earned  $5.27  billion,  or  Because  of  its  large  con-  The  rate  Bank  of  America
                                                                      49  cents  per  share,  com-  sumer   banking   division,  paid  on  deposits  was  un-
                                                                      pared  with  $4.78  billion,  or  Bank of America’s fortunes,  changed from a year ear-
                                                                      43  cents  per  share,  in  the  as  the  nation’s  second-  lier  at  0.04  percent,  which
                                                                      same  period  a  year  ear-  largest bank by assets, are  allowed its profit margins to
                                                                      lier.  The  results  beat  ana-  often  more  directly  tied  grow.q
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