Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20201106
P. 30
A30 world news
Diabierna 6 november 2020
Ethiopia says forced into 'aimless war' as bombings alleged
of thousands of people flee fighting
in the midst of the COVID-19 pan-
Ethiopia has imposed a six-month
state of emergency on the Tigray re-
gion, which played a dominant role in
the country’s government and mili-
tary before Abiy took office in 2018.
Since then the region, feeling mar-
ginalized, has split from the ruling
coalition and defied Abiy by holding
a regional election in September that
the federal government called illegal.
Tigray borders Eritrea, which fought
a bloody border war with Ethiopia
before the countries made peace in
2018, shortly after Abiy took power.
The Tigray regional government has
accused Eritrea of teaming up with
Ethiopia’s federal government in this
week’s offensive. Eritrea’s informa-
tion minister did not respond to a re-
quest for comment.
TPLF officials have said airspace over
the region is closed and any damage
to people or property will be met with
“proportional” measures. It accused
(AP) — Ethiopia’s army said military will carry out further opera- Ethiopia’s army deputy chief asserted the federal government of deploying
Thursday the country has been tions this week in response to an al- that members of the Tigray People’s troops to “cow the people of Tigray
forced into an “unexpected and leged deadly attack on a military base Liberation Front are “fleeing and into submission by force.”
aimless war” with its powerful Ti- by the regional government. joining the army; those injured are The TPLF also invited other mem-
gray region, while Tigray asserted receiving medical treatment.” The bers of the security forces across Ethi-
that fighter jets had bombed ar- Observers warn that a civil war in army was trying to avoid civilian ca- opia to join it in “opposing the colo-
eas around its capital — a marked Ethiopia involving the heavily armed sualties, he said. nel Abiy’s regime.”
escalation with little sign of the Tigray region could destabilize the al-
two sides willing to talk to calm ready turbulent Horn of Africa. The The Tigray leader asserted that the The head of Ethiopia’s new state of
the crisis. prime minister, awarded the Nobel Ethiopian army’s northern command emergency committee, Redwan Hus-
Peace Prize last year for his sweeping is siding with the Tigray people, and sein, has told reporters the federal
Ethiopia’s army deputy chief said political reforms, now faces his great- he confirmed that fighting is also tak- government’s conflict is with a “small
military forces are being sent to the est challenge in holding together a ing place in an area bordering the clique of TPLF circles that are keen
fighting from other parts of the coun- country of some 110 million people Amhara region, far from where the to destabilize Ethiopia,” and the gov-
try. “The army will not go anywhere,” with multiple ethnic and other griev- original clash was reported. “They ernment must do everything possible
Birhanu Jula told reporters, amid ances. are surrounding us with their forces,” to “liberate the Tigrayan people.” The
fears that the conflict would spill into Communications remained cut off he said. TPLF over the weekend told the AP
other regions of Africa’s second-most in the northern Tigray region after it’s not interested in negotiating with
populous nation. “The war will end services disappeared at just around Verifying either side’s claims re- the federal government. It was not
there.” the time Abiy’s office first announced mained a challenge. clear if that stance had changed in
the attack and military action early “Certainly there is fighting, but I light of the new events.
For his part, the Tigray region’s presi- Wednesday. The lack of contact has don’t think anyone can credibly assert
dent, Debretsion Gebremichael, told challenged efforts to verify the Ethio- who attacked who first,” former U.S. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
reporters that “we are in position to pian federal government’s account of diplomat Payton Knopf, a senior ad- in a statement overnight seemed to
defend ourselves from enemies that events. visor with the United States Institute support the federal government’s ac-
waged war on the Tigray region. ... of Peace, told the AP on Wednesday count of events, saying the U.S. was
We are ready to be martyrs." The Tigray capital, Mekele, appeared night. He wondered why the well- “deeply concerned by reports that the
calm on Thursday morning but skir- armed Tigray region’s forces would Tigray People’s Liberation Front car-
Ethiopia’s government has not com- mishes took place elsewhere, a source start by raiding a command post: ried out attacks on Ethiopian Nation-
mented on the bombing allegation, told The Associated Press, speaking “They’re not lacking for weaponry.” al Defense Force bases in Ethiopia’s
read out Thursday evening on the Ti- on condition of anonymity because Aid organizations and human rights Tigray region on November 3. We are
gray regional broadcaster. The strong they were not authorized to speak to groups are pleading for communica- saddened by the tragic loss of life and
words came a day after Prime Min- the media about it. tions links to be restored and warning urge immediate action to restore the
ister Abiy Ahmed told the nation the of a humanitarian disaster if hundreds peace and de-escalate tensions.”
Puerto Rico legislator accused in federal corruption case
(AP) — A Puerto Rico legislator reelected eral government officials have asked him to resign
two days ago was arrested Thursday on feder- He said Vega received the money via direct deposit since his arrest.
al corruption charges, including bribery and into his bank and a Home Depot account. After
wire fraud. one pay raise, the employee reportedly was earning The alleged scheme is similar to those federal au-
$2,270 every two weeks. thorities say were run by former Puerto Rico rep-
Néstor Alonso Vega is accused of more than dou- Vega has pleaded not guilty. resentatives Nelson del Valle and María Milagros
bling the salary of one unidentified employee and “Tata” Charbonier, who were arrested in August
then demanding half of it in return in a scheme He has served four years in Puerto Rico’s House of and have since resigned. All three are members
that began in 2018, according to U.S. Attorney Ste- Representatives and is the president of the Com- of the governor's pro-statehood New Progressive
phen Muldrow. mission on Tourism and Social Well Being. Sev- Party.