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A30     world news
                   Dialuna 1 Februari 2021

                          EU tightens vaccine export rules, creates post-Brexit outcry

            (AP)  —  The  European                                                                                              nism”  will  be  used  at  least
            Union  introduced  tighter                                                                                          until  the  end  of  March  to
            rules Friday on exports of                                                                                          control  shipments  to  non-
            COVID-19  vaccines  that                                                                                            EU countries.
            could  hit  shipments  to
            nations  like  the  United                                                                                          The EU insisted that’s not an
            Kingdom,  deepening  a                                                                                              export ban, although it could
            dispute with London over                                                                                            be used to block shipments to
            scarce  supplies  of  poten-                                                                                        the UK or many other non-
            tially lifesaving shots.                                                                                            EU  countries.  Many  poorer
                                                                                                                                nations  and  close  neighbors
            But amid an outcry in North-                                                                                        are exempt.
            ern Ireland and the UK, the
            European Commission made                                                                                            Officials said it is intended to
            clear  the  new  measure  will                                                                                      ensure  EU  member  nations
            not  trigger  controls  on  vac-                                                                                    get  the  shots  they  bought
            cines  shipments  produced                                                                                          from  producers.  The  World
            in  the  27-nation  bloc  to  the                                                                                   Health  Organization  criti-
            small territory that is part of                                                                                     cized  the  new  EU  export
            United  Kingdom  bordering                                                                                          rules as “not helpful.”
            EU member Ireland.
                                                                                                                                Director  General  Tedros
            Under  the  post-Brexit  deal,                                                                                      Adhanom  Ghebreyesus  and
            EU  products  should  still  be                                                                                     other WHO officials warned
            able  to  travel  unhindered                                                                                        of  supply-chain  disruptions
            from  the  bloc  to  Northern  gion designed to protect the  tual responsibilities," von der  “The UK has legally-binding  that could ripple through the
            Ireland.                     peace process on the island of  Leyen said in a statement.  agreements with vaccine sup-  world and potentially stall the
                                         Ireland.                     The EU hit out at AstraZene-  pliers and it would not expect  fight against COVID-19.
            “In the process of finalization                           ca this week after the compa-  the EU, as a friend and ally,
            of  this  measure,  the  Com-  But the EU later said it was  ny said it would only supply  to  do  anything  to  disrupt  The  “advanced  purchasing
            mission  will  ensure  that  the  not invoking Article 16 of the  31  million  doses  of  vaccine  the  fulfilment  of  these  con-  agreement” with the EU was
            Ireland/Northern    Ireland  Northern  Ireland  Protocol  in  initial  shipments,  instead  tracts,” the UK said.   signed in August, before the
            Protocol  is  unaffected,"  the  allowing either side to over-  of the 80 million doses it had                      Oxford-AstraZeneca  vaccine
            EU's executive arm said in a  ride parts of their deal.   hoped to deliver.            AstraZeneca  CEO  Pascal  had  been  properly  tested.
            statement late Friday.                                                                 Soriot  told  Germany’s  Die  The  European  Medicines
                                         “The Commission is not trig-  Brussels  claimed  AstraZen-  Welt  newspaper  this  week  Agency approved the vaccine
            Amid a dispute with Anglo-   gering the safeguard clause,”  eca  would  supply  even  less  that  the  U.K.  government  on Friday, making it the third
            Swedish  drugmaker  Astra-   it said in its statement, adding  than that, just one-quarter of  helped create the vaccine de-  authorized for use by EU na-
            Zeneca,  EU  Commission  that  the  restricting  regula-  the doses due between Janu-  veloped  with  Oxford  Uni-  tions.
            president  Ursula  von  der  tions have yet to be finalized  ary and March — and mem-  versity and signed its contract
            Leyen  and  British  leader  and won't be adopted before  ber countries began to com-  three months before the EU  Earlier,  the  27-nation  bloc
            Boris  Johnson  had  an  un-  Saturday.                   plain.                       did.  Soriot  said  that  under  and  AstraZeneca  made  pub-
            expected  phone  call,  during                            The  European  Commis-       the British contract, vaccines  lic a heavily redacted version
            which the UK prime minis-    The  phone  call  between  sion is concerned that doses  produced at U.K. sites must  of their vaccine deal that’s at
            ter “expressed his grave con-  von  der  Leyen  and  Johnson  meant for Europe might have  go to the U.K. first.    the heart of a dispute over the
            cerns about the potential im-  somewhat  eased  what  was  been  diverted  from  an  As-                            delivery schedule.
            pact which the steps the EU  quickly  becoming  a  diplo-  traZeneca  plant  on  the  con-  To  head  off  similar  disputes
            has  taken  today  on  vaccine  matic flashpoint.         tinent  to  the  U.K.,  where  and  allay  fears  that  vaccines  The  contract,  agreed  to  last
            exports  could  have,"  a  state-                         two other company sites are  might be diverted, the Com-  year by the European Com-
            ment  from  the  British  gov-  “We  agreed  on  the  principle  located.  The  EU  also  wants  mission introduced the mea-  mission  and  the  drugmaker,
            ernment read.                that there should not be re-  doses  at  two  sites  in  Britain  sures to tighten rules on the  allows  the  EU’s  member
                                         strictions  on  the  export  of  to be made available to Euro-  exports of shots produced in  countries  to  buy  300  mil-
            The  EU  unveiled  its  plans  vaccines by companies where  pean citizens.             EU  countries.  The  “vaccine  lion doses of the AstraZeneca
            to  tighten  rules  on  exports  they  are  fulfilling  contrac-                       export  transparency  mecha-  vaccine,  with  an  option  for
            of coronavirus vaccines pro-                                                                                        a  further  100  million  doses.
            duced  inside  the  bloc  amid                                                                                      It’s  one  of  several  contracts
            fears  some  of  the  doses  it                                                                                     the  EU’s  executive  branch
            secured  from  AstraZeneca                                                                                          has  with  vaccine  makers  to
            could be diverted elsewhere.                                                                                        secure a total of more than 2
            The  measure  could  be  used                                                                                       billion shots.
            to  block shipments  to  many
            non-EU  countries  and  en-                                                                                         As part of an “advanced pur-
            sure that any exporting com-                                                                                        chase agreement” with com-
            pany  based  in  the  EU  will                                                                                      panies, the EU said it has in-
            first  have  to  submit  their                                                                                      vested 2.7 billion euros ($3.8
            plans to national authorities.                                                                                      billion),  including  336  mil-
                                                                                                                                lion ($408 million) to finance
            The  UK  and  Northern  Ire-                                                                                        the production of AstraZen-
            land  governments  immedi-                                                                                          eca’s serum at four factories.
            ately lashed out at the move,                                                                                       Much  of  the  41-page  docu-
            saying  the  bloc  invoked  an                                                                                      ment  made  public  was
            emergency  clause  in  its  di-                                                                                     blacked  out,  making  it  very
            vorce deal with Britain to in-                                                                                      difficult  to  establish  which
            troducing controls on exports                                                                                       side  is  in  the  right.  Details
            to  Northern  Ireland.  Goods                                                                                       about the price of the vaccine
            are  supposed  to  flow  freely                                                                                     were  notably  redacted.  The
            between the EU and North-                                                                                           U.K. is thought to be paying
            ern Ireland under special ar-                                                                                       far more for the vaccine than
            rangements for the U.K. re-                                                                                         EU countries.
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