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world news Diabierna 12 augustus 2022
China blocks UN sanctions on Pakistani extremist leader
(AP) — China on Wednes- holds by committee mem-
day blocked the imposi- bers on listing requests.”
tion of U.N. sanctions
sought by the United A spokesperson for the U.S.
States and India against Mission to the United Na-
the deputy chief of Jaish- tions, who was also not au-
e-Mohammad, a Pakistan- thorized to speak publicly,
based extremist group said the United States “re-
designated by the United spects other countries’ need
Nations as a terrorist or- to verify” that people pro-
ganization. posed for sanctions meet
their threshold for evidence
Abdul Rauf Azhar has been required to justify being put
under U.S. sanctions since on the U.N. sanctions black-
December 2010 for act- list.
ing for or on behalf of the
group, known as JEM. India “We strongly believe in the
says Azhar was involved in importance of the commit-
the planning and execution tee, which is to prevent and
of numerous terror attacks, Pakistani group proscribed in 2008. the case,” said the spokesper- hold ISIS, al-Qaeda and their
including the 1999 hijacking by the U.N., Lashkar-e- son at China’s U.N. Mission, affiliates accountable for their
of an Indian Airlines aircraft, Taiba, to the U.N. blacklist. According to Pakistan’s coun- who was not authorized to illicit activities,” the U.S.
the 2001 attack on the Indian Makki has been under U.S. ter-terrorism agency, the gov- speak publicly. spokesperson said. “Further,
Parliament and the 2016 at- sanctions since Novem- ernment has outlawed more the United States values co-
tack on the Indian air force ber 2010, and India says he than 65 militant groups, in- He said the U.N. Security operation with our Security
base in Pathankot. has been involved in raising cluding Jaish-e-Mohammad Council committee monitor- Council partners to effective-
funds, recruiting and radical- and Lashkar-e-Taiba. ing sanctions allows “holds” ly use this tool in an apolitical
In June, China put a hold on izing young people to resort on people proposed for sanc- way to stop terrorists from
adding Abdul Rehman Mak- to violence, and planning at- “We placed a hold because tions, “and there have been exploiting the global order to
ki, deputy chief of another tacks, including in Mumbai we need more time to study quite a number of similar do their misdeeds.”
China renews Taiwan threats, island cites ‘wishful thinking’
(AP) — China on Thurs- speech and political partici-
day renewed its threat pation. The concept has been
to attack Taiwan follow- thoroughly rejected in Tai-
ing almost a week of war wanese public opinion polls
games near the island. Tai- in which respondents have
wan has called Beijing’s overwhelmingly favored the
claim to the self-govern- status-quo of de-facto inde-
ing democracy “wishful pendence.
thinking” and launched
its own military exercises. The Chinese statement is
“full of wishful thinking, and
Taiwan’s “collusion with ex- ignores the facts,” the Main-
ternal forces to seek inde- land Affairs Council said in
pendence and provocation its press release.
will only accelerate their own
demise and push Taiwan The “crude and clumsy polit-
into the abyss of disaster,” ical operations by the Beijing
Chinese Foreign Ministry On Wednesday, Britain’s Nations’ 1972 resolution that later this year. President and authorities further highlight
spokesperson Wang Wenbin government summoned transferred the China seat on party leader Xi Jinping is ex- its arrogant thinking pattern
said at a daily briefing. Chinese Ambassador Zheng the Security Council from pected to receive a third five- of attempting to use force
“Their pursuit of Taiwan in- Zeguang to the Foreign Of- Taipei to Beijing, Taiwan’s year term at the conclave, af- to invade and destroy the
dependence will never suc- fice to demand an explana- Cabinet-level Mainland Af- ter leading a relentless crack- Taiwan Strait and regional
ceed, and any attempt to sell tion of “Beijing’s aggressive fairs Council said. The Chi- down on political figures ac- peace,” the release said.
the national interest will be and wide-ranging escalation nese statement also discarded cused of corruption, human
met with a complete failure,” against Taiwan.” a pledge not to send troops rights activists and civil soci- “The authorities in Beijing
Wang told reporters. or government officials to ety groups. deceive themselves. We warn
Taiwan says Beijing used Pe- Taiwan that was contained in the Beijing authorities to
China’s attempt to intimidate losi’s visit as a pretext to raise previous statements. Xi’s suppression of free immediately stop threaten-
the Taiwanese public and ad- the stakes in its feud with speech and political opposi- ing Taiwan with force and
vertise its strategy for block- Taipei, firing missiles into the The U.N. resolution makes tion in Hong Kong was also spreading false information,”
ading and potentially invad- Taiwan Strait and over the is- no mention of Taiwan’s sta- seen as a factor behind Tai- it said.
ing the island was nominally land into the Pacific Ocean. tus, although China regards wan’s President Tsai Ing-wen
prompted by a visit to Taipei China also sent planes and it as a foundational document winning a second term in Taiwan placed its military
last week by U.S. House ships across the midline in proclaiming the Communist 2020. under high alert during the
Speaker Nancy Pelosi. the strait that has long been Party’s right to control over Chinese drills but took no di-
a buffer between the sides, the island. China says it plans to an- rect countermeasures. It held
The U.S., Japan and allies which separated amid civil nex Taiwan under the “one artillery drills off its south-
have denounced the exercis- war in 1949. The Taiwanese council’s country, two systems” for- western coast facing China
es, with the Group of Seven statement said China was or- mat applied in Hong Kong, that ran through Thursday,
industrialized nations issuing In a lengthy policy statement chestrating its moves against which critics say has been illustrating the challenges
a statement at a recent meet- on Taiwan issued Wednesday, Taiwan ahead of the ruling undermined by a sweeping the People’s Liberation Army
ing expressing its concern. China distorted the historical Communist Party’s 20th Na- national security law that as- would face were it to launch
record, including the United tional Congress to be held serts Beijing’s control over an invasion across the strait.