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Saturday 16 december 2017 WORLD NEWS
EU sees new ‘dramatically difficult’ phase in Brexit talks
By RAF CASERT I imposed,” EU Commission
LORNE COOK President Jean-Claude
Associated Press Juncker said with a hint of
BRUSSELS (AP) — With British irony.
Prime Minister Theresa May Back in her U.K. constitu-
already back home, Euro- ency, May welcomed the
pean Union leaders stood EU announcement, say-
united Friday in saluting the ing “the U.K. and the EU
outcome of the first phase have shown what can be
of Brexit negotiations, but achieved by commitment
warned London it will be and perseverance on both
“dramatically difficult” to sides.”
get a full departure deal by With so little time left be-
the March 2019 deadline. fore Brexit is to take place,
In a stunning nine months, negotiators face a tight
Britain’s early braggado- deadline to carve out a
cio that it could “have our wide-ranging separation
cake and eat it” while the deal.
EU could “go whistle” for EU Council President Don-
a big British exit payment ald Tusk said a deal by
made way for Friday’s March 2019 is “still realistic
show of victorious EU de- and of course dramatically
termination, as the 27 other EU leaders attend a round table meeting regarding Article 50 at an EU summit in Brussels on Friday, difficult. For sure, the sec-
EU leaders acknowledged Dec. 15, 2017. From left, Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite, Romanian President Klaus Wer- ond phase will be more de-
“sufficient progress” had ner Ioannis, Danish Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen, Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades, manding, more challeng-
been made to start discuss- Chief Brexit Negotiator Michel Barnier, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, ing than the first phase.”
ing a trade deal and future German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel. Juncker said he expect-
(AP Photo/Geert Vanden Wijngaert)
relations with the U.K. ed “real negotiations” on
A payment of some 50 bil- der between the EU’s Ire- servative government bick- pro-Brexit Britons grumbling. trade to start in March, giv-
lion euros ($58.9 billion) was land and the U.K.’s North- ered, fought and lost a “No doubt you remember ing negotiators little over
as good as assured, full ern Ireland would remain parliamentary majority be- that last Friday, Theresa eight months to wrap up
respect for the rights of EU transparent. fore May was summoned May and myself saw each the deal, since the EU leg-
citizens in Britain was well Somehow the all-so-often to Brussels last week before other at 7 o’ clock in the islature and the EU mem-
on its way and there was a fractious EU had stood dawn to shake hands on an morning, 6 o’ clock in Lon- ber states will need to get
commitment that the bor- united, while Britain’s Con- outline deal that had many don. That was the sanction the necessary approvals
Spain arrests suspect wanted in at least 5 killings in time for the scheduled
Brexit day on March 29,
By ARITZ PARRA Italy had issued a European while on patrol near Fer- and Victor Romero, the To give Britain more time,
COLLEEN BARRY arrest warrant for Feher for rara. Feher is now on trial in two Spanish police who a transition phase of about
MADRID (AP) — Spanish au- homicides and home in- absentia in Ferrara, north- were investigating a Dec. two years is expected to
thorities on Friday arrested vasion robberies. The chief ern Italy, for three home- 5 shooting that injured two be an early point of discus-
a homicide suspect want- prosecutor in Bologna, Gi- invasion robberies with people in Teruel province. sion.
ed for months by Italy after useppe Amato, said Friday a gang in 2015 in which They and Jose Luis Iranzo, a Since March, the EU side
three people were killed a that Italy will seek Feher’s the victims were tied-up, resident of a nearby town, has been marked by a high
day earlier in Spain, includ- extradition, even while ac- blindfolded and beaten. died after been gunned degree of cohesion, which
ing two Civil Guards. knowledging that the mul- In one case, they tied up down by the suspect, who has contrasted with the
Norbert Feher, a 36 year- tiple homicides in two dif- and gagged a 93-year-old then fled, police said. “The sometimes chaotic nature
old from Serbia, was ar- ferent countries will compli- man, who was found two dramatic outcome of his of the approach by May’s
rested near Cantavieja, a cate the request. days later by his son. They capture — with the killing Conservative government.
town in northeastern rural Feher was the subject of an stole a necklace and rings of three people — dem- “We got enormous support
Spain, after he allegedly intense, monthslong man- that the victim was wear- onstrates not only the dan- and solidarity from all of the
shot and killed a civilian hunt after the April slayings ing. Two accomplices have gerousness of the subject, other European countries,”
and two Civil Guard po- of a barman and a guard already been convicted in but also the absence of said Irish Prime Minister Leo
lice Thursday, a Civil Guard in Italy’s northern region of the cases, and sentenced scruples,” said Amato, the Varadkar. “The reason why
spokesman said, speaking Emilia Romagna. Davide to 14 and 15 years in pris- Italian prosecutor. Spanish the European Union got a
on condition of anonymity Fabbri was killed on April 1 on. Spanish authorities say Interior Minister Juan Igna- good outcome in the talks
in line with internal police in the bar where he worked Feher is also the main sus- cio Zoido skipped a weekly so far is because of Euro-
rules. The police were inves- near Bologna, while Valerio pect in the killing Thursday Cabinet meeting Friday to pean unity and we now
tigating a Dec. 5 shooting. Verri was killed days later of Victor Jesus Caballero travel to the area.q need to maintain that.”q