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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Saturday 16 december 2017
            Putin looks for quick win, but voter apathy worries Kremlin

            By V. ISACHENKOV                                                                                                    ing across all social groups,
            Associated Press                                                                                                    which  is  linked  to  popular
            MOSCOW  (AP)  —  Russia’s                                                                                           support for his foreign pol-
            presidential  election  cam-                                                                                        icy  achievements,”  said
            paign  formally  lasts  only                                                                                        Lev  Gudkov,  the  head  of
            three  months,  and  Presi-                                                                                         the Levada-Center opinion
            dent  Vladimir  Putin  wants                                                                                        survey  agency,  a  leading
            to make it as short as pos-                                                                                         independent pollster. “The
            sible.                                                                                                              propaganda  has  shaped
            With  Putin’s  approval  rat-                                                                                       his  image  as  the  national
            ing  topping  80  percent,                                                                                          leader  who  has  restored
            there  is  little  doubt  about                                                                                     Russia’s  great  power  sta-
            the outcome of the March                                                                                            tus.”  Gudkov  said  polls
            18 vote.                                                                                                            show  Putin’s  popularity  is
            Instead,  voter  apathy  rep-                                                                                       strongest in rural areas and
            resents the main challenge                                                                                          small  towns  where  most
            for his strategists, who want                                                                                       people rely on state-run TV
            his showing to be as strong                                                                                         for news. His broad support
            as  ever  to  demonstrate                                                                                           is  rooted  in  a  lack  of  real
            that public support for Pu-                                                                                         political  competition,  he
            tin  hasn’t  waned  18  years                                                                                       said. “The political field has
            after his first election.                                                                                           been  fully  cleared,”  Gud-
            In an apparent bid to drum   Russian President Vladimir Putin attends a wreath-laying ceremony in Moscow, Russia. Russian   kov said. “Putin completely
            up  interest  and  make  a   lawmakers on Friday, Dec, 15 set the presidential election for March 18, a move that formally sets   dominates the information
            bland race as short as pos-  in motion campaigning for a race that Putin is all but certain to win.                 space.”  Veterans  of  past
            sible  to  keep  voters  mobi-                                                            (AP Photo/Ivan Sekretarev)  elections  —  Communist
            lized, the 65-year-old presi-  stered  his  support,  which   Instead,  he  took  a  soft  ter  a  two-year  campaign   chief  Gennady  Zyuganov,
            dent waited until last week  has remained high despite    stance,  encouraging  Rus-   that  secured  Russia’s  posi-  ultranationalist   leader
            to declare his intent to run  a plunge in living standards   sia’s  athletes  to  compete  tion as a key power broker   Vladimir  Zhirinovsky  and
            again.                       under  a  combined  blow     under the Olympic flag. His  in the Middle East also plays   liberal  Grigory  Yavlinsky  —
            It’s  not  clear  yet  how  Pu-  of a drop in oil prices and   announcement of a partial  well  into  his  campaign.   all declared their intention
            tin will focus his campaign,  Western sanctions.          troop pullout from Syria af-  “Putin  has  a  broad  back-  to run.q
            which was formally opened  “Even very moderate peo-
            Friday by the upper house  ple never really reconciled
            of parliament.               themselves  after  the  end
            Ahead  of  the  2012  vote,  of  the  Soviet  Union  with
            he  ran  a  highly  polarizing  Crimea  being  lost,”  said
            campaign  amid  a  wave  Moscow  Carnegie  Center
            of  massive  demonstrations  director Dmitri Trenin. “They
            in Moscow against his rule.  always  thought  it  was  un-
            He  denounced  middle-       fair. And Putin had the guts
            class  protesters  as  spoiled  ... to give it back to Russia
            stooges  of  the  West  and  without  spilling  a  drop  of
            relied  heavily  on  support  blood.”  Some  pundits  ex-
            from  blue-collar  workers  pected  Putin  to  use  Rus-
            and state employees.         sia’s  ban  from  the  Winter
            Now,  in  the  absence  of  Olympics  in  South  Korea
            major  protests,  Putin  can  to further fuel anti-Western
            afford to be more benign.    sentiments  by  announcing
            The  2014  annexation  of  a  boycott  of  the  games,
            Crimea  from  Ukraine  bol-  and thus mobilize his base.
            Dutch police: Suspect in

            2 stabbings knew victim

            THE  HAGUE,  Netherlands  the  suspect  knew  at  least
            (AP)  —  Police  say  that  a  one  of  the  victims,  but
            37-year-old  man  suspect-   would not elaborate as it is
            ed  of  involvement  in  two  still under investigation.
            deadly  stabbings  in  the  Van Kleef says the suspect
            southern Dutch border city  is  in  hospital  recovering
            of Maastricht knew at least  from light head injuries and
            one of the victims.          has not been questioned.
            The  suspect  was  arrested  The victims’ identities were
            late Thursday in a mosque  not  immediately  released.
            in Maastricht shortly after a  Van  Kleef  would  not  con-
            man  and  a  woman  were  firm  local  media  reports
            killed  and  two  other  peo-  that the victims were of Syr-
            ple were injured.            ian descent.
            Police  spokesman  Jack  Police  have  ruled  out  ter-
            van  Kleef  said  Friday  that  rorism as a motive.q
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