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A28    u.s. news
                Diabierna 6 november 2020

                            Wall Street rallies again as stocks ride post-election wave

                                                                                                                                cratic sweep.
                                                                                                                                If  Congress  and  the  White
                                                                                                                                House can’t come to a deal,
                                                                                                                                the  pressure  rises  on  the
                                                                                                                                Federal  Reserve  to  do  more
                                                                                                                                to  support  the  economy,  if
                                                                                                                                it can. The central bank has
                                                                                                                                already slashed interest rates
                                                                                                                                to  record  lows  and  stepped
                                                                                                                                forcefully into the bond mar-
                                                                                                                                ket to prop up prices.
                                                                                                                                It will announce its latest de-
                                                                                                                                cision on interest-rate policy
                                                                                                                                in  the  afternoon.  Investors
                                                                                                                                don't  expect  it  to  make  any
                                                                                                                                major  changes,  at  least  not

                                                                                                                                The  yield  on  the  10-year
                                                                                                                                Treasury rose to 0.78% from
                                                                                                                                0.77% late Wednesday. It had
                                                                                                                                been above 0.90% earlier this
                                                                                                                                week,  when  markets  were
                                                                                                                                still  thinking  a  Democratic
                                                                                                                                sweep was possible that could
                                                                                                                                lead to a big stimulus package
                                                                                                                                for the economy.

