Page 29 - bon-dia-aruba-20210201
P. 29
world news Dialuna 1 Februari 2021
Moscow protest spreads wide after police block original plan
(AP) — The Moscow po- participating, the demon- only vandalism observed on
lice plan to stifle an oppo- strators spread their message the trek were slogans traced
sition protest by clamping across much of central Mos- on snow-dusted car win-
down on the center of the cow, attracting considerable dows: “Putin is a thief” and
city backfired — not only attention along the way with “PTN PNKh,” the text-speak
did the massive demon- their chants of “Putin, re- version of a profane insult of
stration take place, but it sign!” and “Putin, thief!” — a Putin.
was spread throughout a reference to an opulent Black More than 1,600 people were
wide swath of the city. Sea estate reportedly built for reportedly arrested in Mos-
the Russian leader that was cow, including Navalny’s
Moscow police always come featured in a widely popular wife, Yulia, but there were
out strong for unauthorized video released by Navalny’s few visible attempts to pro-
protest gatherings, but the team. voke police. Many of those
plan for Sunday’s demon- On surging main roads and who were grabbed and forced
stration demanding freedom even side streets, passing into police vehicles seem-
for jailed opposition leader ity and restricting pedestrian away from the stations, the drivers laid on their horns ingly were picked at random.
Alexei Navalny was especial- traffic in a large trapezoid Navalny team told people and flashed victory signs out Across the country, more
ly anathema symbolically. from Red Square to Luby- to go to the square fronted the window, indicating that than 5,000 people were de-
It was to start on Lubyanka anka, an area that contains by three of the city’s long- support for Navalny and dis- tained.
Square, where the Federal many tourist sights and some distance train stations. More may with President Vladimir As helmeted riot police
Security Service that Naval- of the city’s best shopping. detentions took place on the Putin has spread well beyond chased some marchers into
ny accuses of poisoning him On Sunday, journalists were square and its fringes. the mostly young people who a subway station toward the
is headquartered, then march able to reach Lubyanka, but Thereafter, the throngs set were motivated to navigate end of the demonstration,
a half-kilometer to the presi- few people who looked like out for the Matrosskaya the icy sidewalks. a woman having a cigarette
dential administration build- potential protesters could get Tishina jail, where Navalny Although Putin and other laughed and said: “Is today a
ing, about as close to the le- there. An hour before the ac- is held. Once repelled by po- officials have likened the Russian holiday?”
vers of power that a protester tion was to start, Navalny’s lice there, many headed back protesters to terrorists, what For the demonstrators it
could get without breaching team told protesters via a to the stations area. Muscovites saw from their wasn’t a holiday, but they
the Kremlin’s walls. messaging app to head to two In all, a demonstration that windows as the throngs may feel encouraged by how
Police responded to the pro- still-open subway stations. could have been contained passed was a stream of people police tactics gave them an
vocative plan by closing seven After police detained some in a relatively small area and better-behaved than the aver- inadvertent opportunity to
subway stations in the vicin- protesters and drove others observed by few who weren’t age crowd of soccer fans. The show their determination.
Thousands flee Hong Kong for UK, fearing China crackdown
(AP) — Thousands of National Overseas passport
Hong Kongers have al- as a travel document or form
ready made the some- of identification, and criti-
times painful decision to cized Britain’s citizenship of-
leave behind their home- fer as a move that “seriously
town and move to Brit- infringed” on China’s sov-
ain since Beijing imposed ereignty. It was unclear what
a strict national security effect the announcement
law on the Chinese terri- would have because many
tory last summer. Their Hong Kongers carry multiple
numbers are expected to passports.
swell to the hundreds of Beijing drastically hardened
thousands. its stance on Hong Kong after
the 2019 protests turned vio-
Some are leaving because lent and plunged the city into
they fear punishment for a months-long crisis. Since
supporting the pro-democra- the security law’s enactment,
cy protests that swept the for- ports — a travel document cation requirements. British all behind as she felt that the dozens of pro-democracy ac-
mer British colony in 2019. that Hong Kongers could National Overseas passport city’s freedoms and liberties tivists have been arrested, and
Others say China’s encroach- apply for before the city was holders need to prove that were eroding and she wanted the movement’s young lead-
ment on their way of life and handed over to Chinese con- they have enough money to to ensure a good future for ers have either been jailed or
civil liberties has become un- trol in 1997 — have arrived support themselves for six her kids. fled abroad.
bearable, and they want to since July on the previously months and prove that they Cindy, who spoke on the Because the new law broadly
seek a better future for their allowed six month visa. It are clear of tuberculosis, ac- condition she only be identi- defined acts of subversion,
children abroad. Most say estimates that over 300,000 cording to the U.K. govern- fied by her first name out of secession, foreign collusion
they don’t plan to ever go people will take up the offer ment. concern of official retaliation, and terrorism, many in Hong
back. of extended residency rights Currently, Lo assists three to said it was important to move Kong fear that expressing any
The moves are expected to in the next five years. four families a week in their quickly as she feared Beijing form of political opposition
accelerate now that 5 million “Before the announcement move to the U.K. About 60% would soon move to halt the — even posting messages on
Hong Kongers are eligible to of the BN(O) visa in July, of those are families with exodus. social media — could land
apply for visas to Britain, al- we didn’t have many enqui- young children, while the re- Prime Minister Boris John- them in trouble.
lowing them to live, work ries about U.K. immigration, maining are young couples or son said this week the visa of- “This is a really unique emi-
and study there and eventu- maybe less than 10 a month,” young professionals. fer shows Britain is honoring gration wave – some people
ally apply to become British said Andrew Lo, founder of Cindy, a Hong Kong busi- its “profound ties of history” haven’t had time to actually
citizens. Applications for the Anlex Immigration Consul- nesswoman and the mother with Hong Kong, which was visit the country they’re re-
British National Overseas tants in Hong Kong. “Now of two young children, ar- handed over to China on the locating to. Many have no
visa officially opened Sunday, we receive about 10 to 15 rived in London last week. understanding that it would experience of living abroad,”
though many have already ar- calls a day asking about it.” In Hong Kong she had a com- retain its Western-style free- said Miriam Lo, who runs
rived on British soil to get a Lo said that with the new fortable lifestyle. She owned doms and much of its po- Excelsior UK, a relocation
head start. visa, the barrier to entry to several properties with her litical autonomy not seen on agency. “And because of the
Britain’s government said move to the U.K. becomes husband and the business she mainland China. pandemic, they couldn’t even
some 7,000 people with Brit- extremely low, with no lan- ran was going well. But she Beijing said Friday it will no come over to view a home
ish National Overseas pass- guage or education qualifi- made up her mind to leave it longer recognize the British before deciding to buy.”