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                                                                                                 u.s. news Dialuna 1 Februari 2021

                            Racial disparities seen in New York City vaccination rates

            (AP) — Black and Latino  Just  11%  of  vaccine  doses  be addressed aggressively and  the  materials  into  additional  the  vaccination  data  would
            New  York  City  residents  administered  to  New  York  creatively,” de Blasio said in a  languages.               show  similar  disparities  had
            are  receiving  COVID-19  City residents went to Black  conference  call  with  report-  Outreach  efforts  aimed  at  pressed  de  Blasio  to  release
            vaccines at far lower rates  people  and  15%  to  Latinos,  ers.  “We’ve  got  a  profound  combating vaccine distrust in  the numbers.
            than  white  or  Asian  New  although  Black  and  Latino  problem of distrust and hesi-  some  communities  have  in-  “The  demographic  data  on
            Yorkers,  Mayor  Bill  de  New  Yorkers  make  up  24%  tancy, particularly in commu-  cluded virtual appearances by  vaccine  distribution  that  the
            Blasio acknowledged Sun-     and 29% of the city’s popu-  nities of color.”            the  mayor  at  churches  serv-  city finally released today af-
            day as he vowed to contin-   lation, respectively. The per-                            ing Black congregations.     ter long delays confirms what
            ue expanding access to the  centage of vaccine doses that  De Blasio said that measures  The  coronavirus  pandemic  we  feared  and  expected  —
            shots in communities that  went to Asians, 15%, is about  intended  to  boost  vaccina-  has  killed  Black  and  Latino  that the people and commu-
            have been ravaged by the  the same as their proportion  tion rates in communities of  people  at  disproportionately  nities of more color, dispro-

            virus.                       of the city’s population, 14%.  color will include streamlin-  high rates in New York City  portionately  harmed  by  the
                                         “Clearly,  we  do  see  a  pro-  ing the cumbersome applica-  and  across  the  nation,  and  pandemic, have been dispro-
            The data released by the city’s  found disparity that needs to  tion  process  and  translating  advocates  who  feared  that  portionately hindered in eq-
            health department shows that                                                                                        uitable access to vaccination,”
            48%  of  the  New  York  City                                                                                       Public  Advocate  Jumaane
            residents  who  have  gotten                                                                                        Williams said in a statement.
            at least one vaccine dose are                                                                                       Gov.  Andrew  Cuomo  said
            white,  a  figure  that  far  ex-                                                                                   the  statewide  breakdown
            ceeds  the  roughly  one-third                                                                                      of  who  has  been  vaccinated
            of the city’s population that is                                                                                    will be released in the com-
            non-Hispanic white.                                                                                                 ing days, but he expects those
                                                                                                                                numbers  to  show  racial  dis-
            The vaccine numbers are in-                                                                                         parities as well.
            complete because about 40%                                                                                          “You’re going to see the Black
            of people who have been vac-                                                                                        population  with  the  highest
            cinated  in  the  city  haven’t                                                                                     hesitance,  then  Latino,  then
            provided  demographic  in-                                                                                          Asian,  then  white,”  Cuomo
            formation.  Still,  the  figures                                                                                    said in a separate conference
            mirror vaccination data from                                                                                        call.
            other  cities  and  states,  with                                                                                   Cuomo  said  the  state  plans
            Black  people in all  locations                                                                                     to  advertise  the  coronavirus
            getting  inoculated  at  levels                                                                                     vaccine  with  a  campaign  di-
            below their share of the pop-                                                                                       rected  specifically  at  Black
            ulation.                                                                                                            New Yorkers.
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