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             Saturday 16 december 2017

            AP-NORC Poll:                                                                           Tillerson retreats on offer of

            Americans pessimistic about Trump                                                       unconditional N. Korea talks

            By JULIE PACE                Americans  said  the  United  tinues to talk about his pres-  By MATT PENNINGTON       talks,  Trump  did  not  an-
            EMILY SWANSON                States is heading in the right  idency with lofty rhetorical   Associated Press        swer directly.
            Associated Press             direction,  and  52  percent  flourishes,  declaring  that   WASHINGTON     (AP)   —  “Well, we’re going to see
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi-     said the country is worse off  his first months in office out-  America’s  top  diplomat  what happens with North
            dent  Donald  Trump  fre-    since Trump became presi-    shine those of his predeces-  stepped back Friday from  Korea.  We have a lot of
            quently casts his first year in  dent  —  worrisome  signs  sors.  But  there’s  no  doubt   his  offer  of  unconditional  support. There are a lot of
            office as a string of success-  both  for  the  White  House  that 2017 has been devoid   talks  with  North  Korea,  nations  that  agree  with
            es  and  campaign  prom-     and  Republicans  heading  of any significant legislative   telling  world  powers  the  us — almost everybody,”
            ises fulfilled. But less than a  into  a  midterm  election  accomplishments,  though   nuclear-armed      nation  Trump  told  reporters.  He
            quarter of Americans think  year where control of Con-    Republicans  are  urgently    must earn the right to ne-  credited  China  —  which
            Trump  has  made  good  gress will be at stake.           trying  to  pass  a  sweeping   gotiate  with  the  United  accounts  for  about  90
            on  the  pledges  he  made  Along  with  the  23  percent  overhaul  of  the  nation’s   States.                    percent  of  North  Korea’s
                                                                                                    Secretary  of  State  Rex  external  trade  —  with
                                                                                                    Tillerson’s   declaration  helping    on   pressuring
                                                                                                    before  the  U.N.  Security  North  Korea,  while  Russia
                                                                                                    Council  marked  a  stun-   was not.
                                                                                                    ning  reversal  after  he  “We’d  like  to  have  Rus-
                                                                                                    proposed       discussions  sia’s  help  —  very  impor-
                                                                                                    with  Pyongyang  without  tant,”  said  Trump.  He
                                                                                                    preconditions  earlier  this  raised  it  in  a  Thursday
                                                                                                    week.  That  overture  was  phone  call  with  Russian
                                                                                                    almost  immediately  re-    President Vladimir Putin.
                                                                                                    butted  by  White  House  On  the  issue  of  starting
                                                                                                    officials.                  talks  with  North  Korea,
                                                                                                    Still, Tillerson had planned  Tillerson’s  tone  was  sig-
                                                                                                    to  reiterate  his  call  at  nificantly  different  from
                                                                                                    a  special  U.N.  ministe-  three days earlier.
                                                                                                    rial meeting on North Ko-   On Tuesday, Tillerson said
                                                                                                    rea  at  the  council  Friday  at  the  Atlantic  Council
                                                                                                    morning.  His  prepared  think  tank  in  Washing-
                                                                                                    remarks  suggested  only  ton  that  “we  are  ready
                                                                                                    that  North  Korea  would  to  have  the  first  meeting
                                                                                                    have to undertake a sus-    without   preconditions.”
            President Donald Trump listens people speak in support of Republican tax policy reform, during an   tained halt in its threaten-  He had also called it “un-
            event in the Grand Foyer of the White House, Wednesday, Dec. 13, 2017, in Washington. Ameri-  ing  behavior  before  talks  realistic”  to  expect  North
