Page 6 - MIN TTC DEC 20 2014
P. 6
Saturday 20 December 2014
Aruba Marriott Presents 2nd Vloggers Film Festival
PALM BEACH - Aruba Marri- Panel Award winner and owitz & Peter Bragiel who tween now and January
ott together with Diamond Juliana Broste and Pamela presented amazing videos. 5th, will have a three-night
PR recently organized the Jacobs who were named The videos can be viewed stay to award to one of
“Partners in Paradise” press the Viewer’s Choice fa- on the Aruba Marriott’s their followers. The Aruba
trip featuring the 2nd edi- vorite. Congratulations YouTube channel and Marriott would like to thank
tion of the Vloggers Film Fes- also went to the groups of Facebook page. Each their partners ATA (Aruba
tival. Four video bloggers Angelica Olstad & Gloria partner of the video that Tourism Authority), De Palm
together with 4 journalists Powell and Shayne Ben- gets the most views be- Tours, Red Sail Sports, Vela
were paired up in teams Aruba, West Deck and all
of two and were invited by other supporters for their
the Aruba Marriott Resort cooperation.q
& Stellaris Casino and Dia-
mond PR to capture the
essence of the destination
of Aruba and the resort on
video. The groups received
the assignment to film and
edit the content in three
days and present it at the
Vloggers Film Festival on
day four. With a similar
background of travelling
worldwide and telling their
stories through writing and
videos, the groups used
their own personalities
to create unique videos
showcasing the splendor
of the island, friendliness of
the locals, the resort expe-
rience and uniqueness of
the one happy island.
The Vloggers Film Festival
took place at the H2Oasis
Adult Pool at the Aruba
Marriott Resort & Stellaris
Casino, where the vid-
eos were individually pre-
sented to the public. A
judge’s panel of four was
invited to choose the best
video based on the crite-
ria: creativity, uniqueness,
showcase the resort and
create curiosity for others.
The panel consisted of Tom
Calame – GM of the Aruba
Marriott, Carolina Voul-
lieme – Director of Sales
& Marketing at the Aruba
Marriott, Rona Coster –
Managing Director and
Publisher of Marketing Plus
and Jim Hepple – CEO of
AHATA. In addition, the
public was also able to
vote to choose the View-
er’s Choice Award.
Congratulations went to
the group of Perrie Hartz
and Ashley Colburn who
were named the Judges
Saturday 20 December 2014
Aruba Marriott Presents 2nd Vloggers Film Festival
PALM BEACH - Aruba Marri- Panel Award winner and owitz & Peter Bragiel who tween now and January
ott together with Diamond Juliana Broste and Pamela presented amazing videos. 5th, will have a three-night
PR recently organized the Jacobs who were named The videos can be viewed stay to award to one of
“Partners in Paradise” press the Viewer’s Choice fa- on the Aruba Marriott’s their followers. The Aruba
trip featuring the 2nd edi- vorite. Congratulations YouTube channel and Marriott would like to thank
tion of the Vloggers Film Fes- also went to the groups of Facebook page. Each their partners ATA (Aruba
tival. Four video bloggers Angelica Olstad & Gloria partner of the video that Tourism Authority), De Palm
together with 4 journalists Powell and Shayne Ben- gets the most views be- Tours, Red Sail Sports, Vela
were paired up in teams Aruba, West Deck and all
of two and were invited by other supporters for their
the Aruba Marriott Resort cooperation.q
& Stellaris Casino and Dia-
mond PR to capture the
essence of the destination
of Aruba and the resort on
video. The groups received
the assignment to film and
edit the content in three
days and present it at the
Vloggers Film Festival on
day four. With a similar
background of travelling
worldwide and telling their
stories through writing and
videos, the groups used
their own personalities
to create unique videos
showcasing the splendor
of the island, friendliness of
the locals, the resort expe-
rience and uniqueness of
the one happy island.
The Vloggers Film Festival
took place at the H2Oasis
Adult Pool at the Aruba
Marriott Resort & Stellaris
Casino, where the vid-
eos were individually pre-
sented to the public. A
judge’s panel of four was
invited to choose the best
video based on the crite-
ria: creativity, uniqueness,
showcase the resort and
create curiosity for others.
The panel consisted of Tom
Calame – GM of the Aruba
Marriott, Carolina Voul-
lieme – Director of Sales
& Marketing at the Aruba
Marriott, Rona Coster –
Managing Director and
Publisher of Marketing Plus
and Jim Hepple – CEO of
AHATA. In addition, the
public was also able to
vote to choose the View-
er’s Choice Award.
Congratulations went to
the group of Perrie Hartz
and Ashley Colburn who
were named the Judges