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a32    health
                     Thursday 9 april 2020
            A Giant Leap Forward

            by Carlos M Viana, CCN, OMD
            ORANJESTAD  —  Lately,  I  make  daily  calls  to
            check on clients and friends following the rec-
            ommendations  to  self-isolate.  Many  are  anx-
            ious  from  the  constant  news  of  a  frightening
            world  pandemic.    Others  are  bored  or  angry
            missing  outside  activities  and  the  freedom  to
            move about.  The emotional drain of the current
            times can produce an inability to relax physi-
            cally or mentally.

            Anxiety caused by living in isolation or indoors
            for  a  long  period  of  time  can  develop  into  a
            feeling  of  being  dissatisfied,  especially  with  us,  “how  to”  is  just  phone  call  away  or  an  in-
            people in authority or a system of control. Re-  ternet recipe search. In our new reality, we all
            alize,  government  and  health  officials  did  not  should  be  including  some  eatable  plants  at
            cause this situation.  The recommendations of  home. A kitchen garden, a pot of herbs on the
            staying  in  your  home  should  not  stress  us  out  windowsill?  What a great time to get back to
            more, it is to protect us and those who are the  basics. Relearning these skills can help the bud-
            most vulnerable and to slow down the amount  get, boredom and stress.                           Do not let your frustration tempt you to go out
            of people who get sick.  With a steady stream                                                   in public unless it is necessary.  If you must, be
            of just a few patients, the medical system does  Some  people  cope  with  stress  by  drinking  al-  sure to be to keep safe distance.  A mask can
            not become overwhelmed like we are seeing in  cohol.  The  problem  with  this  is,  alcohol  takes  help  keep  you  from  touching  your  face  or
            many places now.                                a  psychological  and  physiological  toll  on  the  breathing on others.  Forget the gloves unless,
                                                            body and may compound the effects of stress.  you are using them correctly.  Handling multiple
            Stress  is  an  inevitable  part  of  life.    As  a  Tradi-  The allure is that, it seems to provide some short-  items,  then  your  wallet,  phone  or  other,  is  just
            tional  Chinese  Medicine  physician,  I  appreci-  term  relief,  positive  feelings  and  relaxation.   causing  cross  contamination  and  making  our
            ate how stress affects the free flow of energy,  However, as stressful events continue long-term,  situation worse.  And please, dispose of any of
            Qi within the body.  Excessive and prolonged  heavy  alcohol  consumption  can  increase  the  these items in a responsible manor, least they
            stress may impede the delicate balance in our  risk of developing alcohol use disorders. Orien-  end up in a parking lot, or waterways. Do not
            body and trigger severe health problems.  For-  tal Medicine teaches that when stress builds up,  leave them for already overstressed workers to
            tunately, there are activities that we can use to  Liver energy flow is impeded causing shoulder  pick up.  Better to carry a disposable or wash-
            help ourselves. The first step is to realize some  muscles to tighten leading to shoulder or neck  able wipe and some portable disinfectants and
            of the activities to manage a difficult situation  pain  and  even  headaches.  Shoulder  tension  use it often. And, you still must wash hands and
            are not in our best interest. The first is not eat-  can be from mechanical strain, improper pos-  anything that gets touched often!  We are all in
            ing properly. Snacking all day out of frustration  ture while working or sleeping, lack of exercise  this together and must all take responsibility to
            or boredom and eating too many simple car-      and emotional stress. You might be restricted to  support our communities.
            bohydrates  will  obstruct  the  flow  of  Qi,  which  home but take time to walk, jog, and bicycle
            would affect the Spleen's functions.  This means,  or if you can, go to the beach.  These activities  Get  the  Point!  Phyllis,  who  was  a  professional
            the ability to utilize digested food will be affect-  are permissible in many areas under the ‘stay  dancer explained how all athletes, artists, and
            ed.  Digestive problems, weight gain and other  at home’ order if you do not gather in groups.   skilled  workers  know  that  when  you  are  work-
            issues may develop.  Some of us, may not be  Respect others through distance.  No beach?  ing on your craft, with practice an experience
            used to preparing all our meals from scratch at  Open the windows, exercise to music or one of  you improve.  However, it’s not always that you
            home.  With busy modern schedules, we had  the many now free, online classes.  Be sure to  improve  steadily.  Many  times,  you  take  steps
            been  dining  out  and  looking  for  convenient  stretch  then  perhaps,  a  relaxing  bath.    I  can-  forward then suddenly you fall back!  It might
            options.  Our  new  reality  means  we  must  re-  not stress enough that exercise helps to unblock  seem discouraging, but then you leap forward
            connect with preparing our own food.  Choos-    the flow of your body’s energy and circulation,  further  than  you  could  imagine  before.    Per-
            ing  the  most  natural  ingredients  available,  no  minimizing the effects of stress on our mind and  haps, humanity has taken a step back? We all
            more impulse shopping, but being careful what  body. Tai Chi, yoga, and other forms of exercise  feel it in some degree, there is need to clean
            we buy to manage our long-term budgets for  that focus on breathing, as well as daily medi-     house, reflect and gown.  Do not give up or be
            our long-term health.  Brown rice, beans, fresh  tation help to move Qi, calming the mind and  discouraged.    There  is  a  rebirth  approaching.
            or  frozen  vegetables,  healthy  protein  sources  promoting relaxation.  Now would be the time  We like to look at it as we will be taking, a giant
            should stocked be in all homes now. Luckily for  to check out the many free online videos.      leap forward. q
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