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BUSINESS                 Saturday 16 december 2017

            US industrial production rose 0.2 percent in November

            By JOSH BOAK                 cent.  Production  of  ma-   energy  prices  that  have  workers. The Fed’s measure  factory  activity  declined
            AP Economics Writer          chinery and primary metals  climbed  to  levels  that  are  of  capacity  utilization  at  to 58.2 last month from 58.7
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  U.S.  contributed to gains in the  encouraging  more  pro-        factories  has  risen  to  76.4  in  October.  This  suggests
            industrial  production  rose  factory  sector,  while  the  duction.   Manufacturers  percent  from  75.1  percent  that  manufacturing  activ-
            0.2  percent  in  November  overall growth for industrial  are  also  showing  signs  of  a year ago.  Manufacturers  ity will continue to increase,
            due  to  a  rebound  in  ex-  output  largely  came  from  strength after having over-  have  also  added  189,000  just not as briskly as before.
            tracting oil and natural gas  restarting  oil  and  natural  come  a  slowdown  from  jobs over the past year, ac-  Any  reading  above  50  is
            after  a  stoppage  due  to  gas drilling.                two years ago when falling  cording  the  employment  evidence of growth. Sepa-
            Hurricane Nate.              Production at utilities fell 1.9  energy  prices  hurt  orders  report  released  last  week.  rately, The Commerce De-
            The  Federal  Reserve  said  percent.                     and  a  strengthening  dol-  Still, the speed of the man-  partment noted that orders
            Friday  that  mining  activ-  During the past 12 months,  lar  made  U.S.  exports  less  ufacturing  expansion  may  for durable goods tumbled
            ity  climbed  2  percent  last  total  industrial  production  competitive.  Factories  are  be slowing somewhat. The  1.2 percent in October af-
            month,  while  manufactur-   has increased 3.4 percent.  using  now  more  of  their  Institute  for  Supply  Man-  ter  gains  in  the  prior  two
            ing  activity  rose  0.2  per-  The  growth  reflects  in  part  capacity  and  hiring  more  agement  said  its  index  of  months.q

            Tech companies lead US stocks higher as tax plan advances

            By ALEX VEIGA                                                                                                       higher early on as investors
            AP Business Writer                                                                                                  watched     developments
            Wall  Street  capped  the                                                                                           in Washington with the Re-
            week  with  broad  gains,                                                                                           publican-led  tax  overhaul
            propelling  the  major  stock                                                                                       bill. GOP leaders moved to
            indexes  to  a  new  set  of                                                                                        placate Florida Sen. Marco
            milestones Friday.                                                                                                  Rubio, who had said Thurs-
            Investors  welcomed  signs                                                                                          day  that  he  would  vote
            that  Congressional  Repub-                                                                                         against  the  bill  unless  the
            licans  were  solidifying  sup-                                                                                     child tax credit was beefed
            port for a major overhaul of                                                                                        up.
            the nation’s tax laws ahead                                                                                         By  Friday  afternoon,  Con-
            of  an  expected  vote  next                                                                                        gressional Republicans had
            week.                                                                                                               finalized the bill, expanding
            Technology  stocks  led  the                                                                                        the  child  tax  credit,  and
            gains,  which  more  than                                                                                           winning  Rubio’s  support.
            wiped  out  the  market’s                                                                                           The move provided a ma-
            losses from the day before.                                                                                         jor boost for the GOP law-
            Health  care  companies                                                                                             makers  in  the  Senate  who
            and banks also posted solid                                                                                         are trying to hold together
            gains.  Energy  stocks  were                                                                                        a razor-thin majority to pass
            the only laggard.                                                                                                   the bill in a vote next week.
            Small-company       stocks,                                                                                         Technology  stocks,  which
            which  stand  to  benefit                                                                                           are leading the market this
            most from lower corporate    Sir Martin Sorrell, CEO of WPP, visits the New York Stock Exchange. Wall Street capped the week   year,  notched  solid  gains.
            tax  rates,  rose  more  than   with broad gains, propelling the major stock indexes to a new set of milestones Friday.  Intel  rose  $1.30,  or  3  per-
            the rest of the market.                                                                   (AP Photo/Mark Lennihan)  cent, to $44.56.
            “The  tax  bill  seems  to  be  The Standard & Poor’s 500  The  Nasdaq  added  80.06  1,530.42.                     “We  had  seen  some  rota-
            the  driver  right  now,”  said  index  rose  23.80  points,  or  points,  or  1.2  percent,  to  The Dow, S&P 500 and Nas-  tion  out  of  it  the  last  few
            Erik  Davidson,  chief  invest-  0.9 percent, to 2,675.81. The  6,936.58.  The  Russell  2000  daq closed at record highs  weeks,”  said  Jim  Davis,  re-
            ment officer at Wells Fargo  Dow  Jones  industrial  aver-  index  of  smaller-compa-  and finished the week with  gional investment strategist
            Private  Bank.  “The  market  age  gained  143.08  points,  ny  stocks  picked  up  23.47  gains.                   at  U.S.  Bank  Wealth  Man-
            just thinks it will get done.”  or 0.6 percent, to 24,651.74.  points,  or  1.6  percent,  to  The  indexes  were  headed  agement. q

