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A30    world news
               Diabierna 12 augustus 2022

                         Heathrow airport says passenger cap has eased travel chaos

            (AP) — Heathrow Airport  20 minutes.
            in  London  said  Thursday  “Passengers  are  seeing  bet-
            that its limit on the num-   ter,  more  reliable  journeys
            ber of passengers is easing  since the introduction of the
            a  travel  crunch  that  has  demand  cap,”  airport  CEO
            led to flight cancellations  John  Holland-Kaye  said.
            and lost luggage as soaring  “This has only been possible
            demand for summer trips  because of the collective and
            runs  up  against  pandem-   determined  efforts  of  air-
            ic-era staffing shortages.   port, airline and wider Team
                                         Heathrow teams.”
            Britain’s  busiest  airport  has
            capped  the  daily  number  Soaring  numbers  of  travel-
            of  departing  passengers  at  ers  after  two  years  of  CO-
            100,000  until  Sept.  11  and  VID-19  travel  restrictions
            asked  airlines  to  stop  selling  have  overwhelmed  airports
            tickets and cut flights, stirring  and  airlines,  which  had  laid
            criticism.  The  cap  has  cut  off  thousands  of  employees  and has imposed a passenger  other  London  airports,  ac-  airline ground crews that ser-
            down  on  last-minute  flight  during the depths of the pan-  cap.                     cused  Heathrow  of  “mis-   vice  planes  is  key  to  easing
            cancellations  and  improved  demic.                                                   management” in an interview  the passenger cap and that it
            baggage delivery and on-time                              In London, Heathrow’s pas-   with  the  BBC  published  has  launched  a  review  with
            planes,  Heathrow  said  in  a  Heathrow  has  been  the  fre-  senger limits led British Air-  Thursday.  Michael  O’Leary  that goal.
            statement.                   quent  scene  of  chaos  this  ways to temporarily suspend  said he had he had “very little
                                         summer, with long lines for  short-haul flight sales to des-  sympathy”  for  airports  be-  It  added  that  more  than  6
            The airport said it has hired  security and technical glitch-  tinations  within  the  United  cause  they  knew  the  sched-  million   passengers   trav-
            1,300  people  and  that  the  es  with  the  baggage  system  Kingdom and Europe earlier  ules  months  ahead  of  time  eled  through  Heathrow  last
            number of security screeners  that resulted in huge piles of  this month.              and  security  staffers  don’t  month  and  16  million  are
            is at pre-pandemic levels, al-  lost  and  unclaimed  luggage.                         need as much training as pi-  expected  between  July  and
            lowing 88% of travelers to get  Amsterdam’s  Schiphol  Air-  The CEO of Ryanair, a bud-  lots.                      September.
            through  checkpoints  within  port  also  has  been  hard  hit  get  carrier  that  flies  out  of  Heathrow  said  building  up

                            Western nations pledge more military support for Ukraine

                                                                      efforts in Ukraine “by train-  Britain  on  Thursday  an-  would bring Denmark’s total
                                                                      ing trainers,” its foreign min-  nounced  that  it  will  send  contribution  to  more  than
                                                                      ister said.                  more multiple launch rocket  3  billion  kroner  ($413  mil-
                                                                                                   systems  and  guided  missiles  lion). Danish Prime Minister
                                                                      In a live feed, Ukrainian Pres-  to  Ukraine  to  help  it  resist  Mette Frederiksen called it “a
                                                                      ident  Volodymyr  Zelenskyy  Russia’s  invasion.  The  new  huge donation.”
                                                                      called on Western nations to  weapons,  whose  number
                                                                      provide more money, saying  wasn’t specified, come on top  Part  of  the  money  will  pay
                                                                      “the  sooner  we  stop  Russia,  of several rocket-launch sys-  for 130 Danish troops to help
                                                                      the sooner we can feel safe.”  tems  it  gave  Ukraine  earlier  train  Ukrainian  forces  in
                                                                      “We  need  armaments,  mu-   this  year.  Ukrainian  troops  Britain.
            (AP) — Western countries  ambition  (of  the  West  los-  nitions  for  our  defense,”  he  have  been  trained  in  Britain  Norwegian Defense Minister
            agreed  Thursday  to  con-   ing its willingness to support   said.                    to use them.                 Bjørn Arild Gram said there
            tinue  long-term  funding  Ukraine) has failed.”                                                                    was still unwavering Western
            to help Ukraine’s military  “We  are  still  determined,”   Ukrainian  Defense  Minister  “Our  continued  support  support for Ukraine.
            keep  fighting  nearly  5½  Wallace said.                 Oleksii  Reznikov,  who  at-  sends  a  very  clear  message,
            months  after  Russia  in-                                tended  the  conference,  de-  Britain and the international  “It  is  decisive  for  Ukraine
            vaded its neighbor, saying  The 1.5 billion euros includ-  clined to give details on what  community  remain  opposed  to  be  able  to  defend  itself
            1.5 billion euros ($1.5 bil-  ed  donations  by  the  U.K.,   weapons his country will get.  to  this  illegal  war  and  will  against  the  Russian  attack,”
            lion) has been pledged so  Denmark  and  Norway  but                                   stand  shoulder-to-shoulder,  Arild Gram said.
            far and more is coming.      “it will grow,” Bødskov said,   The  conference,  co-hosted  providing  defensive  military  The Kyiv School of Econom-
                                         adding  “some  of  the  coun-  by  Denmark,  Britain  and  aid to Ukraine to help them  ics released a report Wednes-
            The  money  is  for  enhanc-  tries  need  to  go  back  home   Ukraine,  followed  an  April  defend  against  Putin’s  inva-  day assessing the cost of war
            ing  armaments  production,  and  get  the  support  of  their   meeting at a U.S. air base in  sion,”  Wallace,  the  defense  damage  to  Ukraine’s  infra-
            including  artillery  and  am-  parliaments.”             Germany that established the  chief, said.                structure  at  more  than  $110
            munition;  developing  and  Bødskov  said  that  “money   U.S.-led  Ukraine  Defense                                billion.  The  report  said  304
            strengthening the training of  alone  will  not  do  the  trick,   Contact Group, which coor-  Before the conference, Den-  bridges  and  more  than  900
            Ukrainian soldiers and assist-  as you say, we need increased   dinates international military  mark  said  it  would  give  health care facilities were ei-
            ing  Ukraine’s  efforts  to  de-  productions.”           support for Ukraine.         Ukraine an extra 820 million  ther destroyed or damaged.
            mine areas.                                                                            kroner ($113 million), which
                                         He  thanksed  Poland,  Slova-
            “All  the  countries  that  came  kia  and  the  Czech  Republic
            to  Copenhagen  came  with  for  signaling  a  “willingness
            the  intention  of  supporting  to  expand  production  of  ar-
            Ukraine,”  Danish  Defense  tillery systems, ammunitions
            Minister  Morten  Bødskov  and other equipment.”
            said at the end of the one-day
            meeting of 26 nations and the  At  the  conference,  Nor-
            European Union.              way said it would help train
            British  Defense  Secretary  Ukrainian  troops  in  Britain.
            Ben  Wallace  said  the  meet-  Sweden  and  Finland  earlier
            ing  proved  that  Russian  said they would do the same.
            President  Vladimir  “Putin’s  Iceland  will  assist  demining
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