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                                                                                                   u.s news Diabierna 12 augustus 2022

                           Armed man tries to breach FBI office, is injured in standoff

            (AP)  —  An  armed  man                                                                warned they are preparing for
            decked out in body armor                                                               an armed revolution.         The FBI on Wednesday also
            tried  to  breach  a  security                                                                                      warned  its  agents  to  avoid
            screening  area  at  an  FBI                                                           Federal  officials  have  also  protesters  and  ensure  their
            field office Thursday, then                                                            been tracking an array of oth-  security  key  cards  are  “not
            fled and was injured in an                                                             er concerning chatter on Gab  visible  outside  FBI  space,”
            exchange of gunfire in an                                                              and  other  platforms  threat-  citing  an  increase  in  social
            hourslong  standoff  with                                                              ening violence against federal  media threats to bureau per-
            law enforcement that per-                                                              agents.  FBI  Director  Chris-  sonnel  and  facilities.  It  also
            sisted into late afternoon,                                                            topher  Wray  denounced  the  warned agents to be aware of
            authorities said.                                                                      threats  as  he  visited  another  their  surroundings  and  po-
                                                                                                   FBI  office  in  Nebraska  on  tential protesters.
            The confrontation that began                                                           Wednesday.
            at the FBI’s Cincinnati office                                                                                      The  warning  did  not  spe-
            came  as  officials  warned  of                                                        “Violence  against  law  en-  cifically mention this week’s
            an increase in threats against   The  suspect  left  the  inter-  helicopter flew over the area.  forcement is not the answer,  search of Mar-a-Lago but at-
            federal agents in the days fol-  state north of Cincinnati and                         no  matter  who  you’re  upset  tributed the online threats to
            lowing  a  search  of  former   abandoned  his  car  on  rural  Officials in Ohio have locked   with,”  Wray  said  Wednesday  “recent  media  reporting  on
            President  Donald  Trump’s   roads,  where  he  exchanged  down a mile radius near the   in Omaha.                  FBI investigative activity.”
            Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida.  gunfire with police. The man  interstate and urged residents
                                         has “unknown injuries,” but  and business owners to lock
            Federal officials said the man   no one else was hurt, the pa-  doors  and  stay  inside.  The
            “attempted  to  breach”  the   trol said.                 interstate has been reopened.
            visitor’s  screening  area  at
            the FBI office and fled when   The  standoff  remained  in  There  have  been  growing
            agents  confronted  him.  Af-  progress  as  of  midafternoon  threats in recent days against
            ter fleeing onto Interstate 71,   Thursday  near  roads  bor-  FBI agents and offices across
            he  was  spotted  by  a  trooper   dered  by  woods  and  farm  the  country  since  federal
            and fired shots as the trooper   fields just off I-71 and about  agents executed a search war-
            pursued him, said Lt. Nathan   45  miles  (72  kilometers)  rant at Mar-a-Lago. On Gab,
            Dennis,  a  Ohio  State  High-  northeast of Cincinnati. State  a  social  media  site  popu-
            way Patrol spokesperson.     highway workers blocked off  lar  with  white  supremacists
                                         roads leading to the scene as a  and  antisemites,  users  have

                            Gas prices dip just below $4 for the first time in 5 months

            (AP)  -  Gasoline  prices  growth  around  the  world.  in November.                   ting up any time soon.”      since  early  March.  Prices
            dipped  to  just  under  the  U.S.  benchmark  crude  oil                                                           topped  out  at  $5.02  a  gal-
            $4 mark for the first time  has  recently  dipped  close  to  Republicans blame President  Biden  has  also  sparred  with  lon on June 14, according to
            in more than five months  $90 a barrel from over $120 a  Joe Biden for the high gaso-  oil companies, accusing them  AAA.  They  declined  slowly
            — good news for consum-      barrel in June.              line prices, seizing on his de-  of not producing as much oil  the rest of June, then began
            ers  who  are  struggling                                 cisions to cancel a permit for  and  gasoline  as  they  could  dropping more rapidly.
            with high prices for many  High prices also may be caus-  a major pipeline and suspend  while  posting  huge  profits.
            other essentials.            ing  U.S.  motorists  to  drive  new oil and gas leases on fed-  “Exxon  made  more  money  Motorists  in  California  and
                                         less.  Gasoline  demand  in  eral lands.                  than  God  this  year,”  he  said  Hawaii are still paying above
            AAA  said  the  national  aver-  early August was down 3.3%                            in June.                     $5,  and  other  states  in  the
            age for a gallon of regular was  from the same week last year  Biden said over the weekend                          West are paying close to that.
            $3.99 on Thursday.           after tracking more closely to  that a family with two cars is  Exxon  said  it  has  increased  The cheapest gas is in Texas
                                         2021  numbers  earlier  in  the  saving $100 a month because  oil production. The CEO of  and several other states in the
            Prices have dropped 15 cents  summer.                     prices  have  dropped  from  Chevron said Biden was try-  South and Midwest.
            in the past week and 68 cents                             their peak in mid-June.      ing to vilify his industry.
            in the last month, according  Prices at the pump are likely                                                         A  year  ago,  the  nationwide
            to the auto club.            to  be  a  major  issue  heading  “That’s  breathing  room,”  he  The  nationwide  average  for  average  price  was  around
                                         into  the  mid-term  elections  tweeted. “And we’re not let-  gas  hasn’t  been  under  $4  $3.20 a gallon.
            The shopping app GasBuddy
            reported  that  the  national
            average was already down to
            $3.98 on Wednesday.

            Falling prices for gas, airline
            tickets and clothes are giving
            consumers a bit of relief, al-
            though inflation is still close
            to a four-decade high.

            Oil  prices  began  rising  in
            mid-2020  as  economies  re-
            covered  from  the  initial
            shock of the pandemic. They
            rose again when the U.S. and
            allies  announced  sanctions
            against Russian oil over Rus-
            sia’s war against Ukraine.
            Recently, however, oil prices
            have  dropped  on  concern
            about   slowing   economic
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