            In about-face, Ryanair recognizes unions to avert strikes

            LONDON  (AP)  —  Budget  process,  then  we  are  pre-    Britain  and  Spain.    The  air-  ening  action  against  any-  pilots’  union,  IMPACT,  said
            carrier  Ryanair  said  Friday  pared to do so,” he said.  liner,  which  insisted  earlier  one who strikes.       it  had  received  Ryanair’s
            it is reversing its longstand-  Earlier  this  week,  pilots  in  this week it would not deal  The  Fit-Cisl  union  threat-  letter  and  was  consider-
            ing refusal to recognize pi-  Ireland  voted  for  a  day  of  with the unions, said its new  ened  legal  action  in  re-  ing its contents. Germany’s
            lots’ unions in a bid to avert  industrial  action  Dec.  20  offer  was  conditional  on  sponse,  saying  Ryanair’s  Cockpit  union  welcomed
            strikes  in  several  European  and  a  union  representing  unions  in  the  six  countries  letter  violated  the  Italian  Ryanair’s  move  but  said  it
            countries  over  the  busy  pilots  in  Germany  threat-  setting up special commit-   constitution, while the gov-  is  up  to  the  airline  “to  un-
            Christmas season.            ened  walkouts  at  “any  tees to deal with issues re-    ernment  asked  the  com-    derscore the seriousness of
            Chief  Executive  Michael  time  starting  immediately”  lated to the airline.         pany  for  clarification  of  its  its proposal” and called on
            O’Leary  said  the  airline  in  disputes  over  pay  and  Ryanair  pilots  in  Italy  sus-  intentions.  Economic  De-  the  company  to  agree  to
            wants  to  ease  customers’  conditions. Italian and Por-  pended  a  strike  planned  velopment  Minister  Carlo  talks as early as next week.
            concerns  “that  they  may  tuguese  pilot  unions  also  for  Friday  afternoon  after  Calenda said on private TV  Cockpit’s  chairman,  Ilja
            be disrupted by pilot indus-  threatened  strikes  in  the  the company’s announce-    La7 that Ryanair’s move to  Schulz,  said  that  “as  soon
            trial action next week.”     coming days.                 ment.                        recognize unions was not a  as we have received dates
            “If the best way to achieve  Ryanair  said  its  offer  ap-  The airline had come under  concession:  “It’s  the  mini-  to start the negotiation pro-
            this  is  to  talk  to  our  pilots  plied  to  pilots’  bodies  in  intense criticism in Italy for a  mum, and not enough.”  cess,  planned  strike  mea-
            through a recognized union  those  countries,  as  well  as  letter to employees threat-  A  spokesman  for  the  Irish  sures will be called off.”q
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