Page 18 - aruba-today-20171216
P. 18
Saturday 16 december 2017
Pete Rose Defamation lawsuit dismissed after agreement
PHILADELPHIA (AP) — A pearance on WCHE-AM sex outside Ohio. His law-
defamation lawsuit filed by in West Chester that Rose yer had said the woman’s
Pete Rose last year against associate Michael Bertolini claims were unverified.
the lawyer who got him told investigators he “ran At the time, Rose was in his
kicked out of baseball was young girls” to Rose dur- mid-30s and was married
dismissed Friday, federal ing spring training, which with two kids.
court documents show. Dowd called “statutory Dowd investigated Rose in
Rose said in the lawsuit that rape every time.” Bertolini’s 1989 for gambling on the
John Dowd damaged his lawyers issued a categori- Cincinnati Reds while man-
reputation and endorse- cal denial. aging the team, a violation
ment deals during a July As part of the lawsuit, a of baseball’s rules. Rose ac-
2015 interview on an AM ra- woman gave testimony for cepted a lifetime ban, and
dio station in Pennsylvania the defense that she had the Hall of Fame decided
where he accused Rose a sexual relationship with in 1991 that anyone on the
of “statutory rape.” Rose’s Rose in the 1970s, start- permanently ineligible list
lawyers said he “never did ing when she was 14 or 15 could not appear on a Hall
any such thing.” In this Dec. 15, 2015, file photo, former baseball player and years old. ballot. Rose, who lives in Las
On Friday, lawyers for both manager Pete Rose speaks at a news conference in Las Vegas. Rose acknowledged in a Vegas, had applied for re-
sides said the parties had Associated Press statement accompany- instatement to the game in
reached an agreement. Mr. Dowd. I am not permit- Rose’s lawyer, Martin Gar- ing that filing that he did 2015. Not long after, Dowd
“Pete Rose and John Dowd ted to comment further bus, said by phone Friday have a relationship with the made the comments on
have agreed, based on regarding the resolution of he could not comment fur- woman, but he said it start- WCHE-AM in response to a
mutual consideration, to the matter,” Dowd’s law- ther. ed when she was 16, the question about whether he
the dismissal with prejudice yer, David C. Tobin, said in The lawsuit stated Dowd age of consent in Ohio. He found Rose to be a likable
of Mr. Rose’s lawsuit against an emailed statement. said during the radio ap- also states they never had person.q
Chris Martin joins hometown Rangers after 2 years in Japan
ARLINGTON, Texas (AP) — er, who was born in Ar- York Yankees before join- As part pf the deal an-
The Texas Rangers have lington and went to high ing the Pacific League’s nounced Friday, the 6-foot-
finalized Chris Martin’s $4 school about 4 miles from Nippon Ham Fighters. 8 reliever will make $1.75
million, two-year contract the Rangers’ ballpark, had Martin had the lowest ERA million next season and
after the homegrown a long road to his first shot (1.12) and opponents’ bat- $2.25 million in 2019.
pitcher spent the past two in the majors with Colorado ting average (.154) in the After twice turning down
seasons in Japan. three years ago. Japanese leagues during offers to sign out of high
The 31-year-old right-hand- He pitched for the New the 2016-17 seasons. school and junior college,
In this May 2, 2015, file photo,
New York Yankees’ Chris
Martin pitches during the
seventh inning of a baseball
game against the Boston Red
Sox in Boston.
Associated Press
Martin injured his shoulder
pitching for McLennan
Community College.
He was out of baseball
about three years before
getting a shot in the Boston
Martin is 0-2 with a 6.19
ERA in 40 major league ap-
pearances, the most one
recent on Oct. 3, 2015, for
the Yankees at Baltimore.q