Page 19 - MIN JUS 1 DEC 2015
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WORLD NEWSTuesday 1 December 2015

Peru:                                                                                                                                    Brazil’s House
                                                                                                                                       Speaker denies
US activist heading home after serving sentence                                                                                          bribery report

FRANK BAJAK                     In this Friday, Nov 27, 2015 photo, U.S. activist Lori Berenson looks out from her residence in Lima,  JENNY BARCHFIELD
Associated Press                                                                                                                       Associated Press
LIMA, Peru (AP) — Ameri-        Peru. Berenson is heading home to New York, two decades after being found guilty of aiding             RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) —
can activist Lori Berenson                                                                                                             The embattled speaker
is finally heading home to      leftist rebels. 							                                        (AP Photo/Martin Mejia)                 of Brazil’s House of Repre-
New York, two decades                                                                                                                  sentatives has vehemently
after being found guilty of     and take lawmakers hos-        meters) altitude, where her     New York in December                    denied reports that a doc-
aiding leftist rebels in Peru.  tage.                          health suffered.                2011, but Peru’s Congress               ument seized in a corrup-
The 46-year-old has been        Berenson denies knowl-         After U.S. pressure and a       subsequently passed a                   tion probe suggests he re-
living quietly in Lima with     edge of the plot, but she      legal defense aided by          law barring foreigners con-             ceived nearly $12 million to
her 6-year-old son since        rented and lived in the        former U.S. Attorney Gen-       victed of terrorism-related             support legislation favoring
her 2010 parole because         safe house where it was        eral Ramsey Clark, Beren-       crimes from travel.                     a top investment bank.
she was barred from leav-       being planned and was          son was retried in a civilian   Berenson is amicably di-                In a late-night barrage of
ing the country until her       arrested with the wife of a    court in 2001.                  vorced from the boy’s fa-               about 20 tweets on Sun-
20-year sentence lapsed.        rebel leader after visiting    Berenson apologized pub-        ther, a former Tupac Ama-               day, Eduardo Cunha dis-
Berenson told The Associ-       congress with a journalist’s   licly in 2010 as a condition    ru militant she met in prison           missed the reports as a
ated Press that occurred        visa.                          for obtaining parole but        in 1997.                                “true absurdity,” saying
on Sunday.                      She was initially convicted    was re-incarcerated for         Alberto Fujimori, who was               they appeared to be part
Fearing being mobbed by         of treason in 1996 by a        three months that year on       president when Beren-                   of a plot against him.
reporters on departure, she     court of hooded military       a technicality.                 son was arrested, is now                The denials followed the
would not disclose details      judges and sent for nearly     She and her son Salvador,       imprisoned in Peru on hu-               publication Sunday of a
of her travel plans. She said   three years to a frigid pris-  who was born behind bars,       man rights and corruption               story on the website of
she obtained a bachelor’s       on at 12,700 feet (3,870       vacationed with family in       convictions.q                           Rio de Janeiro’s O Globo
degree in sociology online                                                                                                             newspaper saying inves-
last year and plans to live                                                                                                            tigators seized the docu-
in New York City with her                                                                                                              ment implicating Cunha
parents until she gets es-                                                                                                             in the home of an aide to
tablished.                                                                                                                             Sen. Delcidio do Amaral,
A daughter of college pro-                                                                                                             the governing Workers’
fessors, she dropped out of                                                                                                            Party’s leader in the Sen-
the Massachusetts Institute                                                                                                            ate.
of Technology and head-                                                                                                                Amaral, his aide, Diogo
ed to Latin America to sup-                                                                                                            Ferreira, billionaire banker
port leftist movements. She                                                                                                            Andre Esteves and an at-
worked for El Salvador reb-                                                                                                            torney were detained last
els before traveling to Peru                                                                                                           week in connection with
in late 1994.                                                                                                                          the mushrooming probe
She was convicted of                                                                                                                   into corruption at Brazil’s
“collaborating with ter-                                                                                                               state-run oil giant Petro-
rorism” for assisting the Tu-                                                                                                          bras.
pac Amaru Revolutionary                                                                                                                The report in O Globo said
Movement as it prepared                                                                                                                the document seized in Fer-
in 1995 to seize congress                                                                                                              reira’s residence stipulated
                                                                                                                                       that in exchange for pas-
17 dead in fight at overcrowded Guatemala prison                                                                                       sage of legislation favoring
                                                                                                                                       Esteves’ BTG Pactual bank,
SONIA PEREZ D.                  out Sunday afternoon in        heads of three men, ap-         had removed 16 bodies                   the institution “paid Repre-
Associated Press                the Canada Rehabilita-         parently the leaders of         from the prison and they                sentative Eduardo Cunha
ESCUINTLA, Guatemala            tion Farm about 45 miles       a group, on top of a ta-        were still being identified.            the sum of $11.7 million.”
(AP) — Seventeen prison-        (70 kilometers) south of the   ble. No one was killed or       Elsa Rodriguez said she                 The note supposedly add-
ers were killed in a gang       capital.                       wounded by gunfire, he          identified her son Estu-                ed that other lawmakers
brawl inside an overcrowd-      “All were killed by machete    said. Another government        ardo Gregorio Rodriguez,                from Cunha’s opposition
ed Guatemalan prison, in-       and knife wounds,” said        official said earlier that the  23, from a photograph                   party also received part of
cluding seven who were          Mijangos, who entered the      fight started with gunfire.     a funeral home employ-                  the bribe and that Cunha,
decapitated, officials said     prison. Officials found 16     Prison system spokesman         ee showed her. She was                  Esteves and the others had
Monday.                         bodies together inside and     Rudy Esquivel said the pris-    among about 100 people                  a celebratory dinner to-
Victor Mijangos, assistant      one more prisoner died of      on was designed to hold         waited outside a morgue                 gether after the passage
prosecutor for the Escuintla    his wounds at a hospital.      600 inmates, but houses         for the victims’ bodies to be           of the legislation, in March
district, said the fight broke  He said officials found the    3,092. He said firefighters     released to their families.q            2013.q
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