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                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Saturday 16 december 2017
            As Disney swallows Fox, a new era dawns for Hollywood

            By JAKE COYLE
            AP Film Writer
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  After
            years of tremors, the earth-
            quake that had long been
            predicted finally shook Hol-
            Disney’s  deal  to  purchase
            most  of  21st  Century  Fox
            ends the era of the “Big Six”
            major  movie  studios,  top-
            pling  one  of  the  industry’s
            most  famed  studios  and
            dramatically redrawing the
            Hollywood map.
            Disney’s  move  —  to  pay
            $52.4 billion in stock for Fox
            assets  —  has  countless  re-
            verberations.  But  by  effec-
            tively  absorbing  Fox’s  film
            studio,  20th  Century  Fox,
            Disney has rapidly acceler-
            ated  the  industry  contrac-
            tion that many considered
            inevitable in an era of flat-
            lining ticket sales and new    In this Tuesday, May 7, 2013, file photo, an entrance to a parking garage at 20th Century-Fox studios, an entity owned by News
            streaming  competitors  like   Corporation, is seen in Los Angeles.
            Netflix, Amazon and Apple.                                                                                                      Associated Press
            The Big Six are now the Big
            Five — and the mightiest of   home of “The Sound of Mu-   of  the  top  six  movies  of  ers. Two Searchlight films —  That’s a component of the
            them  all  has  just  been  su-  sic,” the original “Star Wars”  the  year:  “Beauty  and  the  “The Shape of Water” and  deal  that  will  strike  fear  in
            persized.                    and  the  highest  grossing  Beast,”  ‘’Guardians  of  the  “Three  Billboards  Outside  the hearts of exhibitors. Dis-
            The Disney deal hasn’t just   film  of  all-time,  “Avatar.”  Galaxy,  Vol.  2”  and  “Thor:  Ebbing,  Missouri”  —  along  ney has pursued an almost
            made  20th  Century  Fox’s   The  studio  has  generally  Ragnarok.”  It  has  used  its  with  Fox’s  “The  Post”  have  completely   event-movie
            3,200  employees  anxious    ranked either third or fourth  might  to  enforce  more  made the studio the lead-     strategy  (it’s  releasing  only
            about their future within Dis-  in  market  share.  This  year,  onerous  terms  with  the-  ing company of this year’s  eight movies this year), and
            ney.  It’s  sent  shockwaves   it’s fourth with 12.3 percent,  aters on films like “The Last  awards  season,  at  least  it’s  expected  to  cut  back
            through  an  industry  that   following  the  market-lead-  Jedi.”  Disney  is  requiring  with  the  Golden  Globes  Fox’s theatrical slate. That’s
            has  until  now  bent  under   er Disney, Warner Bros. and  many theater operators to  and  Screen  Actors  Guild  reason  for  concern  for  al-
            the  pressures  of  the  new   Universal.                 share a higher percentage  Awards.                        ready  struggling  theater
            digital  landscape,  but  not   Fox  isn’t  necessarily  disap-  —  65  percent  —  of  ticket  Iger  voiced  his  support  for  owners. Box office revenues
            broken. Now, Hollywood as    pearing.  Disney  will  lease  sales.  The  film  is  expected  maintaining those business-  were up just 1 percent last
            an  industry  is  quite  literally   its  fabled  Los  Angeles  lot  to  come  close  to  grossing  es.  “We  like  being  in  the  year, and are expected to
            shrinking.                   for  the  next  seven  years.  $500  million  worldwide  this  business  of  making  quality  slide this year.
