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A26    U.S. NEWS
                     Thursday 9 april 2020
            Sanders drops 2020 bid, leaving Biden as likely nominee

            By WILL WEISSERT                                                                                                    a  key  architect  of  many
            Associated Press                                                                                                    of  the  social  policies  that
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  Sen.                                                                                           dominated    the   Demo-
            Bernie  Sanders  ended  his                                                                                         cratic  primary,  including  a
            presidential bid on Wednes-                                                                                         "Medicare for All"  universal,
            day, making Joe Biden the                                                                                           government-funded health
            presumptive    Democratic                                                                                           care plan, tuition-free pub-
            nominee     to   challenge                                                                                          lic college, a $15 minimum
            President  Donald  Trump  in                                                                                        wage and sweeping efforts
            a  general  election  cam-                                                                                          to fight climate change un-
            paign  that  will  be  waged                                                                                        der the "Green New Deal."
            against  the  backdrop  of                                                                                          Sanders  began  the  2020
            the coronavirus pandemic.                                                                                           race  by  arguing  that  he
            Sanders  initially  exceed-                                                                                         was  the  most  electable
            ed  sky-high  expectations                                                                                          Democrat  against  Trump.
            about his ability to recreate                                                                                       He  said  his  working-class
            the magic of his 2016 presi-                                                                                        appeal  could  help  Demo-
            dential bid, and even over-                                                                                         crats  win  back  Rust  Belt
            came  a  heart  attack  last                                                                                        states  that  Trump  won  in
            October.  But  he  couldn't                                                                                         2016,  including  Michigan,
            convert  unwavering  sup-                                                                                           Wisconsin  and  Pennsylva-
            port  from  progressives  into                                                                                      nia.  But  as  the  race  wore
            a viable path to the nomi-                                                                                          on, the senator reverted to
            nation,  with  "electability"   In this March 15, 2020, file photo, former Vice President Joe Biden prepares for a Democratic   his  2016  roots,  repeatedly
            fears  fueled  by  questions   presidential primary debate with Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., at CNN Studios in Washington.   stressing  that  he  backs  a
            about  whether  his  demo-                                                                        Associated Press.  "political  revolution"  from
            cratic  socialist  ideology   had  a  "short  conversation"  no  guarantees  he'd  be  a   But Biden won a crucial en-  the  bottom  up  under  the
            would  be  palatable  to     with  Sanders  on  Wednes-   major   presidential   con-  dorsement  from  influential   slogan "Not me. Us."
            general election voters.     day.  "He  didn't  just  run  a  tender this cycle.       South  Carolina  Rep.  Jim   Sanders,  78,  also  faced
            "The path toward victory is   political campaign. He cre-  But  Sanders  used  strong   Clyburn and a subsequent,   persistent  questions  about
            virtually  impossible,"  Sand-  ated  a  movement,"  Biden  polling  and  solid  fundrais-  larger-than-expected  vic-  being the field's oldest can-
            ers told supporters Wednes-  said.  "That's  a  good  thing  ing — collected almost en-  tory  in  South  Carolina,   didate. Those were pushed
            day. "If I believed we had a   for  our  nation  and  our  fu-  tirely  from  small  donations   which  propelled  him  into   into  the  spotlight  on  Oct.
            feasible  path  to  the  nomi-  ture.  His  campaign  has  made  online  —  to  quiet   Super  Tuesday,  when  he   1,  when  he  was  at  a  rally
            nation  I  would  certainly   ended, but I know his lead-  early doubters. Like the first   won 10 of 14 states.    in Las Vegas and asked for
            continue  the  campaign,     ership will continue."       time,  he  attracted  wide-  In a matter of days, Biden's   a  chair  to  be  brought  on
            but it's just not there."    Trump sought to foment the  spread support from young     former  Democratic  rivals   stage so he could sit down.
