Page 17 - aruba-today-20171216
P. 17
Saturday 16 december 2017
NHL debuted
100 years ago BUCKING
with contract
snags and
many goals BRONCOS
OTTAWA, Ontario (AP) —
It was a night of sticky ice,
last-minute player signings
and a small crowd.
Such were the glitches
when the NHL it made
its debut 100 years ago.
Now, the world’s premier
hockey league celebrates
its centennial with an out-
door game Saturday night
between the Montreal Ca-
nadiens and Ottawa Sena-
The days of multimillion-
dollar contracts, instant
replays and Florida were
a long way off when the
four-team NHL’s first games
took place on Dec. 19,
1917, while a gruesome
war raged in Europe.
The Canadiens took on an
early incarnation of the
Senators in Ottawa while
the Toronto Arenas played
the Wanderers in Montreal.
The daily newspapers of
the time, and their anon-
ymous scribes, dutifully
recorded the color and
chaos of the league’s
emergence from the ash-
es of the National Hockey
Association, alongside
advertisements for gramo-
phones, dyspepsia tablets Colts get beaten up, banged
and handkerchiefs.
Ottawa dominated the
Canadiens in the final NHA up in 25-13 loss to Broncos
season, winning six of sev-
en matchups.
But for their first NHL meet-
ing, the Senators were miss-
ing top scorer Frank Nigh-
bor, an enlisted airman
whose military commit-
ment kept him off the ice. Denver Broncos running back Devontae
The “Pembroke Peach” Booker (23) leaps over Indianapolis Colts free
would go on to win several safety Clayton Geathers (26) during the first
Stanley Cups with the Ot- half of an NFL football game in Indianapolis,
tawa team.
Thursday, Dec. 14, 2017.
Associated Press
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Continued on Page 22