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             Saturday 16 december 2017
            Poland’s senators defy EU warnings, approve judicial laws

            WARSAW,      Poland    (AP)  of the Judiciary are part of  Wednesday, when they will  leader,    Katarzyna   Lub-   Under  the  new  rules,  law-
            —  Poland’s  senators  ap-   a  string  of  policy  changes  be reviewing the new leg-  nauer,  said  their  adoption  makers would choose sev-
            proved  legislation  Friday  pursued  by  Poland’s  ruling  islation  to  see  if  it  is  in  line  would  mean  the  “demise  en out of nine commission
            that gives the government  Law and Justice party that  with European standards of  of  what  we  call  democ-       members, who are current-
            greater  control  of  a  top  EU  officials  have  said  go  the rule of law.          racy.”                       ly  chosen  by  judges.  The
            court  and  a  key  judicial  against  the  bloc’s  funda-  Hours  earlier,  lawmakers  in  The head of the State Elec-  interior  minister  would  be
            body    despite   warnings  mental values.                the lower house of Poland’s  toral Commission, Wojciech  given  authority  to  appoint
            from European Union lead-    The  laws  overwhelmingly  parliament,      the   Sejm,  Hermelinski,  said  Friday  he  election supervisors.
            ers that the move could put  endorsed  by  the  Senate  passed        much-criticized  will seek a meeting with the  Rules  governing  the  valid-
            the country at risk of losing  still need President Andrzej  new rules for local elections  president to share his skep-  ity  of  ballots  also  would
            its EU voting rights.        Duda’s approval, which he  that  opponents  claimed  ticism.                           be  liberalized  by  allow-
            The measures affecting ap-   is expected to give.         undermine  the  indepen-     Duda  and  the  Senate  still  ing  voters  to  correct  their
            pointments  and  other  as-  EU  officials  could  trigger  dence  of  electoral  bodies  need to approve the regu-  choices on the spot. Critics
            pects of the Supreme Court  a  procedure  to  strip  Po-  and fair elections.          lations, but could also ques-  say that opens the door to
            and  the  National  Council  land  of  its  voting  rights  on  Opposition  Modern  party  tion or reject them.     manipulation.q

