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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Saturday 16 december 2017

            With Rubio, Corker onboard, GOP finalizing huge tax package

            Continued from Front         statement.  “I  think  we  are
            Portman cast the bill as pro-  better  off  with  it.  I  realize
            viding “the kind of middle-  this  is  a  bet  on  our  coun-
            class  tax  relief  that’s  des-  try’s  enterprising  spirit,  and
            perately needed right now.  that is a bet I am willing to
            People  are  looking  at  flat  make.”
            wages and higher expens-     Rubio  had  been  holding
            es, and this will help.”     out  for  a  bigger  child  tax
            Democrats  disagree,  ar-    credit for low-income fami-
            guing  that  the  legislation  lies.  After  he  got  it,  Rubio
            would help wealthy Ameri-    tweeted that the change is
            cans  and  big  business  at  “a solid step toward broad-
            the  expense  of  the  poor  er  reforms  which  are  both
            and middle class.            Pro-Growth  and  Pro-Work-
            Members  of  a  House-Sen-   er.”
            ate conference committee  The  tax  package  would
            signed  the  final  version  of  double the basic per-child
            the legislation Friday, send-  tax  credit  from  $1,000  to
            ing it to the two chambers  $2,000.  The  bill  makes  a
            for final passage next week.  smaller  amount  available
            They  have  been  working  to families even if they owe
            to  blend  different  versions  no  income  tax.  Rep.  Kristi   Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., speaks during a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington. Rubio
            passed by the two houses.    Noem,  R-S.D.,  said  Friday   will vote for his party’s $1.5 trillion tax bill. That gives a major boost to the prospects that GOP
            Corker  had  opposed  the  that that amount had been      leaders will be able to push their prized measure through Congress next week.
            Senate’s  original  version  increased  from  $1,100  to                                                              (AP Photo/Pablo Monsivais)
            of  the  bill  out  of  concern  $1,400.                  Rubio’s  support.  If  they  Senate Republican leaders  middle-income       families.
            it  would  add  to  the  na-  Rubio had said he wanted  had lost Rubio and Corker,  on  Wednesday  forged  an  “I’m  confident  that  at  the
            tion’s  mounting  $20  trillion  the  earlier  $1,100  figure  in-  they would have been one  agreement  in  principle  on  end  of  the  day,  the  Sen-
            in debt. In recent days, he  creased.                     more defection away from  the  most  sweeping  over-      ate  will  approve  this  con-
            had  said  those  concerns  Low-income        taxpayers  defeat. On Thursday, mem-     haul  of  the  nation’s  tax  ference  committee  report
            had not been allayed.        would  receive  the  money  bers  of  the  conservative  laws in more than 30 years.  because no one should be
            “I  know  every  bill  we  con-  in the form of a tax refund,  House  Freedom  Caucus  The  package  would  give  defending  the  status  quo
            sider  is  imperfect  and  the  which  is  why  it’s  called  a  predicted  the  vast  major-  generous  tax  cuts  to  cor-  in  this  horrible  tax  code
            question  becomes,  is  our  “refundable” tax credit.     ity of their members would  porations  and  the  wealthi-  Americans have had to live
            country  better  off  with  or  Senate      Republicans  support    the    package,  est  Americans  —  Trump  with for too long,” said Rep.
            without  this  piece  of  leg-  passed their original tax bill  boosting the bill’s chances  among them — and more  Kevin Brady of Texas, a top
            islation?”  Corker  said  in  a  by  a  vote  of  51-49  —  with  in  the  House.House  and  modest tax cuts to low- and  House negotiator.q
            Trump assails FBI leadership, touts loyalty to police

            Continued from Front         praise  on  graduates  of  a  alty.” Trump depicted a na-  military  equipment,  and  dropped precipitously over
            The  president’s  broadside  weeks-long  FBI  National  tion besieged by violence,  questioned  rising  violence  the  last  quarter  century.
            appeared to reflect his an-  Academy program for law  using dark rhetoric that was  in Chicago. “What the hell  Gun  violence  in  Chicago
            ger over revelations that se-  enforcement  leaders  from  a stark departure from the  is  going  on  in  Chicago?  has  dropped  in  2017  from
            nior FBI officials exchanged  around  the  country.  He  language  of  his  predeces-  What  the  hell  is  happen-  2016 and of Dec. 10 there
            anti-Trump  and  pro-Hillary  praised the graduates, who  sors. He evoked this week’s  ing  there?”  asked  Trump  had  been  620  homicides
            Clinton   text   messages  were  trained  on  FBI  stan-  attempted  terror  attack  in  returning  to  a  favorite  compared  to  730  at  the
            while working on last year’s  dards, touting their accom-  New  York  when  he  called  campaign  target.  The  law  same time last year. Attor-
            Clinton  probe  and  dur-    plishments and pledging his  for stricter immigration poli-  enforcement  crowd  often  ney  General  Jeff  Sessions,
            ing  special  counsel  Robert  unwavering support. Trump  cies.  He  also  delivered  a  chuckled  and  applauded  whose  has  faced  Trump’s
            Mueller’s  investigation  into  told law enforcement lead-  stern  warning  to  members  its approval. Trump has of-  wrath  after  recusing  him-
            whether  Trump  associates  ers  he  is  “more  loyal  than  of  the  international  gang  ten  appeared  at  ease  in  self  from  the  Russia  probe,
            colluded  with  Russian  offi-  anyone  else  could  be”  to  MS-13  that  his  administra-  front  of  police  groups  and  distanced   himself   from
            cials in the 2016 election.  police.  “Anti-police  senti-  tion will root them out and  loves  to  suggest  that  they  Trump’s criticism of the bu-
            Trump  laced  into  the  bu-  ment is wrong and it’s dan-  arrest  them.  Trump  cele-  supported him in last year’s  reau,  saying  he  does  not
            reau  as  he  was  departing  gerous,”  he  added.  “Any-  brated his decision to make  campaign.  Violent  crime  share a view that the FBI is
            for  its  training  academy  in  one who kills a police officer  it  easier  for  local  police  has  increased  nationally  not  functioning  at  a  high
            Virginia, where he lavished  should get the death pen-    forces  to  purchase  surplus  the  last  two  years  but  has  level all over the country.q
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