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                                                                                                        SPORTS Saturday 16 december 2017

            U.S. Olympic 10-person

            luge team set for

            men and women

            By TIM REYNOLDS              from Salt Lake. It means the
             AP Sports Writer            world to me to have them
            LAKE  PLACID,  N.Y.  (AP)  —  here. It’s as much of a bur-
            Taylor  Morris’  eyes  filled  den  on  me  as  it  is  for  my
            with tears, for good reason.  family.  They  put  as  much
            For  four  years,  he’s  car-  effort  into  this  as  anybody
            ried  around  a  burden.  He  else, so I’m really excited to
            missed  qualifying  for  the  bring this victory to my fam-
            2014  Olympic  team  by  ily and my friends and the
            a  ridiculously  small  sliver  community back home.”
            of  time  —  four  one-thou-  In all, seven of the 10 spots
            sandths  of  a  second.  And  came  down  to  the  final
            over those four years, he’s  day  of  competition  in  a
            dealt with injuries and plen-  weeks-long   process   to
            ty of doubt. No more.        make  the  team.  Olympic
            He’s finally an Olympian.    veterans  Tucker  West  and
            Morris  claimed  one  of  the  Chris Mazdzer will join Morris
            10  spots  on  the  U.S.  Olym-  on  the  men’s  team  head-
            pic  luge  team  for  the  Py-  ed  to  Pyeongchang.  Matt
            eongchang  Games  on  Mortensen and Jayson Ter-           Chris Mazdzer of the United States gestures after finishing a World Cup luge event in Lake Placid,
            Friday,  making  him  one  of  diman are one of the two   N.Y., on Friday, Dec. 15, 2017.
            four  first-timers  on  the  ros-  U.S.  doubles  teams  head-                                                                  Associated Press
            ter.  He  did  it  in  style,  too,  ing  to  the  Pyeongchang   on  Thursday  night  without  biting  for  the  Americans.  run — celebrated, then got
            by getting a fifth-place fin-  Games,  while  Justin  Krew-  even  racing  —  they  got  Krewson  and  Sherk  were  huge  hugs  of  congratula-
            ish in a World Cup race on  son  and  Andrew  Sherk       locked  into  berths  when  0.012  seconds  behind  Ja-   tions  from  Hyrns  and  Espi-
            the Americans’ home track  grabbed the other spot.        Raychel  Germaine,  the  cob  Hyrns  and  Anthony  noza  just  moments  after
            in  Lake  Placid  —  more  The  women’s  luge  spots      only other U.S. woman who  Espinoza  after  their  first  of  their  own  Olympic  dream
            than  enough  to  clinch  were  already  decided,         could  have  caught  them,  two  runs  Friday.  That’s  ba-  for 2018 ended.
            that berth that eluded him  with  2014  bronze  medal-    failed  to  qualify  for  Satur-  sically  a  separation  of  a  “I’m  just  thankful  to  be  in
            four years ago. “It’s a long  ist  Erin  Hamlin,  Summer   day’s women’s World Cup  few  inches  over  about  a  the  place  that  I  am  right
            time  coming,”  Morris  said,  Britcher  and  Emily  Swee-  race. “It takes a little pres-  mile of ice, less time than it  now,”  Krewson  said.  “It’s
            struggling to get words out  ney  representing  the  U.S.   sure off,” Britcher said. “But  takes to blink an eye. And it  really sad. We both train so
            through  his  emotions.  “My  Hamlin  clinched  her  spot   I’m  really  upset  that  Ray-  meant that the second run  hard,  the  entire  team,  re-
            family’s out here, my wife’s  last  month,  and  Britcher   chel isn’t able to race.”  was  basically  winner-take-  ally. We put so much time
            out  here,  she  came  out  and  Sweeney  got  theirs     West  and  Mazdzer  were  Pyeongchang, a one-race  and  effort  into  everything.
                                                                      largely  assured  of  spots  shootout  between  those  I wish we could all go and
            Appeals court gives life to man’s                         before  Friday,  but  they  two  teams  for  an  Olympic  compete  for  our  country
                                                                      weren’t  official.  And  now,  berth.
            Super Bowl tickets lawsuit                                both  can  exhale  and  get  Krewson  and  Sherk  went  Hamlin  is  going  for  her
                                                                      ready for Pyeongchang.       down  first,  since  the  sec-  fourth time, Mazdzer for his
            NEWARK,  N.J.  (AP)  —  A  standing  to  bring  the  law-  “At the end of the day, that  ond heat of sliding races is  third and West and Britcher
            man’s  lawsuit  has  offered  suit.                       feels really good,” Mazdzer  done in reverse order of fin-  for their second. Mortensen
            a plausible legal argument  Friday’s ruling held that Fin-  said.  “It  wasn’t  a  surprise,  ish from the first heat.  and Terdiman are also two-
            that  the  National  Football  kelman  “alleged  sufficient   but  it  was  not  easy  —  by  Their  second-run  time  was  time  Olympians,  though
            League’s  ticket  policies  factual allegations to show   any means.”                  43.882 seconds.              they went to Sochi with dif-
            for the 2014 Super Bowl at  that Defendants’ withhold-    Krewson’s first request as an  Hyrns and Espinoza finished  ferent teammates.
            MetLife Stadium may have  ing raised the price that he    Olympian  was  simple.  He  in 43.956.                    Morris,  Krewson,  Sherk  and
            violated  state  consumer  paid for tickets on the sec-   wanted food.                 The  final  margin  between  Sweeney are first-timers.
            protection  laws,  a  federal  ondary  market”  and  that   “I haven’t really been able  the  sleds:  0.062  seconds.  “It’s  just  been  so  stressful,”
            appeals  court  ruled  Friday  the  matter  should  be  re-  to  sleep  or  eat  much,  so  And  that  was  all  it  took  Sherk  said.  “This  entire  first
            in  reversing  a  lower  court  solved at trial. That will have   I’m pretty hungry,” Krewson  to  decide  an  Olympic  half of the season has been
            and  allowing  the  case  to  to  wait  until  New  Jersey’s   said.                   berth.  Krewson  and  Sherk  really  stressful,  especially
            move forward.                Supreme Court reviews the    Eating and sleeping will get  —  who  was  groaning  as  these last few days. It’s a lot
            A  lower  court  had  ruled  case, the 3rd Circuit judges   easier now.                he  watched  Hyrns  and  Es-  of weight lifted off my shoul-
            Josh Finkelman didn’t have  wrote Friday.q                The doubles race was nail-   pinoza  take  their  second  ders, finally knowing.”q
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