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A4   U.S. NEWS
             Saturday 16 december 2017

            Grand jury: Penn State showed ‘shocking apathy’ to drinking

            By MARC LEVY                                                                                                        hol  consumption  at  one
            Associated Press                                                                                                    particular  fraternity  and
            BELLEFONTE,  Pa.  (AP)  —                                                                                           showed  a  “shocking  apa-
            A  grand  jury’s  report  in                                                                                        thy  to  the  potential  dan-
            the  wake  of  a  fraternity                                                                                        ger  associated  with  doing
            pledge’s  drinking  death                                                                                           nothing.”
            said   Friday   that   Penn                                                                                         In  a  70-page  response  to
            State officials displayed “a                                                                                        the report submitted to the
            shocking  apathy”  to  dan-                                                                                         judge,  Penn  State  said  it
            gers  from  excessive  drink-                                                                                       has aggressively promoted
            ing and that its inaction al-                                                                                       safety  and  accountability
            lowed  criminal  acts  to  oc-                                                                                      in  the  fraternity  system,  in
            cur.                                                                                                                2009 and before that, and
            Penn State strongly object-                                                                                         should not be criticized for
            ed  to  that  characteriza-                                                                                         not  doing  more.  However,
            tion  in  a  144-page  report                                                                                       Penn  State  said  its  efforts
            released  by  a  district  at-                                                                                      are  limited  by  the  unwill-
            torney in Pennsylvania, say-                                                                                        ingness  of  national  frater-
            ing  it  made  extraordinary                                                                                        nities,  their  associations,
            efforts  to  combat  drinking                                                                                       undergraduate  members
            and hazing.                                                                                                         and  alumni  “to  challenge
            The  report  recommends  a                                                                                          behavior  that  has  been
            series  of  changes  that  the                                                                                      accepted for years across
            school  should  undertake    District Attorney Stacy Parks Miller holds a news conference regarding a grand jury’s report in the   the  nation”  and  accept
            in  the  wake  of  the  death   wake of a fraternity pledge’s drinking death on Friday, Dec. 15, 2017 at the Courthouse Annex in   major change. It said par-
            of 19-year-old Tim Piazza in   Bellefonte, Pa. Twenty-six people face criminal charges related to the Feb. 4 death of 19-year-old   ents  have  at  times  aided
                                         Tim Piazza, after he consumed a dangerous amount of alcohol during a pledge bid night.
            February.                                                                 (Phoebe Sheehan/Centre Daily Times via AP)  fraternity  efforts  to  violate
            It pointed to numerous as-                                                                                          school rules and state laws
            saults,  injuries  or  alcohol-  the fraternity system.   ing  in  the  fraternity  system  a  deliberate,  like,  ‘don’t  over  underage  drinking.
            related emergencies in the  Centre  County  District  At-  to have been more proac-    want to know,’” Parks Miller  State hazing and underage
            last  several  years  involving  torney  Stacy  Parks  Miller  tive to stop it.        said at a news conference.   drinking  laws  are  weak,
            fraternities, and said it is un-  said  the  grand  jury  found  “They found that they knew  As  far  back  as  2009,  Penn  Penn  State  said,  and  con-
            reasonable  for  Penn  State  that  Penn  State  officials  a great deal of it, and that  State  officials  were  “re-  tended that the grand jury
            to disavow all accountabil-  knew  enough  about  the  they  should  know  the  rest.  markably  undisturbed”  by  had struggled to provide a
            ity  for  its  failure  to  reform  abuse of drinking and haz-  If  they  didn’t  know,  it  was  allegations  of  heavy  alco-  single recommendation.q
            Cautious Texas among last states to OK medical marijuana

            By PAUL J. WEBER             active  component,  THC,  are the highest in the U.S.,  over,”  said  Cristina  Oller-  act  research.”  The  frustra-
            CLAUDIA LAUER                that  it  couldn’t  get  a  per-  at  nearly  $500,000  —  and  videz,  31,  who  lives  near  tion over access is similar in
            Associated Press             son  high.  Though  it  might  that  the  program  is  rolling  the  Texas-Mexico  border  other states that have also
            MANCHACA, Texas (AP) —  seem  that  Texas  policy-        out  with  just  eight  partici-  and is three hours from the  passed  restrictive  medical
            When California rings in the  makers have softened their  pating  doctors  in  a  state  closest  participating  doc-  marijuana laws. One Geor-
            new  year  with  the  sale  of  attitude  toward  the  drug,  of  27  million  people.  And,  tor.  Her  7-year-old  daugh-  gia legislator goes so far as
            recreational pot for the first  bringing  them  more  in  line  like  other  states,  access  is  ter,  Lailah,  has  a  type  of  to have low-dose cannabis
            time, Texas will be tiptoeing  with the U.S. population as  limited  to  a  small  pool  of  epilepsy  called  Lennox-  oil shipped to his office from
            into its own marijuana mile-  a whole, they have not. A  patients  who  have  been  Gastaut syndrome and is in  Colorado as a workaround
            stone: a medical cannabis  joint  could  still  land  you  in  diagnosed with intractable  a wheelchair. Her daughter  to his own bill, which allows
            program  so  restrictive  that  jail in Texas, and the state’s  epilepsy  and  tried  at  least  isn’t listed as having intrac-  people to possess marijua-
            doubts  swirl  over  who  will  embrace of medical mari-  two other treatments first.  table  epilepsy  but  still  has  na  but  doesn’t  give  them
            even use it.                 juana comes with a heavy  “It’s  heartbreaking.  Being  days when she gets several  a  legal  way  to  obtain  it.
            Texas is the last big state to  dose of caution.          able  to  say,  ‘Yes, you  can  seizures.  “Seeing  Texas  put  Texas is similar to more than
            allow some form of medical  Among  the  concerns  are  get it,’ but reading over the  limitations,  I  do  get  that  a dozen states that restrict
            marijuana, albeit an oil ex-  the  license  fees  to  grow  whole law there is still some  part,” Ollervidez said. “But I  access  to  a  low-THC  can-
            tract so low in the psycho-  marijuana in Texas — which  things  we  have  to  jump  don’t think they did their ex-  nabis oil.q
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