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                                                                                         world news Diaranson 2 December 2020

                          EU eyes Dec 29 approval for 1st virus vaccine, later than US

            (AP)  —  The  European  been  preparing  to  start  im-   Food  and  Drug  Administra-
            Union  drug  agency  said  munizing  people  from  mid-   tion’s  scientific  advisers  are
            Tuesday it may need four  December onward.                holding  a  public  meeting
            more weeks to approve its                                 Dec. 10 to review Pfizer’s re-
            first  coronavirus  vaccine,  On Tuesday, officials in Ger-  quest to allow emergency use
            even as authorities in the  many, France and the Neth-    of its vaccine, and a decision
            United  States  and  Brit-   erlands  cautioned  that  vac-  could  come  shortly  thereaf-
            ain continue to aim for a  cine  programs  likely  won't  ter.
            green light before Christ-   start until the end of the year.
            mas.                                                      Stephen  Evans,  a  professor
                                         “With  the  information  we  at the London School of Hy-
            The  European  Medicines  got  in  recent  days  we  have  giene and Tropical Medicine,
            Agency  plans  to  convene  a  to assume that approval will  said  that  although  the  main
            meeting by Dec. 29 to decide  only happen around the turn  drug  regulators  will  all  ana-
            if there is enough safety and  of the year,” German Health  lyze  the  same  data,  the  Eu-  has a drug regulatory agency  around the world the shot, or
            efficacy  data  about  the  vac-  Minister Jens Spahn said.  ropean  regulator's  decision-  will have to issue its own ap-  two if a booster is necessary,
            cine developed by Pfizer and                              making process is slowed by  proval  for  any  COVID-19  meaning  that  people  will  be
            BioNTech  for  it  to  be  ap-  “It has moved because some  the bureaucracy of the 27-na-  vaccine,  although  countries  living  with  some  virus  con-
            proved.  The  regulator  also  studies obviously need a little  tion bloc.             with  weak  systems  usually  trol  measures  at  least  well
            said it could decide as early as  longer  to  be  submitted,"  he                      rely on the World Health Or-  into next year.
            Jan. 12 whether to approve a  said. "What’s important is to  He  explained  that  approval  ganization to vet the shots. In
            rival shot by American phar-  be prepared.”               at  the  EMA  “requires  coop-  the  EU,  countries  typically  While  the  three  major  vac-
            maceutical  company  Mod-                                 eration from member states,  accept EMA approval for vac-  cines so far submitted for ap-
            erna Inc, which submitted its  His  comments  were  echoed  who  each  have  a  say  in  the  cines and drugs unless there  proval seem to prevent peo-
            request to U.S. and European  by  French  President  Em-  authorization of a vaccine.”  is a specific issue the country  ple from getting sick, it is still
            regulators this week.        manuel  Macron  and  Dutch                                wants examined further.      unclear whether they prevent
                                         Health  Minister  Hugo  de  British regulators also are as-                            people  from  picking  up  the
            If  its  vaccine  is  approved,  Jonge, who said authorities in  sessing  another  vaccine  de-  Multiple  successful  vaccines  virus entirely — and crucially
            Germany-based  BioNTech  those  countries  are  working  veloped by researchers from  will  be  needed  to  end  the  — passing it to others.
            said the shot's use in Europe  to  begin  vaccinating  people  Oxford University and drug-  pandemic,  which  has  been
            could begin before the end of  in the first week of January.  maker AstraZeneca.       on  the  upswing  in  Europe  The  EU's  top  official  said
            2020 — but that seems quite                                                            and  the  U.S.  and  so  far  left  Tuesday around 2 billion dos-
            ambitious, given that the EU  “It  won’t  be  a  vaccination  Whichever of the three regu-  more than 1.4 million people  es  of  potential  COVID-19
            Commission usually needs to  policy for the broader public”  lators  —  American,  British  worldwide dead.         vaccines  have  been  secured
            rubber-stamp  the  regulator's  during the first few months,  or  European  —  acts  earliest                       for the bloc's 27 nations and
            decision. Still, the agency has  Macron  said  at  a  news  con-  would be giving the first ap-  Authorities  and  drugmakers  called  hope  for  their  quick
            also left  open  the  possibility  ference.               proval  of  a  COVID-19  vac-  have pledged to work togeth-  approval "a huge step forward
            that the date of that meeting                             cine  that’s  been  that’s  been  er to immediately begin roll-  toward our normal life."
            will  be  brought  forward  if  BioNTech  and  U.S.  partner  rigorously  tested  in  tens  of  ing  out  the  first  shots  once
            data comes in faster.        Pfizer  have  said  that  clinical  thousands of people in trials  approval  comes  in,  whether  EU  Commission  President
                                         trials showed their vaccine is  that meet common scientific  that’s in the United States or  Ursula von der Leyen, how-
            Any approval granted by the  95% effective. The two com-  standards.                   Europe.                      ever, urged EU citizens to re-
            European  regulator  will  be  panies  have  already  submit-                                                       main “disciplined till we have
            conditional  on  companies  ted  data  to  regulators  in  the  Numerous other vaccines are  “Depending  on  how  the  reached  finally  a  vaccination
            submitting  further  informa-  United  States  and  Britain,  also being worked on. Russia  authorities  decide  we  can  that  is  appropriate  to  eradi-
            tion to confirm the vaccine’s  and  approval  might  come  and  China  have  even  begun  start delivering within a few  cate this virus.”
            benefits outweigh the risks.  from them first.            administering shots of locally  hours,”   said   BioNTech's
                                                                      developed  vaccines  and  sell-  chief operating officer, Sierk  Even  after  vaccines  are  ap-
            The  date  now  being  eyed  Hospitals  in  England  have  ing  them  to  other  countries  Poetting.               proved,  manufacturers  and
            would be later than some Eu-  been told they could receive  but  have  not  published  evi-                         regulators will be monitoring
            ropean countries had hoped.  the  first  doses  of  the  Pfizer  dence from advanced studies  But  officials  caution  that  how  well  they  are  received
            Germany,  which  has  given  shot  as  early  as  the  week  of  proving the vaccines are safe  while  some  people  may  re-  by patients to determine the
            BioNTech  375  million  eu-  Dec. 7 if it receives the OK,  and effective.             ceive a vaccine in the coming  frequency of rarer side effects
            ros ($450 million) in funding  the  Guardian  and  Financial                           weeks, it will likely take years  that  may  only  appear  when
            to  develop  the  vaccine,  has  Times  reported.  The  U.S.  Globally,  every  country  that  to  give  billions  of  people  millions are immunized.