            Germany’s Social Democrats to talk with Merkel on new gov’t

            By GEIR MOULSON                                                                                                     during  the  first  two  weeks
            Associated Press                                                                                                    of  January,  Schulz  said.  A
            BERLIN  (AP)  —  Leaders  of                                                                                        party  congress  to  decide
            Germany’s  center-left  So-                                                                                         what happens next — ap-
            cial  Democrats  agreed                                                                                             proving the possible open-
            Friday  to  enter  exploratory                                                                                      ing of formal coalition talks,
            talks  on  joining  or  support-                                                                                    for  example  —  has  been
            ing  a  new  government                                                                                             penciled in for Jan. 14 but
            under  Chancellor  Angela                                                                                           could be delayed, he said.
            Merkel,  moving  unprec-                                                                                            Schulz  has  already  prom-
            edentedly  long  efforts  to                                                                                        ised a vote by the full party
            form  a  new  administration                                                                                        membership  on  any  coali-
            a small step forward.                                                                                               tion deal.
            Merkel’s      conservative                                                                                          That  means  Germany  is
            Union  bloc  and  the  Social                                                                                       on course easily to beat its
            Democrats have governed                                                                                             previous record of 86 days
            Germany  together  since                                                                                            — set in 2013 — for the time
            2013 in a “grand coalition”                                                                                         from  an  election  to  the
            of  the  country’s  biggest                                                                                         swearing-in  of  a  new  gov-
            parties.  The  Social  Demo-                                                                                        ernment.  Merkel,  speaking
            crats  initially  said  they                                                                                        later  Friday  at  a  congress
            would  go  into  opposition                                                                                         in  Nuremberg  of  her  Ba-
            after  a  disastrous  election   German Chancellor Angela Merkel addresses a media conference at an EU summit in Brussels on   varian  conservative  allies,
            result in September.         Friday, Dec. 15, 2017. European Union leaders were set Friday to authorize a new phase in Brexit   the  Christian  Social  Union,
            The party reluctantly recon-  talks as time runs short to clinch an agreement on future relations and trade with Britain before it   voiced “great respect” for
            sidered  after  Merkel’s  talks   leaves the bloc in March 2019.                                                    the Social Democrats’ deci-
            with  two  smaller  parties                                                       (AP Photo/Geert Vanden Wijngaert)  sion. She said she hopes the
            collapsed  last  month,  but  Merkel’s  bloc,  that  would  While  Merkel’s  bloc  wants  ernment  is  open,”  he  said  talks  will  “deliver  the  foun-
            party  leader  Martin  Schulz  leave  an  unprecedented  a  coalition,  Schulz  indi-  Friday. “I must repeat, and  dation for a stable govern-
            — Merkel’s defeated chal-    minority government led by  cated the exploratory talks  we mean this very seriously:  ment, for the formation of a
            lenger  in  September  —  is  Merkel  or  a  new  election  will  also  consider  the  pos-  in  opening  these  explor-  coalition.” “Europe without
            treading carefully to avoid  as  possibilities.  President  sibility  of  a  looser  arrange-  atory talks, we have made  a strong Germany, without
            alienating  a  membership  Frank-Walter      Steinmeier,  ment  that  still  would  allow  no decision on a particular  strong  German-French  co-
            that is deeply suspicious of  who  alone  has  the  power  a  Merkel-led  government  form of putting together a  operation,  is  unthinkable,
            another coalition.           to dissolve parliament, has  to be formed.                government.”                 so we have a huge respon-
            If  the  Social  Democrats  made  it  clear  he  doesn’t  “Whether the talks will lead  An  initial  phase  of  explor-  sibility to form a stable gov-
            don’t enter a coalition with  want a new election.        to the formation of a gov-   atory talks likely will be held  ernment,” she said.q

            NATO concerned Russian missile system breaks Cold War pact

            By LORNE COOK                Russian  missile  system  that  Cold War-era pact bans an  The  concern  centers  on  Russia’s  behavior  as  “dan-
            Associated Press             raises serious concerns.”    entire class of weapons —  Russia’s    9M729    missiles.  gerous and destabilizing.”
            BRUSSELS (AP) — NATO said  It urged Russia “to address  all land-based missiles with  Washington  has  given  evi-  “Our  Allies  reaffirmed  that
            Friday  that  it  is  concerned  these  concerns  in  a  sub-  a range between 500 and  dence  that  Russia  is  de-  the  U.S.  is  in  compliance
            about a Russian missile sys-  stantial  and  transparent  5,500  kilometers  (310-3,410  veloping  the  ground-fired  with  our  obligations  under
            tem that could carry nucle-  way, and actively engage  miles).                         cruise  missile  and  said  the  the INF Treaty and that Rus-
            ar warheads,  and  which  it  in  a  technical  dialogue  The statement said a situa-  system could give Moscow  sia’s behavior raises serious
            says  could  violate  a  land-  with the United States.”  tion  whereby  the  U.S.  and  the  ability  to  launch  a  nu-  concerns,”  she  said  in  a
            mark Cold War arms treaty.   NATO  fears  the  system  other parties abided by the  clear  strike  in  Europe  with  statement.
            The U.S.-led military alliance  contravenes  the  1987  In-  treaty  but  Russia  did  not  little or no notice.    Russia has rejected the ac-
            said  in  a  statement  that  termediate-range  Nuclear  “would be a grave and ur-     U.S.  envoy  to  NATO,  Kay  cusations, which had been
            “allies  have  identified  a  Forces  (INF)  Treaty.  The  gent concern.”              Bailey Hutchison, described  levelled earlier by the U.S.q
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