                                                                                                                                The  pandemic  continues  to
                                                                                                                                weigh on economies around
                                                                                                                                the  world,  with  counts  ris-
                                                                                                                                ing  at  troubling  rates  across
                                                                                                                                much  of  Europe  and  the
                                                                                                                                United  States.  Several  Eu-
                                                                                                                                ropean  governments  have
                                                                                                                                brought  back  restrictions  on
            (AP)  —  Stocks  are  still  they  have  through  the  pan-  why  the  markets  are  per-  But  concerns  about  any  big  businesses in hopes of slow-
            riding  Wall  Street’s  post-  demic  and  for  years  before  forming well.”          changes in tax policy during  ing the spread.
            election  wave  Thursday,  that. Rising expectations that  Stocks  climbed  across  Eu-  the next administration have
            as  markets  bet  on  the  Republicans  can  hold  onto  ropean  and  Asian  markets  mostly abated now that con-   In the U.S., even if the strict-
            continuation  of  several  the  Senate  are  easing  inves-  Thursday.                 trol  of  Congress  looks  as  if  est  lockdowns  from  the
            business-friendly  policies,  tors’  worries  that  a  Demo-                           it will remain split, said Me-  spring don’t return, the wor-
            and  the  S&P  500  is  rally-  cratic-controlled Washington  Wall  Street's  rally  was  wide-  gan  Horneman,  director  of  ry is that the worsening pan-
            ing 1.9% toward its biggest  would beef up antitrust laws  spread,  with  nearly  90%  of  portfolio strategy at Verdence  demic could change consum-
            weekly jump since April.     and  go  after  Big  Tech  more  stocks in the S&P 500 higher.  Capital Advisors.      ers’  behavior  enough  on  its
                                         aggressively.                Qualcomm  jumped  13.3%                                   own to undercut companies’
            Markets  are  banking  on                                 for  the  biggest  gain  in  the  “History tends to tells us that  profits. And that's a potential
            Tuesday's  election  leading  Apple,  Microsoft,  Amazon,  index after it reported stron-  investors  like  gridlock  be-  risk  heading  into  the  holi-
            to split control of Congress,  Facebook  and  Google’s  par-  ger  revenue  and  profit  for  cause there’s really not a big  day  shopping  season,  which
            which  could  mean  low  tax  ent  company  were  all  up  the  latest  quarter  than  ana-  chance of legislative surpris-  many retailers rely on to bulk
            rates,  lighter  regulation  on  between  0.7%  and  2.9%.  lysts  expected.  That's  been  es,” she said Split control of  up sales for the year.
            businesses  and  other  poli-  They’re also the five biggest  the  strongest  trend  through  Washington  also  carries  po-  “The  underlying  economic
            cies that investors like remain  stocks  in  the  S&P  500  by  this  earnings  season,  which  tential  downsides.  Gridlock  situation  is  going  to  drive
            the status quo. The election  market value.               is close to wrapping up. S&P  may lessen the chances of the  whatever happens in the eq-
            still  hasn’t  made  clear  who  Broadly,  markets  are  seeing  500  companies  are  on  pace  U.S. government coming to-  uity  markets,”  Horneman
            will  run  the  White  House  split  control  of  Congress  as  to report a drop in profits of  gether on a deal to deliver a  said.
            next  year,  though  Joe  Biden  a case of what Mizuho Bank  roughly  8%  from  year-ago  big  shot  of  stimulus  for  the
            is pushing closer toward the  calls “Goldilocks Gridlock.”  levels.  That's  much  milder  economy, for example.    In  London,  the  FTSE  100
            needed mark.                 Investors  see  cause  for  op-  than  the  nearly  21%  decline                       rose  0.4%  as  England  began
                                         timism  if  either  Biden  or  Wall Street was forecasting at  That’s   something   inves-  a  four-week  lockdown  that
            The S&P 500 is on pace for its  President Donald Trump ul-  the start of last month. Still,  tors  and  economists  have  will keep closed all shops sell-
            fourth  straight  gain  of  more  timately wins the presidency,  many  analysts  warn  volatil-  been asking for since the last  ing items deemed to be non-
            than 1%, and a 7.3% jump for  and what they want most of  ity may lie ahead. Big swings  round of benefits for laid-off  essential,  such  as  books  and
            the week. That would be its  all is just for a clear winner to  could return as the threat of  workers  and  other  benefits  clothes.  The  Bank  of  Eng-
            best  week  since  the  market  emerge. “Equities fear uncer-  a contested, drawn-out elec-  expired. A report on Thurs-  land  increased  its  monetary
            was exploding out of the cra-  tainty  rather  than  the  actual  tion still looms.    day showed that more work-   stimulus  by  more  than  ex-
            ter  created  in  February  and  outcome,”  strategists  at  Bar-                      ers  filed  for  unemployment  pected  to  help  the  economy
            March  by  panic  about  the  clays wrote in a report.    Trump’s  campaign  has  filed  last  week  than  economists  weather the new measures.
            coronavirus pandemic.                                     legal challenges in some key  expected,  though  the  num-
            The  Dow  Jones  Industrial  But  the  expectation  that  swing states, though it’s un-  ber  was  slightly  better  than  In Paris, the CAC 40 gained
            Average  was  up  483  points,  Biden  has  a  chance  of  win-  clear  whether  they  can  shift  the week before.  1.2%, while Germany’s DAX
            or 1.7%, at 28,331, as of 12:47  ning  has  also  raised  hopes  the race in his favor. A long                      returned 2%.
            p.m.  Eastern  time,  and  the  that  U.S.  foreign  policies  court  battle  without  a  clear  Investors  are  still  hoping  In  Asia,  Hong  Kong’s  Hang
            Nasdaq composite was 2.2%  might  be  “more  clear,”  said  winner  of  the  presidency  Washington  can  agree  on  Seng  gained  3.3%,  Tokyo’s
            higher.                      Jackson Wong, asset manage-  could  raise  uncertainty  and  more stimulus for the econ-  Nikkei  225  climbed  1.7%,
                                         ment director of Amber Hill  drag  down  stocks,  analysts  omy, though they say it likely  South  Korea’s  Kospi  rose
            Technology    stocks   were  Capital. He added, “investors  say.                       won’t  be  as  big  as  it  could  2.4% and stocks in Shanghai
            helping  to  lead  the  way,  as  are  cheering  for  that.  That’s                    have been following a Demo-  added 1.3%.
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