Page 7 - MIN TTC DEC 20 2014
P. 7
LOCALSaturday 20 December 2014
The Island of Aruba Receives an Award from Site
Wichita Villacres enjoyed results, possible. Because
the distinct honor of col- SITE serves as the source of
lecting a plaque on behalf expertise, knowledge and
of the island of Aruba. The professional connections,
recognition handed out by the delegates’ exposure to
SITE Florida & Caribbean Aruban culture and music
chapter was awarded to will surely result in increased
the island for the excel- interest in the island and
lent support given to the the future, desired, return
Site Florida & Caribbean on investment.
chapter, in the past three Aruba enjoys a long term
year. The presentation took relationship with the SITE
place December 9th in Mi- conference, having spon-
ami, at Turnberry Isle. sored various other SITE
The island of Aruba did an events before with an eye
excellent job sponsoring on the Incentive Travel
the entertainment during Market via close collabo-
Site’s Crystal Award lunch
in Rotterdam, during the Aruba’s cultural-musical stars concert of Datapanik
Site Global Conference heritage with a modern at Bushiribana, the island’s
in November 2014, with and authentic twist. On a historical Gold Mine ruins.
native musician Michael recent official visit to the The program played by the
Lampe, and his Datapanik island of Aruba the Dutch band at the Crystal Award
band, brought in especial- royal couple King Willem- lunch included an open-
ly from Aruba to entertain Alexander and Queen ing and closing set, which
delegates. Datapanik is Maxima of the Nether- were both well received
made up of young Aruban lands enjoyed an espe- by conference attendees,
musicians who showcase cially staged, under the who loved the sound and
danced to these old/new ration with the associa-
tunes right through lunch. tion for Incentive Travel
A talented, young dance Professionals. The island
group performed together also hosted a stand during
with Datapanik, lead by a coffee breaks where del-
local talent based in the egates had an opportunity
Netherlands, Aneudi Ca- to acquire more informa-
bral. Aneudi prepared the tion about the island as a
choreography and special MICE destination. Addition-
costumes for this festive oc- ally, Aruba is sponsoring an
casion, enjoyed by all. Aruban student, majoring
The Aruba delegation to in Event Organization, al-
the Site Global Conference lowing him to attend the
included Jerusha Rasmijn, SITE global conference.
Darysse Croes, Elston Peter- Attendance of the confer-
son, ATA, Wichita Villacres, ence will give the student
ECO DMS, Kelsey Gernert, additional knowledge of
ECO DMS and Maoreen the industry and a memo-
Every, ECO DMS. rable personal experience,
SITE’s Crystal Awards Rec- required to sustain his pro-
ognition Program started fessional growth.
in 1980. It provides indus- SITE, is first of all a network
try acclaim for world-class of incentive and meeting
organizations that excel professionals. Site mem-
in the design of unique, bers are part of an interna-
memorable experiences tional community, benefit-
that deliver measurable ting from great networking
benefits for their clients which facilitates the chal-
through the use of unique lenge of finding business
group travel experiences. opportunities, exchanging
Today, the SITE Crystal information and knowl-
Award serves as a bench- edge with other business
mark for programs and is partners. SITE is an impor-
regarded as the highest tant partner of the Aruba
honor in the motivational tourism industry wishing to
events and incentive travel claim its share in the MICE,
industry. Meetings, Incentives, Con-
According to Jerusha Ras- ferences and Exhibitions
mijn, ACB Conferences & industry.
Events Manager, participa- Wichita Villacres, President,
tion in the SITE Global Con- ECO Destination Manage-
ference 2014 in Rotterdam ment Services of Aruba &
made a valuable connec- Curaçao, is the President
tion between motivational of the 2014 SITE Florida and
experiences and business Caribbean chapter 2014.
LOCALSaturday 20 December 2014
The Island of Aruba Receives an Award from Site
Wichita Villacres enjoyed results, possible. Because
the distinct honor of col- SITE serves as the source of
lecting a plaque on behalf expertise, knowledge and
of the island of Aruba. The professional connections,
recognition handed out by the delegates’ exposure to
SITE Florida & Caribbean Aruban culture and music
chapter was awarded to will surely result in increased
the island for the excel- interest in the island and
lent support given to the the future, desired, return
Site Florida & Caribbean on investment.
chapter, in the past three Aruba enjoys a long term
year. The presentation took relationship with the SITE
place December 9th in Mi- conference, having spon-
ami, at Turnberry Isle. sored various other SITE
The island of Aruba did an events before with an eye
excellent job sponsoring on the Incentive Travel
the entertainment during Market via close collabo-
Site’s Crystal Award lunch
in Rotterdam, during the Aruba’s cultural-musical stars concert of Datapanik
Site Global Conference heritage with a modern at Bushiribana, the island’s
in November 2014, with and authentic twist. On a historical Gold Mine ruins.
native musician Michael recent official visit to the The program played by the
Lampe, and his Datapanik island of Aruba the Dutch band at the Crystal Award
band, brought in especial- royal couple King Willem- lunch included an open-
ly from Aruba to entertain Alexander and Queen ing and closing set, which
delegates. Datapanik is Maxima of the Nether- were both well received
made up of young Aruban lands enjoyed an espe- by conference attendees,
musicians who showcase cially staged, under the who loved the sound and
danced to these old/new ration with the associa-
tunes right through lunch. tion for Incentive Travel
A talented, young dance Professionals. The island
group performed together also hosted a stand during
with Datapanik, lead by a coffee breaks where del-
local talent based in the egates had an opportunity
Netherlands, Aneudi Ca- to acquire more informa-
bral. Aneudi prepared the tion about the island as a
choreography and special MICE destination. Addition-
costumes for this festive oc- ally, Aruba is sponsoring an
casion, enjoyed by all. Aruban student, majoring
The Aruba delegation to in Event Organization, al-
the Site Global Conference lowing him to attend the
included Jerusha Rasmijn, SITE global conference.
Darysse Croes, Elston Peter- Attendance of the confer-
son, ATA, Wichita Villacres, ence will give the student
ECO DMS, Kelsey Gernert, additional knowledge of
ECO DMS and Maoreen the industry and a memo-
Every, ECO DMS. rable personal experience,
SITE’s Crystal Awards Rec- required to sustain his pro-
ognition Program started fessional growth.
in 1980. It provides indus- SITE, is first of all a network
try acclaim for world-class of incentive and meeting
organizations that excel professionals. Site mem-
in the design of unique, bers are part of an interna-
memorable experiences tional community, benefit-
that deliver measurable ting from great networking
benefits for their clients which facilitates the chal-
through the use of unique lenge of finding business
group travel experiences. opportunities, exchanging
Today, the SITE Crystal information and knowl-
Award serves as a bench- edge with other business
mark for programs and is partners. SITE is an impor-
regarded as the highest tant partner of the Aruba
honor in the motivational tourism industry wishing to
events and incentive travel claim its share in the MICE,
industry. Meetings, Incentives, Con-
According to Jerusha Ras- ferences and Exhibitions
mijn, ACB Conferences & industry.
Events Manager, participa- Wichita Villacres, President,
tion in the SITE Global Con- ECO Destination Manage-
ference 2014 in Rotterdam ment Services of Aruba &
made a valuable connec- Curaçao, is the President
tion between motivational of the 2014 SITE Florida and
experiences and business Caribbean chapter 2014.