Page 15 - aruba-today-20171216
P. 15
LOCAL Saturday 16 december 2017
Jolly Pirates
Continued from Page 14 Resting on her portside, the sunken
treasure, encrusted in fascinating
You can choose for a morning or corals is home to oodles of sea crit-
afternoon snorkel cruise to view ters. For twenty years, enthusiastic
the 400ft WWII Shipwreck Antilla. Jolly Pirates guests twice daily tour
this amazing wreck, immersed in paper or take advantage of online
WWII history. discounts up to 20% savings when
Meet new friends. Swing from a your reserve at – www.jolly-pirates.
rope, pirate-style. Swim and snor- com
kel in the turquoise Caribbean. Don’t forget to bring your re-usable
Sunbathe on teak decks or enjoy cup or purchase one at the Jolly
the ample shade by the popular Pirates gift shop, while the supply
ship’s open bar. Get fed up with a lasts. Jolly Pirates continues to en-
BBQ. Too much of a good thing is a courage individual participation
great thing. Sign up today at Jolly by helping to support environmen-
Pirates nifty gift shop at MooMba tal efforts with the purchase of a
Beach. “Save the Reefs” bracelet and
You can tear out the value added participating, together, in using re-
coupons in the Aruba Today news- usable cups and bags.q