                        Canada: US border measures to last until virus under control

              (AP) — Canadian Prime Minis-       Broadcasting Corporation.                                              vaccine-production facilities.
              ter Justin Trudeau said Tuesday                                       About  400,000  people  crossed  the
              the  ban  on  nonessential  travel  “We are incredibly lucky that trade  world’s longest international border  But Trudeau said at a news confer-
              with  the  United  States  will  not  in  essential  goods,  in  agriculture  each day before the pandemic.  ence  on  Tuesday  that  Canada  was
              be lifted until COVID-19 is sig-   products,  in  pharmaceuticals  is                                     among the first to pre-order Mod-
              nificantly  more  under  control  flowing back and forth as it always  About 75% of Canada’s exports go to  erna's  vaccine  candidate  and,  “We
              around the world.                  had,”  he  said.  "It’s  just  people  not  the U.S. which has more confirmed  are  guaranteed  some  of  Moderna’s
                                                 travelling, which I think is the im-  cases  and  deaths  from  COVID-19  first batch if the vaccine is safe and
              Canada  and  the  U.S.  have  limited  portant thing.”                than any country in the world.      approved.”
              border  crossings  since  March,  ex-
              tending the restrictions each month.  Trudeau  said  although  President-  Trudeau  has  come  under  criticism  "Already,  Moderna  has  submitted
                                                 elect  Joe  Biden  has  an  “obvious”  from  opposition  parties  for  saying  their  candidate  for  Health  Canada
              “Until  the  virus  is  significantly  different approach to the pandemic  Canadians won’t be among the first  review,  as  have  Pfizer-BioNTech
              under  more  control  everywhere  than  President  Donald  Trump,  the  to get a vaccine against COVID-19  and  AstraZeneca-Oxford.  And  just
              around the world, we are not going  situation  in  the  U.S.  remains  seri-  because the first doses will likely go  yesterday, Johnson & Johnson joined
              to be releasing the restrictions at the  ous and it will take awhile to change  to citizens of the countries they are  this list as the fourth candidate for
              border," Trudeau told the Canadian  that.                             made in. Canada doesn't have mass  Health Canada’s review."
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