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                                                                                                       sports Diasabra 4 september 2021

                       NHL reaches agreement to send players to Olympics in Beijing

            (AP) - The NHL is set to  pen, NHL players will com-
            return to the Olympics in  pete  in  the  Olympic  men’s
            Beijing  this  winter  after  hockey  tournament  for  the
            reaching  an  agreement  sixth  time  in  seven  chances
            with  international  offi-   dating to 1998.
            cials,  though  the  league
            and  players  have  the  op-  “We  understand  how  pas-
            portunity  to  withdraw  if  sionately  NHL  players  feel
            pandemic  circumstances  about representing and com-
            warrant.                     peting  for  the  countries,”
                                         NHL Deputy Commissioner
            The NHL, its players’ union,  Bill  Daly  said.  “We  are  very
            the  International  Olympic  pleased that we were able to
            Committee and the Interna-   conclude  arrangements  that
            tional Ice Hockey Federation  will  allow  them  to  resume
            struck a deal Friday that will  best on best on the Olympic
            put  the  best  players  in  the  stage.”
            world  back  on  sports’  big-
            gest  stage  in  February  after  COVID-19   insurance   is
            they  skipped  the  2018  Py-  not  part  of  the  agreement,
            eongchang Games.             though  Fasel  confirmed  the
                                         IIHF  will  provide  a  $5  mil-
            “It was not easy, but we did  lion  fund  for  any  lost  salary
            it,” IIHF president Rene Fa-  because  of  the  disease.  Vac-
            sel told The Associated Press  cinations  are  expected  to  be
            by  phone.  “I’m  really,  really  required,  and  players  will   come  true,”  McDavid  told  gold medal in Pyeongchang.  ing on Feb. 9. The league will
            happy. When you see the last  have  their  contracts  insured   the AP this week. “It’s kind of                     still hold its All-Star weekend
            was  2014,  and  they  would  for injury.                 been a long time since we’ve  “The Olympics is one of the  in Las Vegas before players fly
            wait until 2026, so you have                              been able to play best on best  biggest  dreams  of  mine  and  to China on Feb. 6.
            12  years  in  between  —  that                           internationally.  I  think  for  I  haven’t  been  able  to  par-
            means we have a generation  U.S.  coach  Mike  Sullivan   me,  and  I  think  for  a  lot  of  ticipate in one — this might  “It  levels  the  playing  field,”
            of hockey players that would  called returning to the Olym-  guys that were on that team,  be  the  last  chance  I  get,”  said  Hall  of  Fame  defense-
            not  be  able  to  play  in  the  pics  “such  an  exciting  time   it’s been a long time coming.  said  Hedman,  who  was  left  man  Chris  Pronger,  who
            Olympics.”                   for hockey.”                 We’re obviously looking for-  off  Sweden’s  2014  Olympic  made  his  Olympic  debut
                                                                      ward to going to the Olym-   roster. “When you get an op-  in  1998  and  won  gold  with
            Even  after  the  NHL  and  He is not alone in that think-  pics if we’re all lucky enough  portunity  to  represent  your  Canada  in  2010.  “It  allows
            players  agreed  to  Olympic  ing.                        to make it.”                 country on the biggest stage,  more  countries  to  compete
            participation as part of a long-                                                       it is one of those things that  at a higher level. It showcases
            term extension of the collec-  Reigning  NHL  MVP  Con-   It could be the first Olympics  you’ll probably never forget.  the sport.”
            tive  bargaining  agreement  nor  McDavid  played  for    for McDavid, U.S. star Aus-  So yeah for me it is obvious-
            last summer, the coronavirus  an  under-23  “Team  North   ton  Matthews,  2020  playoff  ly  something  that  I’ve  been  NHL  players  at  the  Olym-
            pandemic  and  related  costs  America”  at  the  2016  World   MVP  and  two-time  Stanley  dreaming  about  my  whole  pics  became  commonplace,
            threatened to shelve that pos-  Cup  of  Hockey  and  has  yet   Cup  champion  Victor  Hed-  life  and  something  I  want  with the IOC agreeing to pay
            sibility. Instead, the sides fig-  to play for Canada in a tour-  man and many others. They  to  do  before  I  hang  up  my  travel and insurance costs and
            ured it out, allowing for the  nament  of  the  world’s  best   didn’t  get  the  opportunity  skates.”             owners  willing  to  pause  the
            league or players to withdraw  men’s hockey players.      three  years  ago,  when  na-                             season for players to take part
            if virus circumstances change                             tional  teams  were  made  up  In  anticipation  of  a  deal  be-  in the tournament. An entire
            for  the  worse  or  there’s  an  “Just to be able to represent   mostly  of  college  and  Euro-  ing  reached,  the  NHL  al-  generation of players grew up
            outbreak during the season.  Canada at the Olympics and   pean professional players, ex-  ready scheduled a three-week  knowing of Olympics being a
                                         compete  for  a  gold  medal   cept for the Olympic Athletes  break to take into account the  showcase for NHL stars.
            As long as that does not hap-  would be an absolute dream   from  Russia,  who  won  the  Olympic  tournament  open-

