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                                                                      obituario/u.s. news Diaranson 20 october 2021

                                                                                                               Colin Powell had mixed

                                                                                                                  legacy among some

                                                                                                                   African Americans

                                                                                                             (AP) — As an American leader, Colin Pow-
             “De Heer heeft mij gezien en onverwacht         Señor ta mi wardador, mi lo no tin falta di nada.  ell’s credentials were impeccable: He was na-
             ben ik opnieuw geboren en getogen.              E ta pone mi drumi den lugarnan di yerba berde.  tional security adviser, chairman of the Joint
             Hij heeft mijn licht ontstoken in de nacht,     Salmonan 23:1-2                                 Chiefs and secretary of state. But his legacy
             gaf mij een levend hart en nieuwe ogen.                                                         as  the  first  Black  person  in  those  roles  is
             Zo komt hij steeds met stille overmacht.        Despues di bo vuelo pa cas di Señor, lo bo ta   murkier, with some African Americans say-
             en zo neemt hij voor lief mijn onvermogen”.     for di nos bista pero NUNKA for di nos curason  ing that his voice on their behalf could have
                                                                                                             been louder.
             Bedroefd  om  haar  heengaan,  maar  met  een   Cu hopi tristeza na nos curason nos ta anuncia
             dankbare  herinnering  aan  haar  liefde  en  grote   Fayecimento di nos mama y wela stima:     Powell, who died Monday of COVID-19 compli-
             wijsheid en alles wat zij tijdens haar leven voor                                               cations, spent 35 years in the Army and rose to
             ons heeft betekend, delen wij u mede dat in het                                                 political prominence under Republican presidents
             volle vertrouwen op God van ons is heengegaan,                                                  Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and George
             onze (groot) tante Truus, mijn zus Bea                                                          W. Bush. His stature fueled persistent speculation
                                                                                                             that he would one day run for president as a mem-
                                                                                                             ber of the GOP.

                                                                                                             Through it all, Powell never seemed entirely com-
                                                                                                             fortable talking  about  race,  said Kevin  Powell,  a
                                                                                                             New York-based writer and rights activist who is
                                                                    Martelia Helena Tsu-Dirksz               not related to Colin Powell.
                                                                    Mihor conocí como: Tina of Tinachi
                                                                         11/11/1933 – 17/10/2021             “I think that’s why a lot of Black folks never saw
                                                                                                             him as a leader. There was never a sense that Colin
                                                             Na nomber di su esposo:                         Powell was one of us,” said Kevin Powell, who met
                                                             † Tsu, Kwai Fong
                                                                                                             him in the 1990s, when he was often discussed as
                                                             Na nomber di su yiunan:                         a potential presidential candidate.
                                                             Charles y Cornelia Tsu-v/d Weide
                                                             Merry Tsu                                       When  he  did  talk  about  race,  his  words  were
                   Beatrice Henriette Sno                    Luvia y Albert Bitter-Tsu                       measured, as in a 1994 commencement speech at
                                                                                                             Howard University: “Racism is a disease that you
               Geboren 3 mei 1929 - Overleden 13 oktober     Sandra Tsu                                      can help cure by standing up for your rights, and
                                                             Su nietonan:                                    by your commitment to excellence and to perfor-
             Suze  van  Liessum-Sno  weduwe  vanJan  van     Gerald Tsu                                      mance, by being ready to take advantage of your
             Liessum en familie                              Leon y Irren Tsu-Silva                          rights and the opportunities that will come from
             Edy Ranada                                      Sherissa Tsu y Cedric Wever                     those rights.”
             Cheryl Coronel                                  Jennifer y Jordy Monninkhof-Tsu
             Marc en Grace Coronel                           Marylou Sanchez y Antonio Mingo
             Mace                                            Joey y Flor Lacle-Castro
                                                             † Christopher Lacle
             Families, vrienden en buurtgenoten              Answard Werleman
             Sno,  Ranada,  Coronel,  Van  Mulier,  Dilrosun,   Joshua Werleman y Elgeny Yarzagaray
             Harms,  van  Liessum,  Goedhoop,  Sarijoen,
             Zaandam, Burke, Mohamed, Maduro                 Su bisanietonan:
             overige  buurtgenoten  en  overige  familie  uit   Alexander  Tsu,  Kellsea  Tsu,  Dominic  Lacle,  Nicole
             Aruba Curaçao Suriname en Nederland             Lacle, Sheramin Werleman, Alastair Werleman, Ryan
                                                             Monninkhof, Linsey Monninhof
             Allen worden uitgenodigd voor het afscheid dat                                                  Ki alegria, ora nan a bisa mi:
             op  woensdag  20  oktober  2021  zal  plaatsvinden   Su rumannan:                               “Ban cas di Señor!”
             van 9 am to 11 am in Aurora Funeral Home        † Teresita Dania-Dirksz y famia                 I awor, ata mi aki para na bo porta Señor.
                                                             † Reina Dirksz y famia                          Salmo 122
                                                             † Cristobal Dirksz y famia
                                                             † Maria Lugo-Dirksz y famia                     Cu  dolor  na  nos  curason,  nos  ta  participa
               FOR ALL YOUR FLYER                            † Dora Dirksz y famia                           fayecimento di nos ser stima:
                                                             † Beatrix Leong-Dirksz y famia

               DISTRIBUTIONS                                 † Margarita Dirksz y famia
                                                             Martha Jansen-Dirksz y famia
                                                             Florentina Dirksz y famia
                                                             Rudolf Dirksz y famia
                                                             Amiganan  Ayudante:  Asuncion  Escobar  y  Angelica
                                                             Demas  famia,  sobrino  y  sobrinanan,  primo  y
                                                             primanan, bisiñanan y conocirnan:
                                                             Dirksz, Tsu, v/ Weide, Leong, Dania, Lugo, Zievinger,
                                                             Quant, Jansen, Van den Berg, Sanchez, Lacle, Bitter,

                                                             Ta invita pa e acto di condolencia y despedida cu lo
                                                             tuma lugar diabierna 22 di october 2021 di 2’or pa 4’or   Maria M. Dubero
                                                             di atardi na Aurora Funeral Home, cremacion lo tuma      Cariñosamento yama “Rubia”
                                                             lugar den seno di famia.                                  *25-10-1923 - †14-10-2021
                      Call: 582-7800
               email:                   Despues  di  entiero  nos  no  por  ricibi  bishita  di   Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues
                                                             condolencia na cas.
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