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                                                                                                  business Thursday 9 april 2020
            Housing market chills, layoffs, US cos. dial up virus fight

            The Associated Press                                                                                                formation  of  the  Transpor-
            undefined                                                                                                           tation  Security  Administra-
            The  outbreak  of  the  coro-                                                                                       tion, the number of passen-
            navirus has dealt a shock to                                                                                        gers screened daily at U.S.
            the  global  economy  with                                                                                          airports  dropped  below
            unprecedented speed. Fol-                                                                                           100,000.
            lowing  are  developments                                                                                           The  figure  recorded  Tues-
            Wednesday related to the                                                                                            day,  97,130,  represents  a
            global economy, the work                                                                                            decline  of  more  than  95%
            place  and  the  spread  of                                                                                         compared  with  the  same
            the virus.                                                                                                          day a year ago.
            ___________________                                                                                                 —  Airbus  is  reducing  pro-
            PAYCHECKS STOP: Compa-                                                                                              duction  by  about  a  third.
            nies  are  in  survival  mode,                                                                                      The  company  delivered
            which means tens of thou-                                                                                           122 planes in the first quar-
            sands  of  people  are  los-                                                                                        ter, but 60 are undelivered.
            ing   weekly    paychecks.                                                                                          It  delivered  36  in  March,
            Governments  are  pushing                                                                                           down  from  55  in  February
            billions  of  dollars  into  pro-                                                                                   as airlines deferred orders.
            grams  to  stop  the  blood-                                                                                        MACRO       DEVASTATION:
            letting,  but  job  cuts  keep                                                                                      Despite  national  efforts  to
            coming.                      Big Ben's clock tower and the London Eye ferris wheel stand in the distance as the area around   blunt  the worst of the eco-
            —  Tesla  furloughed  most   Royal Festival Hall is very quiet in London, Wednesday, April 8, 2020.                 nomic  damage,  a  signifi-
            factory  workers  and  an-                                                                        Associated Press.  cant  global  contraction  is
            nounced  pay  cuts.  Fur-    a  Mortgage  Bankers  Asso-  HEAVY INDUSTRY: Manufac-     livery of 2.25 million sets of  increasingly likely.
            loughed  employees  won't  ciation survey Wednesday.  turers  have  reconfigured  protective gear in the next  —  Japan's  economy  is
            be  paid,  but  health  ben-  Purchase     applications,  factory  floors  to  provide  five weeks. The HHS has an  headed for a 25% contrac-
            efits will continue. The com-  which  hint  at  future  activ-  essential  goods  despite  option  to  double  that  or-  tion in the current quarter,
            pany  anticipates  a  return  ity, slid 12% in a week, and  the  lack  of  a  coordinated  der.                     even with the government's
            to work on May 4, accord-    a  whopping  33%  from  the  response  from  Washington  —  The  Burton  snowboard  fiscal  aid  package,  Gold-
            ing to an email from Valerie  same week last year. It's far  and clashes  between Pres-  company    is   donating  man  Sachs  said  Wednes-
            Workman,  head  of  HR  for  worse in regions where CO-   ident  Donald  Trump  and  500,000 respirator masks to  day. The report said exports
            North America.               VID-19 is raging. Compared  some of the nation's largest  hospitals  across  the  North-  are  expected  to  dive  by
            —  Starbucks  will  provide  with  last  year,  purchase  producers.                   east.                        60%  in  the  April-June  peri-
            direct  grants  to  employ-  applications  tumbled  38%  —  The  U.S.  will  buy  30,000  —  Amazon  is  testing  disin-  od. The contraction for the
            ees worldwide. The Seattle  in  Washington  state  and  desperately  needed  ven-      fectant  fogging  at  ware-  world's  third  largest  econ-
            roaster will provide $10 mil-  31.3% in New York. Califor-  tilators  from  General  Mo-  houses.  Amazon  has  been  omy  would  be  a  record,
            lion in grants for things like  nia  reported  a  15.9%  drop  tors  for  $489.4  million.  GM  under  pressure  from  work-  since gross domestic prod-
            housing,  utilities,  and  fam-  in applications.         is producing the devices at  ers to improve safety during  uct began to be tracked in
            ily  funeral  costs  during  the  —  The  number  of  peo-  cost. The ventilators will go  the outbreak.            1955.
            pandemic.                    ple  paying  rent  in  March  into  the  Strategic  National  EMPTY  SKIES:  For  the  first  —  The  virus  outbreak  will
            BROKEN     HOMES:    There  slipped  12%,  according  to  Stockpile  for  distribution,  time in well over a genera-  cause  a  deep  recession
            were  already  early  signs   the  National  Multifamily  HHS  said.  GM  will  deliver  tion, skies are largely empty  in  Germany,  shrinking  the
            of  weakness  in  the  hous-  Housing  Council.  In  it's  first  6,132 ventilators by June.  of  planes.  The  number  of  economy by 4.2% this year,
            ing market before the pan-   review of the effects of the  —  FedEx  and  DuPont  are  people  passing  through  leading  German  research
            demic. New data shows a  COVID-19  outbreak,  the  teaming up to get 450,000  U.S.  airports  is  plumbing  institutes  said  Wednesday
            significant deterioration.   group found 69% of house-    protective  suits  to  U.S.  lows  comparable  only  to  in their twice-annual report.
            —  Mortgage  applications  holds had paid their rent by  healthcare  workers  from  a  the days following the Sept.  Economists  predict  a  swift
            nationwide dropped 17.9%  April 5, compared with 81%  plant in Vietnam this week.  11 attacks.                      rebound to growth of 5.8%
            in one week, according to  in the previous month.         Federal officials expect de-  — For the first time since the  in 2021. q

            Airbus cuts production by a third as

            airlines struggle

            LONDON (AP) — European  lated  to  a  near-total  shut-   view its output on a month-
            planemaker  Airbus  said  down of air travel.             ly  basis.    "It  is  not  unlikely
            Wednesday  it  is  reducing  "We are adapting produc-     that  aviation  will  look  dif-
            production by about a third  tion  to  the  new  reality  of  ferent  after  this  COVID-19
            as demand for aircraft and  the  airlines,"  Airbus  CEO  crisis," he said.
            travel plummets due to the  Guillaume Faury said.         The  company  said  it  was
            coronavirus pandemic.        "We  are  all  going  through  keeping tight control on its
            The company said it deliv-   an  unprecedented  situa-    own costs and has not yet
            ered 122 planes in the first  tion and we want to do this  applied  for  government
            quarter, but 60 remain un-   together  as  much  as  pos-  support,  but  said  it  might
            delivered. It delivered only  sible."                     seek to tap European gov-
            36  in  March,  down  from  Faury  was  unable  to  indi-  ernment  programs  that
            55  in  February,  as  airlines  cate how long the produc-  help  pay  the  salaries  of
            asked  to  suspend  orders  tion cuts would last, saying  workers  put  on  temporary   An Airbus A330 of the French Air Force is on display at the Airport
            while facing huge costs re-  only  that  Airbus  would  re-  leave.q                   of Hamburg, Germany, Tuesday, March 31, 2020.
                                                                                                                                           Associated Press.
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