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Gaming - EN                                                  AWEMainta                                   Dialuna, 12 September 2022

         CS:GO                                                                        CS:GO

            ESL has cancelled IEM China 2022                                           ESL Challenger Rotterdam
           due to the current covid-19 situation

                                                                                      ESL has revealed CS:GO
                                                                                      teams that were directly
                                                                                      invited to ESL Challenger
                                                                                      Rotterdam, which are

                                                                                      ENCE,  Movistar  Riders,
                                                                                      MOUZ,  and  Outsiders.
                                                                                      The four invited teams will
                                                                                      be joined by  other  four

                                                                                      teams, who will need to
                                                                                      earn their place through
                                                                                      a qualifiers match. Nixuh

                                                                    Image from ESL    has already won their place by competing in the South
         ESL  has made a lot of                                                       African qualifier.
         changes in competi-                                                          ESL Challenger Rotterdam 2022 is set to start on
         tive  CS:GO  events,  this                                                   October 14 , 1  place winner will be taking $50.000
         includes Intel Extreme                                                       and 2 place $20.000 and 3  place $10.000.
         Masters  (IEM)  China
         2022,       which       was
         suppose to be in  6
         to 11  December. This                                                        Valorant
         is due to the current
         COVID       situation     in                                                  OpTic ‘crashies’ battles against
         China, and their govern-                                                     Team Liquid and food poisoning
         ment enforcing strict lockdowns in many cities.

         Mobile Gaming News

         GameSpot’s reveals some exiting

           mobiles games from their show

         ON September 8 ,
         GameSpot  held  their  first                                                                                                Image from RiotGames
         ever  mobile game show-
         case named Swipe.                                                            IN a game against Team Liquid in Valorant Champions

         During the showcase, they                                                    2022, OpTic Gaming’s  Austin “crashies” Roberts was
         revealed some trailers and                                                   suffering  through  food  poisoning  and  was  throwing
         game plays from various                                                      up between  matches.  In  a tweet  after  their  2-1
         games.  Such as: Rainbow                                                     win his teammate praised him for performing well

         Six, Call of Duty Warzone, Division Resurgence, Little night-                even thought he was feeling sick. His final KDA was
         mares and more.                                                              41/39/20.

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