                           Former Super Bowl champ Patten dies in motorcycle crash

            (AP)  —  Former  NFL  re-    Richland  County  coroner  Patten  played  12  seasons  in  Bowl. It was New England’s  coached David. He is an es-
            ceiver and three-time Su-    Naida  Rutherford  said  in  a  the  NFL  after  signing  as  an  lone  offensive  TD  in  the  sential  person  and  player
            per  Bowl  champion  Da-     statement  Patten  was  killed  undrafted free agent with the  20-17 win over the St. Louis  in  Patriots  history,  without
            vid Patten Jr., who caught  in  a  crash  Thursday  night  New  York  Giants  in  1997.  Rams.                      whom  we  would  not  have
            Tom  Brady’s  first  post-   outside  of  Columbia,  South  He  spent  three  seasons  in                           been  Super  Bowl  champi-
            season touchdown pass to  Carolina.  The  South  Caro-    New York and also played for  Patten  played  with  the  Pa-  ons.”
            help the Patriots win their  lina Highway Patrol said the  Cleveland,  Washington  and  triots  from  2001  until  2004
            first  title,  has  died  in  a  accident  involved  two  other  New Orleans.          and  was  a  member  of  their  Team  owner  Robert  Kraft
            motorcycle accident.         vehicles.                                                 2003 and 2004 championship  said he was “heartbroken.”
                                                                      But  his  biggest  highlights  teams.  He  appeared  in  147
                                                                      came  as  a  member  of  the  career  NFL  games,  catching  “He  was  a  devout  Chris-
                                                                      Patriots,  making  two  iconic  324  passes  for  4,715  yards  tian  who  followed  his  pas-
                                                                      catches to help New England  and 24 touchdowns.           sion  following  his  football
                                                                      capture  its  first  Super  Bowl                          career and founded his own
                                                                      win during the 2001 season.  In  a  statement  coach  Bill  ministry,” Kraft said. “David
                                                                      He hauled in an 11-yard TD  Belichick  called  Patten  “an  transitioned  from  an  under-
                                                                      from  Drew  Bledsoe  during  essential person and player in  sized  and  understated  wide
                                                                      the  Patriots’  24-17  win  over  Patriots history.”      receiver  to  a  powerful  and
                                                                      Pittsburgh in the AFC cham-                               passionate preacher. In New
                                                                      pionship game. He followed  “It  breaks  my  heart  to  hear  England,  he  will  always  be
                                                                      that with a leaping 8-yard TD  of  David’s  tragic  passing  at  remembered as a three-time
                                                                      reception from Brady in the  such a young age,” Belichick  Super Bowl champion.”
                                                                      second  quarter  of  the  Super  said.  “I  am  grateful  to  have
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