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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Thursday 9 april 2020
            Italy, Spain ICU pressures decline, but emotional toll rises

            By  NICOLE  WINFIELD,  MA-                                                                                          "This  virus  is  strong.  Strong,
            RIA  GRAZIA  MURRU  and                                                                                             strong strong," she said in a
            ARITZ PARRA                                                                                                         Skype interview with Ferrari,
            Associated Press                                                                                                    both of them in masks. "You
            ROME  (AP)  —  Maddalena                                                                                            cannot  get  used  to  it,  be-
            Ferrari lets herself cry when                                                                                       cause every patient has his
            she  takes  off  the  surgical                                                                                      own story."
            mask  she  wears  even  at                                                                                          In  Italy,  the  national  asso-
            home to protect her elderly                                                                                         ciation  of  nurses  and  psy-
            parents  from  the  corona-                                                                                         chologists  asked  the  gov-
            virus  that  surrounds  her  at                                                                                     ernment for a coordinated,
            work in one of Italy's hard-                                                                                        nationwide  response  for
            est-hit intensive care units.                                                                                       the  mental  health  care
            In  the  privacy  of  her  own                                                                                      needs  of  medical  person-
            bedroom,  where  no  one                                                                                            nel,  warning  the  "typical
            can see, the nursing coordi-                                                                                        wave of stress disturbances
            nator peels away the mask                                                                                           is  only  going  to  grow  over
            that both protects her and                                                                                          time."
            hides her, and weeps for all                                                                                        The  situation  is  similar  in
            the patients lost that day at                                                                                       Spain.
            Bergamo's  Pope  John  XXIII                                                                                        Dr. Luis Díaz Izquierdo, from
            Hospital.                                                                                                           the   emergency    service
            "We're losing an entire gen-  In this March 26, 2020 file photo, military trucks moving coffins of deceased people line up on the   ward  in  suburban  Madrid's
            eration," Ferrari said at the   highway next to Ponte Oglio, near Bergamo, Italy.                                   Severo  Ochoa  Hospital,
            end  of  one  of  her  shifts.                                                                    Associated Press.  said  the  sense  of  helpless-
            "They  still  had  so  much  to  staff cope with the trauma  health care systems.      relatives  and  even  priests.  ness  is  crushing  for  those
            teach us."                   of  seeing  so  much  death  "The   adrenaline    factor  The sense of failure among  who  watch  as  patients
            The  pressures  on  hospital  among  patients  who  are  works  for  a  month,  maxi-  hospital  staff,  he  said,  is  deteriorate  in  a  matter  of
            ICUs in Italy and Spain may  utterly alone.               mum,"  said  Dr.  Alessandro  overwhelming.               hours.
            have eased in recent days  Seven weeks into Italy's out-  Colombo,  director  of  the  "Each  time  it's  a  failure,"  "No  matter  what  we  did,
            as new virus cases decline.  break,  the  world's  deadli-  health care training acad-  said Ferrari, the nursing co-  they  go,  they  pass  away,"
            But the emotional and psy-   est,  the  adrenaline  rush  emy  for  the  Lombardy  re-  ordinator  at  the  Bergamo'  he  said.  "And  that  person
            chological  toll  the  pan-  that  kept  medical  person-  gion,  who  is  researching  hospital. You do everything  knows that they are dying,
            demic  has  taken  on  the  nel  going  at  the  start  has  the  psychological  toll  of  for the patient, and "at the  because  breathing  be-
            doctors and nurses working  been  replaced  by  crush-    the  outbreak  on  medical  end,  if  you're  a  believer,  comes  more  difficult.  And
            there is only now beginning  ing fatigue and fear of get-  personnel.  "We  are  enter-  there  is  someone  above  they  look  into  your  eyes,
            to emerge.                   ting  the  virus,  researchers  ing  the  second  month,  so  you  who  has  decided  an-  they  get  worse,  until  they
            Already, two nurses in Italy  say.  With  many  doctors  these people are physically  other  destiny  for  that  per-  finally surrender."
            have    killed   themselves,  and  nurses  deprived  of  and mentally tired."          son."                        Diego  Alonso,  a  nurse  at
            and  psychologists  have  their normal family support  According  to  his  prelimi-    Her  colleague,  Maria  Be-  Hospital de la Princesa, said
            mobilized  therapists  and  because  they  are  isolat-   nary research, the solitude  rardelli,  said  medical  per-  he  has  been  using  tran-
            online platforms to provide  ing themselves, the mental  of  the  patients  has  had  a  sonnel  aren't  used  to  see-  quilizers  to  cope,  as  have
            free  consultation  for  medi-  health  of  Italy  and  Spain's  grievous impact on doctors  ing  patients  die  after  two  many of his colleagues. For
            cal  personnel.  Individual  overwhelmed        medical  and nurses. They are being  weeks  on  ventilators,  and  Alonso, the fear is especial-
            hospitals  hold  small  group  personnel  is  now  a  focus  asked to step in at the bed-  the emotional toll is devas-  ly acute, given that his wife
            therapy  sessions  to  help  of  their  already  stressed  side of the dying in place of  tating.                   is due to give birth soon.q

            German charity goes home-to-home in virus crisis

            BERLIN (AP) — Poor families  children's  games  to  their  the  poverty  line  are  now
            are particularly hard-hit by  doorstep.  Normally,  chil-  struggling  even  more,  said
            the coronavirus pandemic,  dren would be visiting one  Buescher.  The  group  esti-
            even  in  rich  countries  like  of the 27 centers run by the  mates  that  without  food
            Germany.                     Arche,  or  Ark,  where  staff  banks and school lunches,
            Lockdowns are forcing chil-  offer  free  lunches,  tutoring  families are now having to
            dren  to  stay  inside  often-  and a sympathetic ear.    spend on average 250 eu-
            cramped  homes,  amplify-    With social distancing mea-  ros ($275) more a month on
            ing  tensions  that  already  sures  in  force,  those  cen-  essentials.
            exist.  Food  bank  closures  ters have been shut down.  Staff  are  trying  to  provide
            mean  families  have  to  Now staff are experiencing  one-to-one        tutoring   to
            spend of their limited mon-  heartbreaking     moments  older  children  using  video
            ey  on  basic  supplies  and  when  they  drop  off  aid  chatting  apps,  to  ensure
            without  access  to  social  packs  at  families'  homes,  they  don't  fall  too  far  be-  Sali,  center,  receives  a  birthday  present  from  social  worker
            workers,  instances  of  vio-  says  spokesman  Wolfgang  hind on their school work.   Rebekka Rauchhaus of the Christian charity the Arche, or Ark,
            lence and abuse are easier  Buescher.                     But  there's  a  limit  to  how   while his mother Janet, right, stands beside him at the doorsteps
            to miss.                     Younger  children  struggle  much  help  they  can  pro-  of their apartment in the Hellersdorf suburb of Berlin, Germany,
                                                                                                   Thursday, April 2, 2020.
            A  small  Christian  charity  to  understand  that  they  vide from a distance, when                                           Associated Press.
            that provides help to about  can't run out and embrace  some  families  of  nine  are
            1,300  poor  families  across  the  charity  staff  they  used  living in a 75 square-meter  "You  can  imagine  what's  He  accused  the  German
            Germany is now delivering  to play with every day.        (800  square-foot)  apart-   happening    there,"   said  government of ignoring the
            food,  diapers,  soap  and  Those  previously  living  on  ment.                       Buescher.                    plight of poor families.q
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