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                                                                                                       sports Diabierna 6 november 2020

                              Rough racing sets up aggressive Truck Series title race

            (AP) — The underappre-       ing up to the Xfinity Series or
            ciated Truck Series opens  Cup Series. "A championship
            NASCAR's  championship  will probably go a long way."
            weekend  with  an  under-
            the-lights  Friday  night  Moffitt is also trying to com-
            shootout that could be the  plete an impressive comeback
            most entertaining event at  from fracturing both legs in a
            Phoenix Raceway.             motocross  bike  crash.  Mof-
                                         fit was in the accident on the
            The path to the winner-take-  first  day  of  NASCAR's  10-
            all  finale  has  been  a  flat-out  week  shutdown  at  the  start
            demolition  derby  with  two  of the pandemic and used the
            consecutive  weeks  of  wild  layoff to recover.
            driving.  Wrecks,  both  delib-
            erately caused and the result  Moffitt and GMS teammates
            of  over-aggressive  driving,  Sheldon Creed, an X-Games
            have  made  the  Truck  Series  gold  medalist  and  two-time
            race the one to watch.       Stadium Super Trucks Series
                                         champion,  and  rookie  Zane
            This final four showdown for  Smith  are  in  Chevrolets.
            NASCAR's feeder series pits  Enfinger  is  in  a  Ford,  and
            a  trio  of  drivers  from  GMS  the  finalists  have  combined
            Racing against veteran Grant  to win 11 of the 22 races this
            Enfinger,  the  lone  driver  season.
            from  ThorSport  Racing  to
            advance.  GMS  Racing  and  All four drivers had to physi-
            Thorsport are stalwarts of the  cally  muscle  their  way  into
            series  that  combine  to  field  the  championship  race  via
            nine full-time entries.      racing  that  could be consid-
                                         ered both daring and dumb.
            Brett Moffitt is in the GMS  Smith  likened  last  week's
            group and looking for a sec-  elimination  race  at  Martins-
            ond  truck  championship  in  ville  Speedway  to  the  chaos
            three years. And just like his  of a local track referred to as  on  the  Cup  side,  people  are  advance  to  Phoenix.  Enfin-  "I think it's over the line for
            situation in 2018 when Mof-  "The  Madhouse,"  and  said  going to be retiring soon and  ger, at 35 the veteran of the fi-  sure  and  I  feel  like  I've  had
            fitt won the title for Hattori  Truck  Series  drivers  are  all  those  seats  have  got  to  be  nalists, won last week's mess  to  stoop  down  to  those  lev-
            Racing  Enterprises  but  lost  hungry to climb NASCAR's  filled," Smith said.         at Martinsville and finds the  els,"  Moffitt  said.  "You're
            his  job  because  he  doesn't  national ladder.          Of  the  four  racing  for  the  series  "unfortunately,  pretty  not going to win unless you
            bring sponsorship, Moffitt is                             title,  only  Creed  found  the  rough" because of how diffi-  are  agressive  as  (others).  It's
            again likely looking for a ride.  Smith said it is clear top jobs  aggressive racing appropriate.  cult it is to pass.   people getting rushed up too
                                         are opening in the Cup level                                                           soon  and  they  think  they've
            He doesn't have an extension  with a spate of retirements —  "We're in the playoffs, right?  "I don't like that, but that's the  got  to  win  right  away  and
            with  GMS  for  next  season  seven-time NASCAR cham-     This  is  what  we've  been  world we live in in the Truck  they  tear  up  a  lot  of  good
            and isn't sure what he will be  pion  Jimmie  Johnson  and  working  for  all  year,"  Creed  Series,"  Enfinger  said.  "You  (equipment) every week.
            racing in 2021.              Clint Bowyer run their final  said. "It's just racing hard and  have to be so aggressive, es-
                                         races  races  Sunday  —  and  I think you are going to see  pecially on restarts to be able  "I hope the guys that are not
            "I'm  confident  I  will  have  the  push  is  on  for  21-year-  more of that this weekend."  to make anything happen."  racing  for  a  championship
            something,  I  don't  know  if  old Smith and his peers to fill                                                     are smart about the way they
            it's  exactly  where  you  want  those seats.             Creed and Enfinger are each  Moffitt  isn't  sure  the  racing  race," he added. "A full season
            but the goal is to stay in com-                           tied  with  a  series-high  four  the title contenders can be as-  ultimately  comes  down  to
            petitive  equipment,"  said  "I feel like there's a big move-  wins,  and  each  won  in  the  sured of a clean race.   one race and hopefully every-
            Moffitt, who is open to mov-  ment in the sport right now,  last round of the playoffs to                           one calms down a little bit."

                          Verdict in landmark Russian doping case expected this year

            (AP)  —  A  verdict  in  the  two months, the Court of  said it expected the ruling by  base from the Moscow test-  World Cup in soccer.
            landmark  doping  case  Arbitration for Sport said  a panel of three judges to "be  ing  laboratory  that  was  long
            that could strip Russia of  Thursday.                     notified to the parties by the  sealed  by  Russian  state  au-  The  International  Olympic
            its  identity  at  the  Olym-                             end of this year."           thorities before it was handed  Committee  and  the  gov-
            pics  is  expected  within  After a four-day hearing, CAS                              over  to  WADA  investigators  erning  body  of  hockey  are
                                                                      The hearing was for a dispute  last  year.  Data  had  been  de-  among the third parties who
                                                                      between  the  World  Anti-   leted, altered and added.    were involved in this week's
                                                                      Doping Agency and its Rus-                                closed-doors  hearing.  It  was
                                                                      sian affiliate, known as RU-  RUSADA  refused  to  accept  held with most of the judges
                                                                      SADA.  The  Russian  agency  the  non-compliance  order  — who are from Australia, It-
                                                                      was  ruled  non-compliant  in  and  the  four-year  slate  of  aly and France — lawyers and
                                                                      December.                    punishments  proposed  by  witnesses  joining  by  video
                                                                                                   the  WADA  executive  com-   link because of the coronavi-
                                                                      "WADA is satisfied with how  mittee.                      rus pandemic.
                                                                      we presented our case and we
                                                                      now look forward to receiv-  WADA's  requested  punish-   WADA  had  requested  the
                                                                      ing the decision of the Panel,"  ments  included  a  ban  on  proceedings  be  opened  to
                                                                      the  global  watchdog's  presi-  Russia's  flag,  anthem  and  the media and other observ-
                                                                      dent, Witold Bańka, said in a  team name at next year's To-  ers. That needed a consensus
                                                                      statement.                   kyo Olympics, the 2022 Bei-  which  was  denied  by  other
                                                                                                   jing Winter Games, and other  parties.
                                                                      The  case  centers  on  a  data-  major sporting events like the
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