            cans are painting a pessimistic view of the country and President Donald Trump as 2017 comes to
            a close. That’s according to a new poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs   could  begin.  But  Tillerson  Korea to enter talks ready
            Research. The survey shows less than a quarter of Americans think Trump has made good on the   changed the script.  to  relinquish  a  weapons
            pledges he made to voters while running for president.                                  “North Korea must earn its  of  mass  destruction  pro-
                                                                            (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)   way  back  to  the  table,”  gram it invested so much
                                                                                                    Tillerson  told  the  foreign  in  developing,  although
            to  voters  while  running  for  who  think  Trump  has  kept  tax  system.  The  package   ministers.  “The  pressure  that  remained  the  ulti-
            president,  according  to  a  his  promises,  another  30  would  give  generous  tax   campaign  must  and  will  mate  goal.  The  White
            new  poll  by  the  Associat-  percent  think  he  has  tried  cuts  to  corporations  and   continue  until  denucle-  House  quickly  distanced
            ed  Press-NORC  Center  for  and failed and 45 percent  the  wealthiest  Americans,     arization is achieved. We  itself  from  Tillerson’s  re-
            Public Affairs Research.     think  he  hasn’t  kept  them  and more modest tax cuts    will in the meantime keep  marks. On Wednesday, a
            Among  Republicans,  just  at all.                        to low- and middle-income     our  channels  of  commu-   National Security Council
            half say Trump has kept his  In a second AP-NORC poll  families.  “We’re  very,  very   nication open.”             spokesperson  said  North
            promises,  which  included  conducted      this   month,  close  to  a  historic  legisla-  The debate over offering  Korea  must  not  only  first
            vows  to  overhaul  his  pre-  Trump’s  job  approval  rat-  tive  victory,  the  likes  of   North Korea uncondition-  refrain   from   provoca-
            decessor’s health care law,  ing  sits  at  just  32  percent,  which rarely has this coun-  al talks reflects the differ-  tions  but  take  “sincere
            withdraw the United States  making him the least popu-    try seen,” Trump said during   ences  within  the  Trump  and  meaningful  actions
            from a nuclear accord with  lar first-year president on re-  a  meeting  with  lawmakers   administration  as  it  runs  toward   denucleariza-
            Iran  and  invest  millions  in  cord. A quarter of Republi-  earlier  this  week.  Republi-  out  of  time  to  prevent  tion” for talks to happen.
            new projects to fix the na-  cans  say  they’re  among  cans  are  banking  on  the     North Korea from perfect-   The  spokesperson,  who
            tion’s  aging  infrastructure.  those  who  disapprove  of  tax overhaul being enough   ing a nuclear-tipped mis-   was not authorized to be
            None  of  those  steps  have  the president.              to carry them through next    sile that can strike the U.S.  quoted by name and re-
            been taken.                  One  relative  bright  spot  year’s  House  and  Senate    mainland. President Don-    quested  anonymity,  said
            “Everything   has   stalled  for  Trump?  The  improving  contests, elections that will   ald  Trump  has  vowed  to  that  given  North  Korea’s
            out,” said Mark Krowski, 37,  economy.                    largely  be  a  referendum    prevent  such  capability,  most  recent  missile  test,
            an  independent  from  Mil-  With a soaring stock market  on  Trump’s  first  two  years   with military action if nec-  now was not the time for
            waukee,  Wisconsin,  who  and unemployment hover-         in  office  and  the  GOP’s   essary.                     talks.  Tillerson  and  Trump
            leans Republican but didn’t  ing  around  4  percent,  40  stewardship  as  the  major-  So  far,  U.S.-led  sanctions  have  appeared  to  clash
            vote for Trump last year.    percent  of  Americans  ap-  ity party on Capitol Hill. But   on  North  Korea  and  dip-  before  on  North  Korea,
            As 2017 comes to a close,  proved of Trump’s handling  with  the  legislation  rushed   lomatic  isolation  haven’t  amid questions about the
            the  majority  of  Americans  of  the  economy.  That’s  through  Congress  and  ne-    compelled Kim Jong Un’s  former ExxonMobil execu-
            painted  a  broadly  pessi-  higher than the three in 10  gotiated largely in private,   government to stop its nu-  tive’s future as top diplo-
            mistic view of Trump’s presi-  Americans  that  approved  Trump    and    lawmakers     clear  and  missile  tests,  or  mat.  In  October,  Trump
            dency, the nation’s politics  of the president’s handling  may  have  more  work  to    to seek negotiations.       said Tillerson was “wasting
            and the overall direction of  of health care, foreign poli-  do  to  sell  the  public  on  its   Asked  Friday  if  he  sup-  his time” trying to negoti-
            the country. Just three in 10  cy or taxes. Still, Trump con-  benefits.q               ported      unconditional  ate with the North.q
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