            He called Biden a "very de-  tension among Democrats  voters  and  made  new  in-      lined up to endorse him. His   Suffering  from  chest  pains
            cent  man"  but  didn't  offer   by  tweeting  Wednesday  roads  within  the  Hispanic   campaign  had  appeared    afterward,  he  underwent
            an explicit endorsement of   that the party stacked the  community,  even  as  his     on  the  brink  of  collapse   surgery  to  insert  two  stints
            the  former  vice  president.   race  against  Sanders.  The  appeal with African Ameri-  after  New  Hampshire  but   because  of  a  blocked  ar-
            Sanders  said  his  name     president said the senator's  cans remained weak.         found new life as the rest of   tery, and his campaign re-
            would remain on the ballot   supporters "should come to  Sanders amassed the most      the party's more moderate    vealed two days later that
            in states that have not yet   the Republican Party."      votes  in  Iowa  and  New    establishment  coalesced     he had suffered a heart at-
            held  primaries  so  he  can   Sanders  began  his  latest  Hampshire,  which  opened   around him as an alterna-   tack.
            gain  more  delegates  and   White  House  bid  facing  primary voting, and cruised    tive to Sanders.             A serious health scare that
            "exert significant influence"   questions  about  whether  to  an  easy  victory  in  Ne-  Things  only  got  worse  the   might  have  derailed  other
            on  the  Democratic  plat-   he could win back the sup-   vada — seemingly leaving     following week when Sand-    campaigns  seemed  only
            form.                        porters who chose him four  him well positioned to sprint   ers  lost  Michigan,  where   to  help  Sanders  as  his  al-
            Biden,  who  is  backed  by   years  ago  as  an  insurgent  to the Democratic nomina-  he had campaigned hard      ready-strong    fundraising
            much of the party's estab-   alternative  to  Hillary  Clin-  tion while a deeply crowd-  and  upset  Clinton  in  2016.   got stronger and rising stars
            lishment, told supporters at   ton.  Despite  winning  22  ed and divided field of al-  He was also beaten in Mis-  on the Democratic left, in-
            a virtual fundraiser that he   states  in  2016,  there  were  ternatives sunk around him.   souri, Mississippi and Idaho   cluding  Rep.  Alexandria
                                                                                                   the same night, and the re-  Ocasio-Cortez,   endorsed
            New Jersey delays primary to July                                                      sults  were  so  decisive  that   him.   Many   supporters
                                                                                                   Sanders  headed  to  Ver-
                                                                                                                                said  the  heart  attack  only
            because of virus outbreak                                                              mont  without  speaking  to   strengthened  their  resolve
                                                                                                   the media.
                                                                                                                                to back him.
                                                                                                   The  coronavirus  outbreak   Massachusetts  Sen.  Eliza-
            TRENTON, N.J. (AP) — New  Murphy said he's not taking  worst-hit states in the coun-   essentially  froze  the  cam-  beth   Warren   outshone
            Jersey pushed back its pri-  a  mail-in  ballot  only  elec-  try by the coronavirus. More   paign,  preventing  Sanders   him  throughout  much  of
            mary to July 7 from June 2  tion off the table but hasn't  than  1,500  people  have   from holding the large ral-  the  summer,  but  Sanders
            because of the coronavrus  decided.  He  specifically  died  as  a  result,  and  the   lies  that  had  become  his   worked  his  way  back  up
            outbreak under an execu-     cited  Wisconsin,  where  a  state  has  been  essentially   trademark and shifting the   in  the  polls.  The  two  pro-
            tive order Gov. Phil Murphy  primary  went  forward  de-  on lockdown for weeks.       primary  calendar.  It  be-  gressive  candidates  spent
            signed on Wednesday.         spite the health threat.     The  Democrat  mentioned     came increasingly unclear    months  refusing  to  attack
            Preparing for a June prima-  New     Jersey    residents  specifically that he doesn't   where  he  could  notch  a   each  other,  though  Sand-
            ry at the potential head of  should not have to choose  want  to  repeat  what  Wis-   victory  that  would  help   ers  offered  a  strong  de-
            the  COVID-19  emergency  between their right to vote  consin  had  with  people       him regain ground against    fense  of  Medicare  for  All
            could hurt election officials'  and  their  personal  health,  having to choose between   Biden.                    after Warren offered a plan
            ability to prepare, the order  Murphy said.               their  right  to  vote  and   Though  he  will  not  be  the   for  a  transition  to  it  that
            states.                      New  Jersey  is  among  the  keeping healthy.q            nominee,    Sanders    was   would take years. q
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