Page 8 - MIN TTC DEC 20 2014
P. 8
Saturday 20 December 2014

Special Guests Honored at the Divi Phoenix Resort

PALM BEACH - Recently honorees included Nancy itors, and Daryl Collier and
the Aruba Tourism Author- and Denny Joseph, Nellie Len Gordon as Ambassa-
ity had the great pleasure Rivera and Altagracia Pa- dors of Goodwill.
of honoring a very nice checo as Distinguished Vis- Mr. Ricardo Croes repre-
group of families whom senting Aruba Tourism Au-
are loyal and friendly visi- thority conducted the cer-
tors of Aruba at the Divi emony at the Divi Phoenix
Phoenix Beach Resort, as Beach Resort, along with
Distinguished Visitors and Ms. Avril from the Activities
Ambassadors of Goodwill! Department.
The symbolic honorary titles All of the guests are loyal
are presented in the name members of the Divi Phoe-
of the Minister of Tourism as nix Beach Resort, and they
a token of appreciation to love Aruba very much
guests who visit Aruba for because of the great ex-
10-to-19 and 20-or-more tremely friendly people,
consecutive years. The the weather, the beaches,
the restaurants and the
safety of the island.
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