            “The strongest will get stron-  But  20th  Century  Fox  will  weekend.                movies,” said Iger. “We fully  “They  can’t  be  pleased,”
            ger and the weaker will fall   be folded into Walt Disney  The  combination  of  sen-  intend to stay in those busi-  said  Bock  of  exhibitors.
            off or merge with other en-  Studios.  Its  movie-making  sibilities  between  Disney  nesses.”                     “Less  product  just  means
            tities,”  said  Exhibitor  Rela-  operations will be reduced  and Fox, has intrigued oth-  The  deal  also,  perhaps  less revenue in their minds.”
            tions analyst Jeff Bock. “The   and likely restructured.  ers. Though it’s easy to see  crucially,  gives  Disney  the  But Disney has also, up un-
            future  is  right  now  and  it’s   As  a  studio,  Disney  is  al-  the  planned  quartet  of  extensive  Fox  library  for  til  now,  been  a  staunch
            pretty  obvious  what’s  go-  ready based on several dis-  “Avatar”  movies  under  a  Disney’s  planned  stream-   defender of the traditional
            ing on.”                     tinct silos of brands: Disney,  Disney  banner  (“Avatar”  ing service, set to debut in  theatrical window. For that
            Many analysts consider fur-  Marvel,  Pixar  and  Lucas-  already has a place in Dis-  2019.  Disney  is  now  better  reason, as well as its reputa-
            ther consolidation simply a   film.  Its  strength  in  intellec-  ney theme parks), many of  armed to compete against  tion for quality, the world’s
            matter  of  time.  Before  Ru-  tual properties — especially  Fox’s  franchises,  including  deep-pocketed   digital  largest   theater   chain,
            pert Murdoch earlier this fall   “Star Wars” and its library of  “X-Men”  and  “The  Kings-  competitors.   Netflix   has  AMC,  hasn’t  sounded  any
            began shopping Fox, most     animation  classics  —  has  man,” are well off-brand for  said  it  will  spend  up  to  $8  alarms  over  the  purchase.
            expected  the  first  studio   made the studio dominant.  the family-friendly Disney. It  billion  on  original  content  Last week on CNBC, Adam
            to fall would be either Via-  In  a  conference  call  with  hasn’t released an R-rated  next year.                 Aron, AMC chief executive,
            com’s  Paramount  Pictures   investors  Thursday,  Disney  movie in four years.        “It’s  really  a  battle  about  applauded  Disney’s  track
            (5 percent of the market) or   chief executive Robert Iger  “Time  to  uncork  that  ex-  the  future  of  streaming,”  record.  “AMC  has  made
            Sony Pictures (8.8 percent),   suggested  Fox  may  func-  plosive  sexual  tension  be-  said  Peter  Labuza,  a  film  a  lot  of  money  partnering
            both  of  which  have  strug-  tion similarly as a label with-  tween   Deadpool   and  historian and researcher at  with  Disney  studios,”  he
            gled  in  recent  years  and   in Disney.                 Mickey    Mouse,”     Ryan  the  University  of  Southern  said.
            replaced their chief execu-  “We have not only respect-   Reynolds  tweeted  after  California.  “Disney  needs  Whichever direction Disney
            tives.  Lionsgate  and  CBS   ed the culture of those or-  earlier reports of the Disney-  all  this  material  outside  of  chooses  to  go,  it  will  have
            are  also  frequent  sources   ganizations  but  respected  Fox deal.                  its own brand which now is  the  sway  —  with  approxi-
            of speculation.              and  appreciated  the  tal-  Disney, which sold Miramax  its own Disney product, Lu-   mately  40  percent  market
            Fox  is  bigger,  though.    ent  that  came  with  those  Pictures in 2005, has lacked  casfilm,  Pixar.  But  this  can  share  —  to  set  the  course
            Founded  in  1935  by  the   acquisitions,” Iger said.    other  kinds  of  films,  too.  fill  in  a  lot  of  the  space  in  for the entire industry.
            merger  of  Twentieth  Cen-  Before  it  sold  a  ticket  for  Fox’s  specialty  label,  Fox  a  streaming  site  that  can  Hollywood   may   have
            tury Pictures and Fox Films,   “Star  Wars:  The  Last  Jedi,”  Searchlight,  is  among  the  compete  with,  essentially,  shrunk into not the Big Five,
            20th  Century  Fox  is  the   Disney  already  has  three  industry’s  art-house  lead-  Netflix.”                  but the Big One.q
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