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P. 28

             Saturday 16 december 2017

            Eighth planet found in faraway solar system, matching ours

            By MARCIA DUNN                                                                                                      served by Kepler.
             AP Aerospace Writer                                                                                                In all, more than 3,560 exo-
            CAPE  CANAVERAL,  Fla.                                                                                              planets  have  been  con-
            (AP)  —  A  record-tying                                                                                            firmed to date — two-thirds
            eighth  planet  has  been                                                                                           of  them  spotted  by  the
            found  in  a  faraway  solar                                                                                        2009-launched  Kepler  —
            system, matching our own                                                                                            with another approximate-
            in number.                                                                                                          ly 4,500 candidates await-
            Even  more  amazing,  ma-                                                                                           ing verification.
            chines  and  not  humans                                                                                            It  will  be  up  to  more  ad-
            made the discovery. NASA                                                                                            vanced  telescopes,  like
            joined  with  Google  on                                                                                            the  James  Webb  Space
            Thursday to announce the                                                                                            Telescope  targeted  for
            finding.                                                                                                            launch  in  2019,  to  study
            This eighth planet orbits the                                                                                       the  atmospheres  of  these
            star  known  as  Kepler-90.                                                                                         distant worlds and sniff out
            Like Earth, this new planet,                                                                                        any  traces  of  possible  life,
            Kepler-90i, is the third rock                                                                                       Vanderburg noted.
            from  its  sun.  But  it’s  much                                                                                    Shallue  said  Google  plans
            closer  to  its  sun  —  orbit-  his illustration made available by NASA shows a comparison of the planets in the solar system   to  release  all  the  code
            ing  in  just  14  days  —  and   and those orbiting the star Kepler-90.                                            needed  for  someone  to
            therefore  a  scorching  800                                                                       Associated Press  join the exoplanet search,
            degrees  Fahrenheit  (427                                                                                           using  a  basic  home  com-
            Celsius)  at  the  surface.  In   5.8 trillion miles.     nals  are  very  weak,”  said   to enable machines to dis-  puter  and  the  publicly
            fact,  all  eight  planets  are   Google used data collect-  Christopher  Shallue,  a  se-  tinguish  between  pictures   available   Kepler   data.
            scrunched  up  around  this   ed by NASA’s keen planet    nior  software  engineer  at   of cats and dogs.          No  specialized  hardware
            star,  orbiting  closer  than   hunter,  the  Kepler  Space   Google in Mountain View,   Besides  identifying  Kepler-  should be needed, he said.
            Earth does to our sun.        Telescope, to develop the   California.                  90i,  the  machine-learning   Neither  NASA  nor  Google
            This  is  the  only  eight-plan-  machine-learning   com-  NASA  astrophysicist  Jessie   program  also  confirmed   expect to put astronomers
            et  solar  system  found  like   puter  program.  It  focuses   Dotson, the Kepler project   an  exoplanet  missed  by   out of business.
            ours  —  so  far  —  tying  for   on  weak  planetary  signals   scientist,  is  “so  excited  to   astronomers in yet another   Shallue  sees  this  as  a  tool
            the most planets observed     — so feeble and numerous    see where this goes next.”   solar  system:  Kepler-80g,   to  help  astronomers  have
            around a single star.         it would take humans ages   “Who  knows  what  po-       the sixth planet in that par-  more impact and increase
            Our  solar  system  had  nine   to examine.               tential  insights  might  be   ticular solar system.      their productivity.
            planets until Pluto was de-   While  machine  learning    gained,” she said.           Shallue  and  Vanderburg     “It certainly will not replace
            moted  to  a  dwarf  planet   has  been  used  before  in   Shallue  teamed  up  with   plan to keep up the hunt,   them  at  all,”  he  assured
            in 2006 by the Internation-   the  search  for  exoplanets   astronomer  Andrew  Van-  using the program to scour   reporters.q
            al  Astronomical  Union,  a   —  planets  beyond  our  so-  derburg of the University of   the  150,000-plus  stars  ob-
            decision  that  still  stands.   lar  system  —  it’s  believed   Texas at Austin to develop
            Some  astronomers,  how-      to  be  the  first  time  an  ar-  the  program.  They  essen-
            ever,  suspect  there  could   tificial  neural  network  like   tially trained a computer to
            be a large ninth planet out   this has been used to find a   identify  exoplanets  based
            there:  an  elusive  Planet   new world.                  on Kepler’s observations in
            X  the  size  of  Neptune  but   “This is a really exciting dis-  changing stellar brightness
            much farther out.             covery, and we consider it   — the subtle, fleeting dip in
            The  Kepler-90  system  also   to be a successful proof of   a star’s brightness when a
            could have a ninth planet     concept to be using neural   planet passes in front of it.
            or more, according to the     networks  to  identify  plan-  The two used a technique
            researchers. It is 2,545 light-  ets,  even  in  challenging   similar  to  what  had  been
            years away; a light-year is   situations  where  the  sig-  previously  used  by  others
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